Jack, our protagonist, was making his way through the bowels of Rapture, when he was intrigued by something. As he dispatched a leadhead splicer with a face-full of buckshot, the former splicer's corpse came to rest at the bottom of a very peculiar looking machine. Jack stepped up to the machine, and noticed its title; a rough looking banner that read "Power to the People". Jack, who had recently entered Rapture, decided to ask Atlas about it.

"Atlas, could you tell me what this machine does?" asked Jack.

"Which one, boyo?" Atlas replied.

"The one right in front of me."

"…I don't exactly have all seein' eyes, laddie. Tell me the exact name of the machine, okay?"

"…Right. Anyway, it says, "Power to the People", and its got some weird tube under the name. Do you know what it is?"

"Oh! That be a weapons' upgrading machine, laddie! Those are the best!You can upgrade a weapon with it, and the best part is that it's free!"

"That's…That's great!" Jack exclaimed. "Wait… another question, when were they put here?"

"They were installed at Rapture's birth, of course. Always been there, always will."

"So you're saying that people have always been able to modify a deadly weapon, at no cost?"

"That's right."



"…It's just... How did people ignore this? How would something this dangerous go unchecked?"

"It's because…err…look, lad, don't question the dang thing, just-"

"If this has been here since Rapture's birth, no wonder this whole place went to hell! Anybody could get a weapon, for free!, and nobody would care?!

"Look, I-"

"It also says here it was made by "Fontaine Futuristics. I've no idea who that is, but he must have been a real bastard, to let something like this into the public."

"…Alright, would you kindly forget about the damn thing?!" Atlas snorted.

"…Forget about what?" Jack asked.


So, Jack continued on his way, bring death and destruction to any man or machine that dare get in his way (save for the Little Sisters, of course).

So, there it is. I've always wondered about those things, so I imagined up a conversation between Jack and Atlas explaining it. Please R&R, as it is my first story. I promise to have more chapters up soon.

Atlas: I'm fine with that, lad, as long as you don't make me say anythin' embarrassin'. This don't look too good fer me, laddie.


Atlas: Don't "Shush" me, lad-