
Col. John Sheppard's mind was still whirling from the negotiation meeting he just walked out of. He knew the rest of the team on Atlantis were going to be disappointed. They came incredible close to acquiring two fully charged ZPM.

But the price was impossible.

Ronon slammed the door and paced ahead of Sheppard. "Let's get out of here."

They made good time back to the gate and met Major Lorne's team there.

"Well?" Lorne approached, wiping his forehead and pulling off his sunglasses for moment. The planet they were currently on was sweltering hot. "Did you come to an agreement with the leaders?"

"Dial the gate, major. I'd rather not get into it right now."

Lorne nodded and began dialing. Turning back to Sheppard and Ronon after locking the last symbol, he observed that both men looked frustrated. Ronon especially looked angry and had a slight gash on his forehead. Something went down.

Major Lorne's team and both men stepped through the open worm hole and reached back to Atlantis within seconds. Sheppard looked up at the control room and shook his head at Woolsey. Pointing at the briefing room, he opened a private channel to the commander. "Meet us in five, sir. You're going to want to hear this right away."

Woolsey nodded and began his way to meet the men.

"Paging Dr. Keller to the briefing room." Woolsey, observing the blood on Ronon, quickly hailed the CMO to the room as well.

"On my way, sir." Keller's voice came through the transmission.

Meanwhile, Sheppard and Ronon slumped into their chairs when they reached the room. "This is going to be an interesting briefing." Sheppard muttered to Ronon.

Ronon just grunted. Unloading his pack and setting his gun on the floor, he grabbed the pitcher of water a crew member brought into the room, quickly poured it into a glass, and gulped it down.

"Seriously, do you ever not get into a fight?" Dr. Keller quickly walked in with a portable medical kit. Ronon paused to look at her and then resumed filling up his glass another time.

Wiping his mouth, he turned to her, sitting down as she perched on the table above him. "You're not one to talk, doc. We can't take you off world without some sort of catastrophe happening."

Dr. Keller snorted. He had a point.

Commander Woolsey quickly walked into the room, shutting the doors. "Sheppard, what on earth happened? We thought this would be a simple trade." John's eyes rolled back. "I'm assuming they turned down our offer for medical supplies and training from Atlantis?"

"Yeah, you could say that." Sheppard began, leaning forward, shoulders slumped forward. Slamming his fist down, he ran his hands through his sweaty hair. "They brushed it aside like it was absolutely worthless to them."

Keller paused from wiping the blood away from Ronon's forehead. "What?" Turning to Sheppard, she shook her head. "Tereck hung on every word I said while I was there with my team. He soaked up everything we said and couldn't get enough of looking through our research, our medicines... that doesn't make sense." Remembering herself, she stopped. Turning to Woolsey, she quickly spoke. "Sorry, sir, for the interruption. I'm almost done here."

Sheppard shook his head. "That's the thing, doc." He gave her a slanted look. "I think you're going to want to stay to hear all of this."

Confused, Keller closed her kit and sank down in the chair next to Ronon. Staying silent, she looked back at Sheppard across the table.

"So what do they want?" Woolsey asked, impatient.

Ronon glared at Sheppard. "Let's just say they want above and beyond medical training."

Sheppard nodded. "Sir... doc. Well, they want Keller."

Keller's jaw dropped. "What?" She squeaked out. "Define want me."

Sheppard smiled sarcastically for the first time in the meeting. "As in, Tereck specifically requested for you."

"As in, move there permanently?" Woolsey asked

Nodding his head, Sheppard continued. "Oh, and there's more. It seems the village doctor, who is also the son of the leader if you remember correctly, took a special shine to our doctor."

Grunting, Ronon nodded. "Tereck wants to propose a trade. Doctor Keller's marriage to him for a ZPM."

Jumping out of her seat, Keller backed up. "No. This is a joke." Whirling on Sheppard, she pointed. "You. You have a camera going and all of you are in on it." Not looking convinced herself, she hopefully turned to Ronon.

Ronon looked at her directly for the first time and held her gaze. He shook his head. "How can you not know that a man is interested in you? He didn't say anything at all suspicious while you were with him that week?"

Scrunching up her face, she sat back down. "No, not at all. He just seemed really interested in what I had to say." Running back through her mind trying to think of something, she look helplessly at the men. "All right, all right, I'm the first to admit I have little to no experience when it comes to men."

