Bill: what the fu-

A smoker pulls Bill, Rochelle is too distracted to see where the smoker is and Bill is killed

Rochelle feels warmth on her back as she turns and sees the stalker with it's claws in her back and teeth about to pierce her neck. And with his bite she died.

Stalker: Yes! Finally some food!

The stalker begins to feast on her flesh as the others cannibalize Bill

Ellis: the door won't open

Zoey: I don't hear them anymore…

They go upstairs looking for something to open the door with.


Nick stands over a dead tank, mourning

Nick: I cant belive he got Louis.

Francis: he was a good manager.

Coach: god damn it!

Nick: we gotta get to that garrison.

Coach: he's right

They head into a building where everything is quiet.

Nick: SMOKER!!!

A smoker pulls coach but is easily put down.

Coach: thanks

Zoey and Ellis force the door open with a crowbar to find Rochelle eaten and bill severely torn up.

Ellis: aww damn.

Zoey: not bill!

Ellis picks a radio off of bill's body, he begins to call the others

Ellis: Hey! Are yall okey?

Nick (radio): Ellis? Is that you? We lost Louis

Ellis: Rochelle and bill are also gone.

Nick: shit

Ellis: hey I think one of them can think

Nick: what?

Ellis: he blew a whistle and the infected swarmed, look out for him.

Nick: yeah, we'll do that

A dark figure on the roof of the warehouse drops 5 bile bombs through the chimney

Nick: Aww shit we got a horde

they all stand back to back to back and slash with melee weapons until the horde dissapates

Figure: i'll have to try something more suttle this time.

Nick: where are you guys?

Ellis: "fairston street"

Nick: uuh *pulls out a map* keep going until you get to the Hultin

Ellis: cool we'll meet up there!

Coach: lets go

Francis: why do i got a feelin this wont work out so good?

Zoey: Ellis this is bad.

Ellis: just a few more blocks.

a horde surrounds Ellis and Zoey and blood flies everywhere. and once the horde is gone the hotel comes into view.

Ellis (radio): we made it. theres a safe room too

Nick: good, we're almost there

Nick, Francis, and Coach are running from a tank, the safe room door comes into view.

Ellis: CMON!!!!

Ellis opens the door

Nick and Francis make it in, Coach is too slow and the tank crushes him

Nick: shit, we're droppin like flies.

Zoey: how much farther?

Nick: a few miles.

Zoey: we can rest here.

somewhere near the hotel

Stalker bites the tank

Tank: auugh

Stalker: good the venom is taking effect

Tank: where am i?

Stalker: you are my loyal guard

Tank: yes, i am.

tune in for next chapter, Rise of the Stalker