Mello scowled as he viewed the street, dying of hunger after going so long between meals. His move to New York City had taken up all his time but now was free to stalk around looking for a bite. Pun intended.

He had moved hoping to be less detectable in a more populated city, but this came with the added possibility of crossing paths with more of his kind. He wasn't fond of those like him, preferring to be alone. Living in a medium sized town had prevented him from interacting with other… vampires, but mysterious deaths would only go unpunished for so long before people started pointing fingers at the unsociable neighbor whom nobody knew anything about.

Enough brooding though, he was hungrier than he'd been in about 50 years. He had positioned himself across from a busy street by sitting on a bench at an equally busy park. Directly in front of him was an alleyway that he would take his victim into once he chose them.

The sun setting behind him let him watch the last throngs of people heading home without being watched himself, one of the reasons dusk was his favorite time to hunt. At this time there was still a good amount of people to choose from yet dark enough that no one would notice him herd one of them away. The brightness behind him also made it harder to notice his strange clothing, black leather pants and vest that didn't completely cover his midriff even though it was fall and getting colder every day.

As he watched, several businessmen passed by along with other late workers, but none of them struck his fancy. He wasn't so hungry that he would stop being picky. Just as he though he might have to make do, a young redhead caught his eye. No more than 20, he was completely absorbed in a handheld game and not paying attention to his surroundings. He was also dressed a bit strangely himself in a red and black stripped shirt and tight ribbed jeans.

Mello grinned as he got up and nonchalantly crossed the street to intercept him. Just as the kid passed in front of the alley, Mello made his move, bumping into him. He effectively stopped him in his tracks, noticing green eyes and goggles tangled up his red hair.

"Excuse me." Even as he said it, the blond pushed him again, making him back into the alley entrance. Pocketing his game, the redhead looked up at him, slightly weary and confused. Once they were deeper into the alley where they couldn't be seen, Mello backed him against a wall. Intimidating calmness was the key.

Just like everyone else, he wouldn't meet his eyes, keeping them trained on the ground. He became edgier as Mello placed his hands on either side or him, successfully trapping him.

"Yea, what'dya want?" He mumbled as if afraid of being too loud. It wasn't until the blond brought his lips to the boy's neck that he began to struggle.

"H-hey! What are you…? Get off!" Before he could slip away, Mello wrapped strong arms around his waist and pushed him roughly against the brick, winding him then biting into his neck in one swift, practiced movement. By the time he gained his breath back, Mello's hand covered his mouth to muffle any cries for help. He still kicked and pushed, trying to move the solid body keeping him pinned but soon his resistance started weakening. Blood loss made his brain hazy as he relaxed against his will into Mello's arms.

The blond kept drinking, working his mouth hungrily against the teen's neck until something made him pause. He licked over the bite to stop the bleeding as he noticed his prey's position. Unable to fight anymore, the redhead had simply clung to him has he drank. His arms were wrapped firmly around his neck and legs around his waist as his head lolled on Mello's shoulder. Every few breaths he would let out a small whimper, still half conscious.

Mello hadn't felt the shift in position, too absorbed in his meal, but now he couldn't help but observe how intimate they looked. To anyone passing on the street that could see them, it would look as though they were lovers. He was still incredibly thirsty, but as the redhead's breathe hit the back of his neck he could feel the bloodlust becoming another type of lust, one that he hadn't felt in quite a long time. He gave the teen's neck an experimental kiss, finding he loved the small sound he was given in return.

This was something unexpected, something new, and something Mello wasn't ready to simply walk away from. Living as long as he had, it was rare to find something to occupy his interest or spark his curiosity. There was limited time to mull over the situation and he came to a hasty decision.

Placing one arm to support him and one to cradle the teen's head against his chest, Mello began walking. He took only side streets and back alleys as he headed back to his new apartment. Five minutes from their destination the boy stirred against him and he broke into a steady run until he made it to his building. It was only pure luck that none of the other tenants were out as he rode to the tenth floor, unconscious redhead cradled to his chest.

The entire floor was his because he wanted room for at least some of the numerous items he'd collected over the years. It was mostly musical instruments and books, things that wouldn't look too strange should he get visitors, not that he ever did. The rest of his things were kept in storage or in other homes around the country.

Walking into his bedroom, he lay the redhead down above the sheets and took off his boots and socks as well as laying his goggles on the nightstand. Now all that was left to do was wait. Already though, his heartbeat was becoming stronger. He would be waking up soon and there was no way to predict what he might do.