"Now that I think about it, you're right." Sheppard stared.

Glaring, Keller shot a look at him. "Gee, thanks, colonel."

"No," Sheppard said. "I know this isn't that important but it's relevant to the situation." Glancing back at Woolsey, who was getting even more agitated, he held up his hand. "Just give me minute to back up... Ronon and I were talking on the planet on our way in about the new recruits. It seems they at least half of them have a crush on our doc here."

"Give me a break." Keller rolled her eyes. "There's no possible way. Teyla, maybe. But not me."

"It's true." Ronon looked up. "They purposely chose to spar with me over Lorne because they know I'll eventually get a shot in and it sends them to the infirmary."

Keller looked up, shocked.

"Here's the kicker." Sheppard said, getting into this and enjoying Dr. Keller's reaction. "They are quite organized about it. The men actually found out from a nurse when you'll be on shift, so they only do that when they know you're there. It's actually quite brilliant."

"Yeah, brilliant." Ronon muttered, his anger from hearing this for the second time today resumed. "Doesn't Earth check for men like that?"

Sheppard laughed, relaxing a little. "You mean the men from Sateda don't have the testosterone the men from Earth have?"

Ronon just glared. "We don't go around acting like fools about it."

Woolsey made a note to give the men a briefing about professionalism on Atlantis. "Sheppard, your point?"

Sheppard wiped the smirk off his face. "My point is that our doctor... and I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable doc," he glanced back at Keller, who was blushing furiously "doesn't realize how men react around her. She's brilliant, charming, and beautiful all in one package. She defines girl next door and doesn't play girl tricks."

Ronon looked at his friend, wondering if Sheppard secretly admired the doctor as well as he did. No, Sheppard has his eyes on someone else on Atlantis. Anyways, he was first to admit he himself had a few moments of attraction to the young woman sitting apprehensively next to him. But they ended up not acting on it, and he gradually got used to the feeling of just being friends with her.

"Girl tricks?" Ronon questioned.

"You know," Sheppard said. "Girl tricks. They travel in packs so you can't get them alone unless you brave the crowd." He began to get on a roll. "Makeup, perfume, you name it. Then you get the psycho ones that giggle that high pitched annoying laugh, follow you wherever you go, act all fake... just ask Ronon. There was a group of nurses last week, Keller, that-"

"All right, Sheppard, get to the point." Woolsey closed his eyes, finding out more than he wanted to know about his team in those two minutes then ever.

"And that point leads to Tereck. She had no idea he had the hots for her."

Pushing the thought away, he studied Keller's reaction. She was clearly dumbfounded. And incredibly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, this is all hard to take." Refusing to make eye contact. Then she got nervous. "I didn't realize Tereck mistook my lecturing on medical procedures as flirting." She began to babble. "Heck, I've only had one serious relationship my entire life, and I got dumped for a Bambi chick that waited tables at a hole in the wall bar. I've never had time for men." Then she caught herself again. Taking a deep breath, she glared at Sheppard. "I'm officially asking for permission to never leave Atlantis again, unless it's for Earth. No good comes out of me going through that gate."

Woolsey tried to bring the conversation back to the present problem. "So what's our next course of action, major. Can we try a renegotiation?"

Sheppard shrugged. "Possibly." Nodding to Ronon, he leaned forward. "After they told us the offer, there was a slight moment of chaos. I couldn't help myself and laughed for a brief second, which they interrupted as insulting behavior. I tried to make up for it saying Keller was taken and it was impossible on our end. That defused the men but made Tereck angry." He turned to Keller. "He's ticked you didn't come out and tell him you were off the market."

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "And this is why I stay clear of the male gender."

"However," Sheppard continued. "Aside from some hostile feelings from Tereck, I think the villagers are still interested in what we can give them in medical advances. They could use the vaccines, the training, some supplies. My suggestion would be to bring Keller back and reopen negotiations. She would be critical in giving them suggestions we can fill for them where she saw the need from her previous visit."

"Great." Keller spoke. "You mean I have to go back and face him?"

Woolsey made more notes on his pad. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Sheppard, you have my go on the mission. We'll let things settle for a few hours and then send Teyla to smooth some of the ruffled feathers. It sounds like you had things pretty much sorted when you left. She has traded with them before joining Atlantis. Then, if they agree, we'll go back and figure out a way to get the ZPM."

