Believe - A KurtxFinn Valentine's Story

Kurt doesn't believe in Valentine's Day... That is, until a certain someone comes along to change his mind.

M for language and sex references in the early chapters, and more than references later on! o.O

In honor of the awesome stuff I've been reading from the great authors that write fiction for this show (You know who you are), Glee winning 'Best Musical Or Comedy' a week or so ago, and Valentines' Day coming up, I present my first yaoi fic, along with my first Glee fic.

I owns nothing. :(



The halls of McKinley High were already decked out in pink and red hearts and streamers, cupid cutouts, and heart-shaped balloons.

And it was only February 1st. Kurt Hummel sighed, looking dismally down at his feet as he trudged to the choir room. This was the absolute worst time of the year. It all started in the sixth grade...

Kurt had always known he was gay. About the time he should have started liking girls, Kurt found that he had weird feelings about his (at the time) best friend, Noah. And the more he thought about it, the stranger they got.

The craziest thing was a cold early December day, at Noah's house, the two of them along with a bunch of other guys from school were playing backyard football. It had just rained, so the ground was muddy and water still dripped from the trees and the railings of Noah's second-story balcony. Not wanting to get their clothes all nasty and dirty, most of the boys had taken their shirts off, and Kurt found himself surrounded by muddy, half-naked boys with ripped jeans, tan chests, and great abs. That's the first time he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was gay. And halfway through the game, when he tackled Noah to the ground, and for that split second, was on top of him, he felt waves of electric through his body. Noah's eyes met his, and he was sure it had to mean something. Somehow the two ended up wrestling in the mud over the ball, which abruptly ended when Kurt had Noah pinned to the ground beneath him, and suddenly felt his pants get tighter than they already were. When he looked down to discover a growing boner, he got scared and bolted into the house through the back door, and slipped into the hall bathroom, his hands shaking.

'What have I done?'

If Noah had noticed, he didn't act like it, and two months later, Kurt decided he was going to tell Noah about everything. And since Valentines' day was right around the corner, he decided he would wait for that day, that fateful day, full of marriage proposals, love letters, secret admirers, and sweet affections. When better to come out to your best friend than a day like that?

So Kurt set to work on a beautiful handmade Valentine card, and used all his saved money to buy one of those huge teddy bears. It was the biggest one they had, honey-colored and so, so soft.

And then, on Thursday, February 14th, when he showed up to school, his plan fresh in his head, ready and waiting for after school when Noah was coming over to hang out, he discovered the one thing that shattered his entire world.

Noah had a girlfriend. A fucking beautiful, blond, perky, bubbly cheerleader girlfriend. A girlfriend that had charmed him just that morning with her bright red lipstick and B-cup boobs and silly little Valentine gifts.

A girlfriend that had stolen him from right under Kurt's nose.

At the sight, the boy burst into tears, running through the crowded hallways, never before wanting so badly to just die.

Now, four years later, Kurt couldn't care less about Noah. Well, Puck now. Nobody called him his real name anymore. Puck, always Puck. Because just like his name, Noah had changed. Completely changed. By now, Kurt barely recognized him anymore. And Puck was fine with that.

But... Now he had his eyes set on someone else. Another football player, (Hey, he knew what he liked...) that used to be good friends with Puck. A guy that was in Glee too. A guy that was incredibly cute, and quite charming in his dumb football player way. A guy that just never seemed to notice Kurt, no matter how hard he tried.


By the way, I decided to write this for a few reasons. 1. I would love to see Kurt and Finn together, because I would love my dear Kurt Hummel to be happy. And 2. Um... This one's awkward. I was looking through my list of favorite stories the other day, and came to realize that, well, all but one my favorites are yaoi (slash, boy on boy, whatever you wanna call it), but all my published stories are het. So, I decided to give this stuff a shot :)
Oh, and, if you haven't read my other stuff, you should know... I thrive on ideas. Particularly the ones of others. My point is, if you think there's a way to improve this chapter, or there's something in particular you'd like to see happen in the future, review or message me. The more feedback I get, the better your story will be. Scientifical fact. ;) Grazie!
