"Your not too bad yourself" I said weakly yet with a big smile on my face as I realized that everything was going to be okay now. All my friends are here, one of them with a laser beam, and Zach's here...and he loves me. Before I knew it he leaned down, ignoring the people behind us, and kissed me. He'd break away and whisper my name and then kiss me again and I knew exactly how he felt. I loved Zach and I wanted him with me for the rest of my life, no matter where this crazy life of mine might take me, I know I want him there.

The crowd behind us started hooting and clapping and i heard sobs too. That's when we broke away and after giving him a big smile and I turned to our saviors who were stading nearby. First I looked at Jonas who was holding the oddest most technical looking ray gun I've ever seen with a smug look on his face, like he thought he was the terminator. He was stading next to Liz and then right next to her was Macy, Bex, and Grant. My three best friends ran at me the second we made eye contact and, pushing Zach out of the way, got around me and starting hugging and laughing and crying and screaming. It was a happy reunion to say the least. Who knew it would take some of the worst weeks of my life to add up to the best day of my life.

Zach was standing with Grant and Jonas smiling and hugging them and as I walked over there he turned towards me and met me halfway and grabbed me around the waste and spun me around and said in a playful carefree voice as if he didnt care who heard " You have no idea how happy i am right now I've missed you so much!" He put me down and put his arms around me and then i heard Macey say,

" Hey, your not the only one!" and right after that we were all in a big group and laughing and smiling together.

I knew from that moment on that things were only going to get better. There may be trouble again but who cares, as long as I have these friends I think I'll be good… Here we go!

Wow! I completely forgot about this story, I got a different account and forgot to finish. So here's an ending :) I think I'm going to write another fan fic! Any suggestions on what story?

Thanks to the people who still kept reviewing even when i was MIA :D love you guys! I'd also like to give a shout out to CitCatMcoy...She's always an enthusiastic reviewer :D