Sheppard gave a sideways glance at Ronon. "It's not going to be that easy, sir. You see, when I told the men that Keller here was romantically involved with someone on Atlantis, Tereck's blood pressure went through the roof." Looking back at Keller, he shrugged. "You're better off without him, doc. He has what you would be describe as anger management issues." He turned back to Woolsey. "Anyways, Tereck demanded to know who Keller's 'mate' was. I don't think I could have kept a straight face and offered up myself as the man in question... no offense, doc."

Keller smiled. "It wouldn't have worked out anyways, Sheppard. You detest contemporary country music and I won't give up Tim and Faith for you."

"Who's Tim?" Ronon asked, confused.

"People, let's stay on track here." Woolsey sighed.

Sheppard continued. "This is where things spun out of control. Tereck said he didn't believe us, getting Chewey here ticked, a brawl rivaling any bar fight I've had the pleasure witnessing broke out, and then we were forcefully removed from the village, where we met up with Lorne's team and dialed back."

"And this debriefing gets more interesting as the minutes tick on." Woolsey commented. "OK, folks. Let's stick with the plan. Dr. Keller, if Teyla is able to open lines of communication with the town again, you're going. Ronon will escort you, serving as both your romantic interest as well as filling in as your bodyguard. Ronon, she does not leave your sight at all. I don't trust these people, especially this Tereck. Never underestimate the ability of a scorned male after rejection."

"Wait. Just a minute." Keller rubbed her head and began to tug on her hair. "In about a day or two, you expect me to go back and play the part of Ronon's girlfriend? Does anyone see the hole in this plan?" She rolled her eyes. "OK, if Ronon was really my love interest, why wouldn't he have spoken up right there? If you send me back with him, they're going to ask questions. It's not going to work."

Ronon spoke for the first time in minutes. "She right." He got up. "It's going to have to be someone else."

Sheppard looked at Jennifer intensely. "Keller, you know how much we need this. I wouldn't ask you to play along with this game if it didn't mean so much to the expedition and the people here. A fully charged ZPM means better weapons, more technology uncovered-"

"I know, I know," Jennifer waved carelessly. "I'm 100% OK with this. But just to warn you... I'm not a good actress. You have on your hands a doctor who skipped three grades in high school, graduated with a bachelors when most kids were just leaving high school, and then was one of the earliest graduates from medical school in the history on our planet." She stopped and took a breath. "I'm not saying this like Rodney who brags all the time. I'm saying this because I'm socially ignorant when it comes down to certain things. Like men. Dating. Girl stuff."

Thoroughly embarrassed, she finally stopped staring at the table and looked up at Woolsey and Sheppard. "Tell me what to do and I'll get it my best shot. Just don't expect a Julia Roberts star emerging from Atlantis."

Silence after her tirade stretched for minutes. They all sat and thought about a possible plan. Finally, John looked up and spoke in a soft voice.

"Close your eyes," he said, waiting for Jennifer to comply. "I want you to think of a man in this city, military preferably, who you are comfortable around. It needs to be someone you know at least comfortably and someone who you trust completely," he continued. "Who here would you be comfortable with guarding you, possibly around the clock for a few days? But just as importantly, and I'm sorry if this is getting personal here... it needs to be someone you are attracted to."

Her eyes flew open, shocked Sheppard would even say that but at the same time understanding.

"Doc," he warned, leaning forward. "We're all grown ups here. No one will breathe a word about this beyond that door." He waited. "Close your eyes and think."

Her eyes narrowed, hating that he was putting her into this position, hating that her face was redder than a lobster, and most of all... hating that she had to do it or else an entire city would lose a shot of obtaining something it desperately needed. "I don't have to think anymore, colonel," she said, using his formal title as a way to show how irritated she was with him.

And then she said the man's name, causing both Sheppard and Ronon to both look at each other with matching surprised looks. Jennifer, not amused at all, glared at them both. Turning to Woolsey, she looked up and said "so what's the plan?"

Can you guess who it is? Someone put an idea in my head a few days ago and I of course had to act on it. I usually publish the entire story at a time, but this is just going to be chapter by chapter. I don't plan on writing anything too long, but we'll see! Thanks for reading!