Did I say this was completed? No!!!!!! I forgot the nicest part of the stories I like!

Ladies and Gentlemen!!~

(Kaito Kid appears onstage, waving his white cloak about)

Kid: Welcome to the Omake Theater! (Clasps hands and doves fly out from under his hat) Oops! Birdies please go back down there! (Clutches at hat)

(Birdies peck at his face)

Kid: Ow Ow OW! (Waves hands to shoo away birds) Okay! Now the show starts!

(Kid disappears in a puff of pink smoke, and the curtain lifts up)

(Fade to black)

Chapter One
Omake One: Death by seafood

Kaito was dashing down the corridor, away from Aoko's fish weapon. When he felt that he was far enough, he stopped, gasping for oxygen. His heart went bmp-bmp-bmp in his chest, threatening to burst into pieces.
"Blast you, Aoko! Why did my mum have to tell you what I'm most afraid of, when you would only use it to taunt me?!" he fumed silently, his fingers nearly curling into a sign of vulgarity.
He stomped down into the basement, trying to get his mind off the fish. "I should probably go see the doll first, then plan how to steal it…" he muttered to himself.
His deft fingers pried open the door to the vault, which someone had so conveniently unlocked but had not opened, pushed it wide.
Almost immediately, a huge wave of water cascaded down onto him, filling up the basement. Kaito blinked, taken aback by the sudden force of water that he had almost forgot to grab onto something sturdy to prevent him from being washed away. He swam to the open door and slipped into the room.
He was face to face with a flat animal that had two enormous eyes bulging out of the sides of its head.
"Flub-flub-flub…!!!!!" A stream of bubbles escaped from his mouth, as he opened it to scream in fright.
Kaito blacked out at the mere sight of the fish in front of him, and floated out into the vast room.


The crewmember's holler jolted the people in the office to attention. They scrambled out to the decks to try and find the poor soul. They pointed in this way and that, yelling words that no one could discern among the commotion. Conan slipped down to the water level on a rope held tight by the other sailors, and prodded at the soaking wet body held suspended in the sea. His bright eyes widened as he figured out what had happened, and plunged his hand into the water, gripping at something slimy. Soon, he cried back up to the other waiting passengers.
"The victim is Kuroba Kaito, aged 17, cause of death is drowning and murder, venue of murder was the basement, just outside the escape hatch, and the culprit is the fish I'm holding!"

Chapter Six
Omake Two: More Fish

"So sorry about that, Tantei-kun."
Conan looked up, and saw Kid's face staring right into his; the latter's eyes gleaming with amusement and pride, not a trace of sorrow like he had just expressed.
"Sarcasm, Kid. Not good when used on young kids like me, for instance."
Kid chortled. "Still snappy even when you're half-unconscious, are you? Well then, that teaches me a lesson on trying to kidnap people. Need to knock them out with tranquilizers from their own wristwatch next time. So, how's it feel to get Kid-napped, Tantei-kun?" he guffawed heartily at his own joke, nearly bending over double in laughter.
Conan huffed. Here he was wishing that he could get his own back at the stupid thief. Suddenly an idea popped into his mind, and he dug around in his pocket and pulled out a fishbowl. Inside was a huge piranha with sharp, strong jaws and serrated teeth. It gashed them hungrily at Kid, whose face seemed to drain of blood every second he stared at the animal.
"Meet my new friend, Kid!" He cried, as he sloshed the fish onto the teenager, who screamed and yelped in horror and pain. He laughed cruelly at the floundering boy, and poured more fishes onto him.

When Akako came in, she saw a mutilated, half-dead Kid on the ground and Conan gone.

Omake Three: UFO

"What? An UFO in Tokyo?"
"Yeah!" replied Kogoro as his eyes scanned the article. "But this is a weird kind of UFO. It's got wings instead of the shiny laser things they always show in the movies." He traced his finger along the blurry silhouette of the Unidentified Flying Object as Ran looked on. "I wonder, how much will it fetch if I catch it?"
His daughter sighed, then went off to wake up the sleeping tenant.

"Uh….Dad? I think I've found our UFO."
Kogoro looked up, and saw Ran freezing stock-still in front of Conan's room, its door wedged slightly open. He got up and followed her, and then peeked in cautiously.

Shinichi was lying on the kid's bed, his great wings extended out fully, filling up half the room. His eyes were closed in sweet slumber, completely relaxed and worried about nothing under the sun. His gentle breath swirled up little whirls of wind that whisked up the feathers floating around him.

"S-S-Shinichi's the UFO?!"

The boy rubbed his eyes sleepily, and sat up. "Mmmph… Morning already?" he mumbled sleepily, looking up at the both of them. "Ran…? Uncle?"

They both looked back down at him, a funny emotion displayed on their faces. He stared, at them confusedly, and finally caught sight of his reflection in their shiny irises.

"Oh darn."

(Kaito Kid reappears)

Kid: And there you have it, folks! Three little (lame) omakes to think about! Goodnight and thank you all, everyone!

(With a wave of his cloak, he disappears.)

(Fade to black)