A/N This chapter has some dirty words, and some sexual references. Just thought I would warn you in case you dont enjoy that sort of thing. Besides that happy reading, oh and feel free to review. ;)

It could not be done. There was no two ways about it. No matter how many times it proved to be, illogical or a distraction. Even with the fear of getting caught, it could not be done.

Seeley Booth could not stop looking at her mouth. He was like a moth to a flame. Couldn't look away, he was pretty sure he hadn't made eye contact in two weeks. It was her fault really. Eating that damned Popsicle the way that she did. It wasn't that he hadn't noticed how sweet her mouth was before. He had a definite appreciation for the full lips, the straight white teeth, and the husky timbre of her voice. But he used to have some self control. Now, well now things were different. Now he had a vivid image of what the beautiful mouth of hers would look like doing um certain other things. He had a perfect memory of her pretty pink tongue darting out of her mouth to catch a drop of juice melting from said Popsicle.

He was going to get in trouble. She had to notice that he had been starring. That his breath had hitched every time she had licked her lips. That he needed her to repeat everything. Although she had yet to say anything, she had to be confused. And what exactly was he supposed to tell her? Oh sorry Bones, but I can't stop thinking of your mouth, touching it, tasting it, feeling it. No that would definitely not go over well. It wasn't like he wasn't trying to concentrate. He really was. He tried looking away, thinking that if he just didn't look at her at all he could finally concentrate. But that proved to be futile, because every time he heard her voice he could not stop himself from turning back to look at her.

That was the sickest part, this it wasn't just her mouth but her voice as well. He had heard Bones say many things, a lot of things which he didn't understand. Fifty cent words that had more syllables than most of the words he knew. But he had also heard her say some words that would make a sailor blush. Give her a few beers and she cussed with the best of them. It was one of the things that he loved about her. But it was getting out of hand. Because now he knew what her voice sounded like saying those dirty words.

All Booth knew today was that those things coupled together equaled disaster.

Today was no different than any of the days he had seen her in the last two weeks. He had walked into the Jeffersonian with the intent of beating this thing. He had spoken to both Cam and Angela without his eyes and ears subconsciously seeking her out. And just like every other day he thought for sure he had gotten control of himself. Until he walked into her office. She was on the phone so that prevented him from speaking before she got a chance to. Closing his eyes and taking some deep breaths he stepped into her office. At first it was silent; she was obviously listening to whoever was on the other line. Fingering the poker chip in his pocket, he prayed for the strength to get through this. He looked at her eyes, and was able to momentarily hold contact. Momentarily being the key word, because as soon as she spoke he was drawn to her mouth.

The way that her tongue moved inside her mouth, touching her lips or the roof of her mouth to pronounce those words he didn't understand. The way she did that crooked half smile he loved so much, when she thought something was amusing. He was fascinated. Couldn't move couldn't look away. He briefly hoped that a trail of drool had not started to run down his cheek. He couldn't control his thoughts, the vivid images. The breaking point came when his ears decide to join in the mutiny that his eyes had started. Every other word she spoke he could hear her saying something dirty. Parietal, fuck, phalanges, cock, manubrium, cum. This was the last straw. He could not deny himself anymore. He was thirsty and she was the water. He advanced on her slowly. He had tunnel vision. All he could see was her mouth, all he could hear were all the dirty things she liked to say. When he was close enough to smell her, it was a full on assault on his senses. He didn't care if they carried him out in a straight jacket after this, or if she decided to kill him. Either way he would be a happy man for knowing how she tasted, how she sounded, how she smelled. With one hand on her desk and the other on her chair, he leaned forward with every intent of claiming ownership of her mouth.


Oh god, as hard as it was Booth forced himself to concentrate for a moment. He was making her nervous, she didn't want this, and she didn't want him. What was he doing? He was about to practically assault her right here in her office. Maybe he did need that straight jacket, because he was out of his fucking mind. Finding the will power, from god only knows where he started to lean back. And that's when she did it. She pulled her full bottom lip into her mouth biting down on it with her perfect white teeth. Booth could not control the growl that came rumbling out of his mouth. This was going to happen, nothing could stop him. Not common sense, not god, and not the threat of bodily harm.

"Bones, I am going to kiss you, there is just no two ways about it."

As his lips descended on hers the only thought that went through Brennan's mind before she let herself succumb to Booths kiss was, it's about fucking time.