Title: One of Those Nights

Author: PlatinumRoseLady

Disclaimer: Don't own them, would be very careful with them if I did, though, Mr. Kripke…

Challenge Word: "Bind" Used a variation

Word Count: 100 on the dot. Because that's the way I roll

Language Warning: One very bad word. I need to try harder.

Players: Go to Enkidu07's page, and you'll find all the usual suspects. Resistance is futile – you will be drabbleized. We're like the Borg, only cuter.

Spoiler Alert: None. Set in Season One. For the lovely sidjack who wanted some Giggling!Sam (who doesn't?)

Dean is sure there are worse things than this.

There HAVE to be worse things than finding out the "ghost" that's been haunting an upscale neighborhood is just a very clever burglar.

Who got the jump on them.

Who left him and Sam on the bed, bound quite neatly, back to back.

And when he tries to move his hands, he pokes Sam in the ribs.

And Sam keeps giggling because he's ticklish there, has been since he was a baby.

Dean is SURE there are worse things.

But, honestly?

Right now he has no fucking clue what they are.