What If: Preview

Don't speak, I can't believe
This is here, happening
Our situation isn't right
Get real, who you're playing with
I never thought he'd be like this
You were supposed to be there by my side


The day that the love of her life shattered her heart into a million pieces.

Don't speak, I can't believe

Was the day she decided to give up her dream and vanish from the Hollywood scene.

This is here happening

So she said her last goodbye to the dreams that held so many memories of him.

Our situation isn't right

It was time for her to just admit it she was never good enough for him, not even with the glamor all around her.


The drums making my hips move as if they were ready to and steady to follow the beat, music blaring from the speakers making the four walls around her shake. She felt everything she had built so carefully came tumbling down. She didn't ask for this life. The fame. The fans. The music. The no privacy thing. The love she felt for him. She didn't ask for him to fall down from the heavens above.

She didn't ask for him to break her. She didn't ask to be his forever without her to be given a choice. She was a game. A playtoy. The little play toy he always wanted. Except he had made her fall. This was her last goodbye. Her last chance to shine. Even if he broke her and crushed her leaving her with nothing left because she gave him everything.

"FIVE MINUTES BELLA" she heard her dad yell as he ran around ordering the guards around as she put on her jacket to not get to cold. "OKAY, COMING DAD" she yelled back.

Double checking in the mirror she saw who she never wanted to become. Her mother. Renee was always caught up in her own shit she never cared if others around her were suffering. As long as she was okay and living the life in style she didn't give a damn.

She felt the adrenaline running threw her veins as she felt pumped ready to close the last concert with the last song she wrote for him. She was ready. She knew he was out there on stage ready for her to run up there and be a failure. She couldn't help the fact of her stomach sinking as she finally processed the thought she had to share the stage with him since his band was opening for her concerts.

She felt herself about to drown in her own tears as she remembered his exact words "I can't do this anymore, I don't need you anymore" NO! she screamed at herself you will not cry for him. She talked herself the whole way to the stage.

"You ready" she looked to her left and saw Rosalie standing there besides her with a comfortating smile.

"I was born ready, nothing can break me now" she said as she felt the music start. She took off her sweater grabbed the mic from Alice's hand as she took one step and gave Emmett the signal, he nodded and winked at her. She laughed at his goofiness.


The screams filled my ears as I took in the scenere it was packed from the front, front to the top, top not one seat empty. The signs reading the love, adoration, and the role model she knew she had become.

she laughed as she picked up the mic.

"kay well I wrote two songs last night before going to bed, this first song is about how much I asked myself What if he was ready to save me would he do it. What if I hadn't fallen for him would I end up wounded? So here is my song What if" she yelled into the mic as she got right in the middle of the stag.

I grabbed hold of the mic as I heard the soft melody hit my ears as I took off the music plugs out of my ears.

Don't speak.
I can't believe...
This is here happening.
Our situation isn't right.

I felt the emotions hit me all at once.

Get real, who you playing with?
I never thought you'd be like this.
You were supposed to be there by my side.

Ugh not crying remember that Bella he can't see you cry never, he will see how weak you truly are.

When you say that you want me, I just don't believe it.
You're always ready to give up&&never turn around.

I turned around to see him looking at me with regret, sorrow his emotions on display.

But what if I need you baby?
Would you even try to save me?
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true?
What if I said I loved you?
Would you be the one to run to?
Or would you watch me walk away without a fight?

I got down on my knees as if begging for him to hear me out, to never let me go.

I'm so sick of worrying that you're gonna quit over anything.
I can trip&&you let go like that.
&&everything that we ever were...
It seems to fade, but not the hurt.
Cause you don't know the good things from the bad.
When I say that I want you, you know that I mean it.
&&in my hour of weakness, there's still time to try.

But what if I need you baby?
Would you even try to save me?

Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true?
What if I said I loved you?
Would you be the one to run to?
Or would you watch me walk away without a fight?

Every time I speak you try&&stop me, cause every little thing I say is wrong.
You say you're noticing, but you'll never see.
This is who I really am, but you can't relate.
Makes me wanna know right now if it's me you'll live with out, or would you change your mind?

What if I need you?

But what if I need you baby?
Would you even try to save me?
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true?
What if I said I loved you?
Would you be the one to run to?
Or would you watch me walk away without a...

Oh baby, what if I need you?

Yeah, yeah.

What if I need...
What if I need you?

Oh, what if I need you?

If I need you, you, you... ?

My knees felt weak, but I stood I felt emotionally drained as I stared at everyone the fans infront of me.

"Okay well here is my latest singel Who Knew hit Emmett" I yelled into the mike.

You took my hand
You showed me how
You promised me
You'd be around

Uh huh
That's right
I took your words
And I believed

In everything
You said to me
Yeah huh
That's right

I looked right at Edward as I said the next lines with the hateful voice in the lead.

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong
I know better
'Cause you said forever
And ever
Who knew

Remember when
We were such fools
And so convinced
And just too cool
Oh no,
No no.
I wish I could touch you again
I wish I could still call you a friend
I'd give anything

I knew I was hurting him with the words I was singing, the song being decated to him. He knows its true.

When someone said count your blessings now
'fore they're long gone
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
They knew better
Still you said forever

I knew I was hurting him with everything I was saying. He knew it was true. Rosalie said it would never happen. Alice said it was going to be hard. Lauren said it was never meant to be. Emmett joked we were perfect. Jasper just laughed with all the 'stupid' yet so true jokes. All he did was say we were meant to be together FOREVER. They knew better. Still he denied everything.

And ever
Who knew

Yeah yeah
I'll keep you locked in my head
Until we meet again
Until we
Until we meet again
And I won't forget you my friend
What happened

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss
I'll cherish
Until we meet again

And time makes
It harder
I wish I could remember

I was now on my knees begging myself to never forget to never forget how true these words were the last words I wrote to him, saying my silent goodbye.

But I keep
Your memory
You visit me in my sleep

My darling

Who knew
My darling
My darling
Who knew
My darling
I miss you
My Darling
Who Knew

Who knew

I bowed and grabbed the white roses falling all over the place as I laughed as the glitter and colorful papers flew out of the stage landing around everyone. I laughed and walked off stage.

I packed everything and was out the door before anyone noticed leaving behind in everyone's dressing room a letter for everyone.

this was my silent goodbye.