Disclaimer: I own no Naruto Characters they belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

Warnings: boyxboy relationships

Pairings: Ita/sasu, Ita/Naru/Sasu, Mada/Kyuu, onesided Oro/Sasu, Pein/Naru

Chapter 13

Sasuke paled and looked at Madara in shock and a little bit of fear. Naruto could sense Sasuke's turmoil and squeezed his hand in reassurance. Sasuke turned to Naruto and gave a weak smile in return. Itachi looked at his little brother worriedly and sighed. "Uncle, do you know their movements?" "Hmm, Pein who is the leader ordered Orochimaru to capture Naruto, and he sent his right hand man to the high school his name is Kabuto." Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other knowingly. "Outoto, do you know something?" "Yeah a guy named Kabuto was trying to befriend Naruto. When I tried to read his mind I was blocked somehow."

Itachi turned to Sasuke and said with a little anger, "Why didn't you tell me as soon as you got home?" Sasuke winced at his tone of voice, "I was going to but Madara came and I forgot until he mentioned about Orochimaru." Itachi stared into Sasuke's eyes and could detect no lies so he nodded to show that he believed him. He turned back to Madara, "We will have to be careful and be on our guard from now on."

Kyuubi listened to the conversation, but also tried to get Naruto's attention, but the younger Kitsune was ignoring him and trying to lend strength to Sasuke by cuddling into his side. He sighed in sadness and wondered if Naruto would ever forgive him for his mistake. "Alright Naruto," Naruto looked towards Madara who called his name, "Itachi and I think that you should stay with him and Sasuke, What do you think?" Naruto's eyes widened and he blushed, "Umm, I guess that would be safer, especially since I will soon be going into heat in a couple of weeks. I will be vulnerable at that time." Madara nodded his head and turned to Kyuubi who was looking a little fore-lone.

Sasuke looked at the two adults across from him, "the two of you are mates aren't you?" It was Kyuubi who answered, "Yeah, we mated a couple of years ago." That got Naruto's attention, "do you have a mark on you too?" Kyuubi was surprised that Naruto talked to him, "No, you're a special case because you are able to carry kits where I cannot." "Oh, I see." Naruto continued to cuddle into Sasuke's side and ignoring Kyuubi's presence.

Madara noticed his mates hurt face and decided that it was time to leave. "We are going to take our leave now. Protect each other and I will be in touch." Itachi nodded, "of course uncle, I will see you to the door." Madara and Itachi left, but Kyuubi stayed, "Kit, I love you. I'll come and visit later." Kyuubi tried to ruffle Naruto's hair but he flinched away from the touch and moved closer to Sasuke. Kyuubi smiled sadly, "right, the goodbye Sasuke take care of the kit." "I will always take care of Naruto." With that Kyuubi left to the front door where his mate was waiting for him.

Sasuke looked down at naruto, "Are you going to be alright?" Naruto looked up and smiled, "Yeah, I just need some time to think about what Kyuubi said." Then he remembered what Madara said about Orochimaru coming after Sasuke. He sat up and looked at Sasuke seriously, "Why is that Orochi guy after you?" It wasn't Sasuke who answered but Itachi. "Orochimaru is obsessed with the Uchiha clans ability, but he wants Sasuke as a play toy too." Naruto looked at Sasuke in alarm, "he will not get him, I won't let him." Itachi and Sasuke smiled at Naruto's determination. "You're right we will protect and guard each other." Naruto smiled and nodded at Itachi's statement.

"Well come on, it's getting late and the two of you have to go to school tomorrow." Naruto looked at his two mates, "where am I going to sleep?" The two smirked at him, "you will sleep with us of course." Naruto blushed and stared at them in shock. Sasuke chuckled, "don't worry we won't to anything besides sleep." All three of them headed up the stairs towards the brother's room. Naruto stopped outside the door as he remembered that he had no night clothes to change into. He mentioned this to the other two in the room. "Not to worry, we usually sleep either naked or just in our boxers." Naruto stared at Itachi in shock, with a blush spread across his face. 'he is so cute when he blushes.' The two brothers thought.

Sasuke and Itachi started to take off their clothes until they were down to their boxers and crawled into the bed. Sasuke looked over to where Naruto was standing and saw that he was still dressed and had his mouth opened in shock. He chuckled and got off the bed and walked to the frozen kitsune, and whispered in his ear "do you want some help undressing." He gave Naruto's ear a lick which made him squeak in surprise. Sasuke smirked at the cute noise and started to undress the younger male. When he was down to his boxers he came out of his shocked state and gulped at the hungry look that the other two where giving him. Sasuke took a hold of his hand and dragged him to the bed and in between him and Itachi.

Naruto laid down between the two and they wrapped their arms around him, which made him feel safe and loved. Itachi nuzzled into Naruto's neck, "we should go to sleep." Not long after all three fell into slumber, with the ones they loved.

(In an apartment a few miles from the school.)

"It is going to be more difficult then we thought..." The figure waited for the other on the phone to stop talking. "Yes I understand Orochimaru – Sama, I will not fail you." Kabuto hung up the phone and smirked in the darkness. "Sasuke, Naruto you will not escape the Akatsuki or my master."


Avenger24: Hope you enjoy this chapter, Please R&R.