I looked at the pools of blood around my feet, the body laying on the bed, the crimson blood dripping from his mouth in a repetitive pattern. Drip, Drip, Drip. I looked at the man, well, to be precise the scrawny man from the prison.

"Told you, I'd come after you." I whispered as I turned to leave. Yes, I did know he told the other Fire Nation guards about me, because I was hidden in the shadows when they discussed about how I am now a criminal. I saw them write an urgent letter to the Fire Lord Zuko, I tried to stop them, but I was too late. I know Zuko knows it's me, now its up to him what's he's going to do now. And frankly, I think he'll just keep this on the DL (down low) but you are never sure.

I walked outside the moon shining, there was no pull, no urge, nothing just pure bliss. I smiled, I was free-sort of- I walked along the stone dark path that will lead me to the Fire Nation,

"Time to find an old friend." I whispered before running through the dark, as I thought of a plan to get Jet out of prison.

Fire Nation (Zuko's POV)

I figured Katara would come looking for Jet, but the question still remains why? Why would she go through all, of this trouble now? There were so many questions and not enough answers. I walk out to the balcony, today was very interesting with everything going on. Today I had Jet arrested so I could lure Katara into a trap, but unfortunately Jet had got away from the guards. Sure, I was pissed but now I had to be watching over with everything I had and the only way to do that is become 'friends' with Katara. And I knew exactly how,

I walked aver to my closet where I kept all of my 'never-going-to-do-that-again' stuff, but who knew I would need this now. I opened up the doors to find my old uniform, with the mask above the clothing and the two swords next to it. The Blue Spirit is back,

With Katara (Katara's POV)

I walked for hours and it was nearly sunset I had only a few miles before I would find Jet in his 'home,' and I figured if I go to bed now I can get an early start ing the morning to get him out and run. I stopped walking as I was in the middle of the road, I looked around to make sure no one was there, but some how I could feel a presence lurking behind me, but I brushed it off. I kept on walking and I saw a faint village only a mile away,

"Perfect," I mumbled, as I used my water bending to lift me up to the nearest tree branch and began hopping over the tree limbs. As the village came into view I saw a market selling a wide variety of food, This is just to easy, I thought as the man of the sop turned to leave.

With The Blue Spirit (Blue Spirit's POV)

I saw her jump over the branches as she neared the village, and boy in only a few weeks has she grown taller and fuller around the chest. I looked at her as she stared at the food down below, I knew what was going to happen and this was my chance to become 'friends.'

With Katara (Katara's POV)

As the man left I hopped down from the tree and I went over to the food. I grabbed everything I could hold, but as I was about to leave I saw a newspaper on the ground with Jet's picture in the front. I set down the food and picked up the newspaper and read the article about Jet. I scanned through the lines

Today a prisoner had escaped prison by knocking both guards unconsciousness, escaping early this morning. It is said that Fire Lord Zuko had ordered Jet to be thrown in jail for other concerns that we have not yet discovered. Jet is a very dangerous man and should not be consulted or any wise in contact with, under any circumstances let him any where near you. Jet is now on loose and if any one sees him please let the prison guards know.

I looked at the paper in shock, sure it was a small paragraph if you could call it that but it was to the point. Underneath the paragraph was an awful looking picture of him there was nothing at all that resembled him, except for the face structure, but if you saw him in real life and looked at the picture you probably wouldn't see the similarities. I looked at the picture not being careful of my surroundings; just as I was getting up I heard a thud right behind me. I turned around to see him.

Please Review!!! I also want to thank everyone else who was commented!!!! Sorry to leave a cliff again
