Hey guys i am continuing this idea.

Disclaimer: i don't own sonny with a chance. i don't even own the bag of skittles i wish i did though.


Sonny With a Chance of Eating Skittles

Twani looked at her cast mate and her friend. She noticed that all throughout rehearsal Sonny wore a huge smile on her face and the fact that she didn't know why was killing her. She eyed Sonny from her mirror as she absentmindedly applied her favorite lipstick over and over again. She watched as Sonny checked her phone and wondered what it was that she was waiting for. Gasp! Could she be going on a date? She asked herself. Sonny smiled widely as she looked at the time on her phone. Mackenzie Falls was done with rehearsal. she got up and stared for the door.

"Where are you going?" Tawni asked suspiciously.

"Somewhere." Sonny answered.

"Oh and where's that and are you going to meet someone at this place that you're going to?" Tawni asked.

"It's somewhere and yes I'm meeting someone. I can't be late so bye." Sonny said running out of the room before Tawni could ask anymore questions.

Chad stood in his dressing room in nothing but a pair of faded blue jeans. He looked at the rack of shirts in front of him and decided to go with the navy blue button up. He put it on and grabbed his black blazer and put it on. He dimmed the lights and walked over to the table he had brought in for this moment. At the center of the table was a crystal bowl filled to the top with the original flavored skittles he had taken from Sonny and some wild berry flavored skittles he had told his manager to go get.

Sonny took a deep breath and prepared herself. She knocked on the door and it was opened by an incredibly breathtaking version of Chad Dylan Cooper.

"Hey Sonshine." he said in a deep hypnotic voice that made her blush. He smirked when she did so. "I have that much of an affect on you Munroe."

"Only part of you does, the other parts not so much." She said teasingly. Every part of him affects me in ways that make me melt. She thought. "Do I have an affect on you?"

"Only always." he said huskily causing her to blush even deeper. He chuckled and took her hand and led her inside. She gasped at how he had his room set up. "What?"

"You did all this just so we could eat skittles?" She asked waving her hand at the small round two person table and at the room.

"It wasn't that hard and I want this to be special because you deserve it." he whispered into her ear, causing her to shiver as his warm breath hit the side of her face. "Now if you are done marveling at the brilliance that CDC has created we can get on with our appointment.'

Sonny turned to look at him, she rolled her eyes and he smirked. He walked over to her chair and pulled it out for her and she sat down. He sat on the opposite side. He motioned for her to start eating and she did. He took a couple of skittles and ate them. They both reached inside the bowl and their hands touched. Sonny looked into Chad's blue eyes, they seemed to be filled with love and longing. He wanted her. Chad gazed into Sonny's chocolate brown eyes, they were saying words to Chad that fell into the category of want and longing. She wanted him. Sonny felt her face get warm the longer he stared at her with those eyes. Chad found it hard to sit there, he wanted so much to kiss her, to feel her soft lips against his, to feel the warm tingles he felt when he did, and most of all to have her in his arms close to him. Sonny him to kiss her, she wanted to feel his lips against hers, she wanted the warm tingles that she felt when they touched much like the ones she feels now as their hands touch only stronger, and most of all to be in his arms close to him.

"Chad." she said softly taking her hand off of his only to be sad when the tingles and warmth went away.

"Sonny." he said taking a couple of skittles and sticking them in his mouth one at a time. There came a knock and they both groaned. Chad walked to answer the door. "What?!"

"Jeez why so angry?" Tawni asked. trying to shove past him and into his dressing room. "You going to let me in?"

"No and lets see you ruined my time so what do you want?" he asked angrily.

"Do you know where Sonny is? She left after rehearsal and during rehearsal she was acting funny so I'm curious to see why."

"No I do not know where Sonny is now if you don't mind I'm busy." he said closing the door before she could say anything

He pressed his ear to the door and turned around only when he no longer heard Tawni's footsteps. He saw Sonny sitting on his couch fighting back laughter. He glared at her which caused her laughter to come out. He sat down at the edge of his coffee table in front of her. He lifted her head and stared into her brown eyes.

"Now where were we?" he asked in that husky voice that made Sonny shudder with delight.

"I don't know if we were exactly somewhere but I know that I wanted to be there." she said quietly.

"Really." he purred.

"Yes." she said watching him as he sat down next to her.

She turned her body so that she was facing him. He pulled her onto his lap and snaked his arms around her waist. He crushed his lips onto hers and began kissing her. His tongue begged for entrance and she granted it. They battled for dominance and he was surprised that she was fighting hard, he of course managed to win. They took a short pause for air after which they began to kiss again. She traced circle patterns on his back before entangling her hands in his perfect golden hair. They broke apart again.

"There's a bowl of skittles sitting at the table waiting for us." he said.

"I know we shouldn't keep them waiting." she said and he kissed her nose.

She got off of him and they went back to eating the skittles. After they had finished the bowl her drove her home. He kissed her goodbye.

"Love you Sonshine." he said.

"Love you too Chad." she said.

He kissed her forehead and walked down the hallway. She went inside when she could no longer see him. She touched her lips with her fingers. Wow he sure leaves a lasting impression.

tell me what you think and thanks for reading this. (: