The town tavern wasn't an impressive site. The building itself, although large, had few interior furnishings. The plaster walls were showing their age, with yellowed walls and cracks running through. The floor wasn't much better, being a simple stone slab with garbage strewn here and there.

But despite the condition of the building, the few occupants were still joyful. A mixed crew of mice and other otters chatted amiably. As soon as the quartet entered the tavern a young hare in uniform immediately shot out of his seats and grasped Fairweather's paw in a vise iron grip.

"Michael Ironpaw sah, and that was outstanding! I've never seen such an excellent and gallant display of heroism, well other than the Salamanstradom hares, but for a river dog, you did amazing!" The hare shot out all this at break neck speed, talking as fast as he shook Fairweather's paw.

"Salamanstradom, you say? You come from there?" asked Yuuda. "The other legendary home of heroes in the West?"

The hare laughed at the remark. "Of course, my good vermin, I came just off the boat! In fact you're looking at a 1st Lieutenant of the Salamanstradom Hares!" Yuuda winced at the word vermin.

"A little green for a lieutenant, aren't you?" exclaimed John. "I've been in this gig for more than 15 seasons, and I'm still a staff sergeant. Parents must have been rich bunnies."

He scowled. "Hares, good sah, and my parents were warriors of the mountain. Anyways, what are vermin like you traveling with a fine otter like this?" looking distastefully at the three.

"They're my good friends Lieutenant, do you have a problem with that?" said Fairweather, towering over Michael.

"No, good sah, and sorry for being so rude, but I haven't gotten your names yet?"

"Well that's easy. But first, let's get seated. All this standing around is murder on my paws." The five immediately headed over to the nearest vacant table.

"Now that we're seated, I can introduce ourselves properly. I'm the noble James Fairweather, merchant extraordinaire The angry one's John, the skinny one's Yuuda, and the fat one's Andrew." He eloquently stated, pointing to each one in turn. Andrew glowered at the remark.

"Pleased to have met you all. But now, I have to resume my business," said Michael and promptly stepped out the door.

"Well that was fast," snorted Yuuda.

"Well, liars talk fast, my good vermin" replied John snidely.

"Shut up, John. I've never liked them rabbits anyways. Bunch of stuck up ponces, the lot of them!"

"Must have a death wish. Trouncing around outside like that with a king's ransom in his pockets."

"We better-" began Andrew before he was cut off by a large crashing sound.

" What do you think you're doing!" shouted Michael from outside. "I believe that belongs to me!"

"What convenient timing," muttered Fairweather from under his breath. The four immediately went to the window. A small gray rat was attempting to get away from the Michael, who was also desperately clinging to his the rat's leg.

"Shouldn't we help?" asked Andrew to John, scooting in next to him for a better view.

"No but - oh, he just tripped him" began John.

Outside, Michael just forced the rat to the ground and was proceeding to do a tug a war match for his purse. The rat snarled and hissed back, while the hare replied with more creative insults. Suddenly, the rat simply let go of his grip on the purse. Michael fell to the ground in surprise, and the rat, seeing the opportunity, pounced upon Michael, throwing out all intentions of keeping his paws clean.

What he got in instead was a boot to the snout. He fell to the ground, clutching his bleeding nose. Michael crossed over to the rat, and flipped him upright with his foot. Crouching down to him, Michael grasped him by his cloak lapel, and turned the rat's face to look at his.

"Sah, a theft I can forgive, but a blow while a beast is down…that's quite low, even for vermin. An honorable beast would fight, but not against the helpless. There's no valor in a hollow victory, my dear vermin. Now what do you have to say for yourself?"said Michael calmly to the frightened rat, briefly loosening his iron grip.

The thief paused for a moment, amazed that he wasn't dead. And a moment was all that he needed, because within a second, he had slipped out of his cloak and fled. Michael was left holding a tattered cloak, looking very angry and confused simultaneously. Frustrated, he threw it down into the dust and walked back to the tavern.

"See Yuuda," remarked John. "Sympathy for criminals only gives them more opportunities. If it were me, I would've run him through on the spot, or brought him in; whichever is more profitable."

"Really? I would've just broken his paws and left it at that," said Yuuda with a shrug.

"You both are idiots. That's why you keep your valuables around your neck," said Fairweather without taking his eyes off the Michael's approaching form. The hare slammed the door open, shaking the mugs and bottles on the tables.

"So? How was it?" asked the otter. "I would gladly learn to know the experience of one's first mugging."

"Awful. He didn't even listen or even react to my lesson in chivalry," he grumbled.

At this comment, the other four simultaneously burst into laughter.

"Chivalry! That's rich!" shrieked Andrew with merriment, clutching his portly sides.

"What next, a lecture on proper theft etiquette?" said John, tearing with laughter.

"I don't see what's so funny ," sniffed Michael. "I was just trying to be heroic, like Mr. Fairweather here."

Fairweather was trying his best at keeping a straight face. "Oh Michael, you best come with us, if you want any chance of surviving this hellhole," he choked out between giggles.
"Hey! If you think that I'm going to travel with this stuck up-" began Yuuda, pointing an accusing claw at Michael.
John suddenly tripped and fell into Yuuda before he could complete his sentence. As he struggled to help his friend up, he hurriedly whispered in his friend's ear something that changed Yuuda's outlook immediately. "He's loaded."

"What our dear weasel meant here, was that he would be glad for another companion to join us on our ventures." He said with a grin at the hare. "Right Yuuda?"

"Sure. Welcome to the gang." Said the weasel with a grimace.