So this is a new idea for a story I got while I should have been studying for finals last week. I hope you like it. It won't be a long story I don't think. Just a few chapters.


This summer was supposed to be fun. I have been looking forward to it for months. My parents are going on a cruise. A two month cruise that lasts for a good portion of the summer. They told me and my siblings about the cruise nearly six months ago, so we could work out living arrangements for those two months. After a week we came up with a plan. My little sister would stay with my older sister and her roommate in their apartment. My younger brother would stay with his best friend. I would be staying in the guest bedroom of my boyfriend's family's house. Now me and him had to swear we wouldn't do anything...yadda yadda yadda. It's not like we were gonna try anything. I mean his house isn't necessarily huge, and he's got his parents and three brothers living there, so it's kinda crowded.

Everything was good and fine until a month ago. I was happy. I made the mistake in thinking that my boyfriend was happy too. I guess he wasn't.


"What's wrong?"


"Nick, seriously, come on. Something's up with you."

"You wanna know what's wrong? You. Me. This piece of shit relationship. That's what's wrong. We're living a lie. There's nothing here. I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore.

End of flashback

Yeah. That's how he dumped me. Not only was he vague about why he was dumping me, but he didn't even try to spare my feelings. He didn't have the decency to give me the typical 'it's not you, it's me' bullshit that most guys use. I have spent the past month in a depressive state. I haven't talked to anyone. I feel like I'm in mourning, like I've lost my best friend forever. He was really my best friend, not just my boyfriend. It didn't hit me until this morning that I have nowhere to stay for the summer. So I sat my parents down to talk.

"So, I need somewhere to stay when you leave next week..." I began.

"No you don't." My dad replied.

"Yeah...I mean me and Nick are broken up. I can't stand to think about him, let alone spend two months in his house."

"Miles," my mom said sweetly, "You begged for us to let you stay there. We're not going to waste time trying to find somewhere else for you to go. You're going to have to stay there. No exceptions."

So here I am now. Packing for spending two whole months with my ex-boyfriend and his family.

This summer is gonna suck.

Any feedback? Do you like the sound of it?

Oh and I know that this chapter is terribly written, I just could not find a way to make it work. I'll try to make sure the other chapters are better written.

Thanks for reading! (If anyone's reading. Bahah)

P.S. If you want, you should follow me on Twitter. My handle is: xmaddie11x (I'll follow you back).

P.P.S. If you have Disney XD, Skyrunners is on again tonight. You guys should watch it. I think it's cool. (Well I know Joey, but I still think it's pretty cool :P)

Sorry bout the random rant down here. I'm trying to take up time so I don't have to do my homework :P