
Wallabee Beetles isn't exactly known throughout the Kids Next Door for tact. When he angers a mysterious old woman a curse is put upon him, which he laughs at of course. Until, that is, he wakes up and finds he's not a boy anymore but a cat. Not only that but Kuki thinks he's a pet! 3/4

DISCLAIMER; Own it I do not.

Chapter 1- What the Crud!?

The street was almost completely empty, except for the ten year old boy sitting on a bench. One might not have believed his age at first glance, for he was terribly short for his age. It didn't help that his pants were baggy, or that the bright orange sweater he wore was a few sizes too big. He probably thought it made him look taller, when really it somehow served to make him tinier than before. Blonde hair hung in his green eyes, eyes that were often narrowed in irritation or looking a little blank with confusion. He was Wallabee Beetles, an agent of a secret organization of children called the Kids Next Door. His codename? Numbuh Four, and it wasn't a name that was unknown among the higher ups because of his agressive behaviors.

At the moment he was completely and totally pissed off. Though, as he was still a rather young boy, he probably wouldn't have worded it that way. He was agressive but still had a child-like innocence to him. His favorite swear word happened to be "crud" not too high on the dirty words scale, but it worked for most every irritating situation. Like now. " 'Ah can't believe this! Cruddy dad makin' me cruddy wait for a cruddy old lady..."

The young boy was, in fact, forced to stay behind because his father had noticed while driving him from practice(he was rather athletic, and was actually taking karate lessons) one day that an elderly woman was forced to cross the road on her lonesome. Wallabee, who hardly trusted his own father since he was an adult, could honestly care less. When he voiced this opinion his father unceremoniously dumped him from the car straight after school (no karate lessons!?) and drove off saying he couldn't return home unless he walked the lady.

He considered, for a brief moment, ignoring this and going to his treehouse. He could take his father LITERALLY and NEVER come home, but he didn't think that would be a good idea. Besides, getting grounded wasn't something he wanted to do. How embarassing, a Kids Next Door operative getting stuck in his house? Aw, no thanks.

"Oh, hello there young man." Wally jumped in surprise, and started blankly at the woman who was in front of him. When had she? Still, he had an instant dislike for her. Many adults weren't attractive, but this one...

She was hunched over, and her nose was incredibly long. It reminded Wally of some bad lady off of a movie or something he'd watched with Numbuh Three. Something about the Wizard of It or something. Either way, she reminded him uncomfortably of said green villianess. It didn't help that here eyes were all watery and slightly red, maybe she'd been crying he didn't much care. From far away she'd seemed like a sweet old lady wearing a cardigan sweater, up close he realized that sweater was a long-slived shirt that had probably been white once. Ew...

"Aww, crud." Wally said quietly, the woman's eyes glittered angrily at the words. If he hadn't been a professional adult fighter he wouldn't have been able to dodge the open-handed slap she sent towards his face. Even though she missed terribly, and stumbled after the fact, Wally found his mouth hanging open in surprise, "What the? What was that for? 'Ah didn't do nothin' to ya lady!"

"Swearing is bad child." the woman rasped, Wally tipped his head to the side in disbelief. Sure he thought of it as a word to relieve stress but did 'crud' really qualify as a dirty word? Apparently so, because before he could react she had lifted her other hand and smacked him hard on the head with her umbrella. "Now help me cross the street!"

"Loike I'd evuh do that!" Wally spat, holding his no throbbing head and feeling a flash of resentment at his father. He could be having karate practice right now but noooo, he had to face this hag.

"Respect thy elders." She tsked, Wally decided this was definitely one of those adults that kids just couldn't trust. The people who weren't like his (yes, annoying but still) dad, or even the other parents that his friends belonged too. (Belonged too? What are they pets?) He glared at her, and from seemingly nowhere (really the pocket in his hoodie) he drew out a S.P.L.A.N.K.E.R. and pulled it's trigger.

The result was the flipping of a hard wooden board that slammed forcefully into the womans outstretched hand (the one holding the umbrella). Wally let out a cry of triumph as she dropped it, but yelped with surprise as with a strange surge of strength the woman hauled him into the air by his hood! Wally dangled there, completely helpless thanks to his short size, and swinging rather wildly at this new opponent.

"A curse..." She hissed in his face, Wally gagged which made her ever the more angry. Well lady did ya ever think to brush your teeth before picking children up off the street and shoving them in your face? "A curse, I place it on thee. Lives you shall have nine, unrecognizable you'll find. Soft and cuddly, with fur and claws. A little pet, with tail and paws."

Before he could react she dropped him heavily on the concrete and bussled off. Wally watched her in open mouthed surprise before standing up. "Roight lady, you're cruddy cuuuurse didn't work!" Wally laughed after her, she only made a rather rude gesture that totally contradicted her belief that one shouldn't swear, and continued to waddle off while chuckling to herself. Wally proceeded to stick his tongue out and decided that he would go to the treehouse. His father couldn't say he didn't try.

That's when it started. A strange tingling feeling that felt almost pleasant at first but started to hurt. Bad. His ears were ringing, and he staggered a bit so that his knees struck the hard ground. "What the crud?" Wally murmured, his head was spinning so badly that he felt he was going to be sick. That ringing in his ears, it was getting louder. The tingling was more like stabbing pains, and Wally clutched his head and moaned before he passed out cold on the concrete.

"Ooooow..." Wally moaned, he opened his eyes and peered around him. Dear reader I shall describe this in a way that will let you realize his process first, for you would instantly see what Wally did not otherwise. A canopy of orange surrounded him, and he felt terribly hot, and squished. Definitely squished. With a cry of alarm the young...erm, australian, managed to free himself of the strange opressive orange fabric.

Confusion flashed in his green eyes as he stared down at it and lifted his paw towards it. It was a hoodie. Waaait a minute, PAW? WHAT!? Utter shock flashed through his eyes, and he spun around until he found a shiny metal thing on the ground. (He had no clue what it was himself, and neither does the author, just something random and shiny) What he saw both angered him (for he is an agressive child) and made him (though he'd rather not admit it) terribly afraid.

He was a cat. Yes, a cat. Small mammal with fluffy fur (usually) and whiskers and a tail. Wally looked around and spotted the latter lashing the air behind him. He wouldn't admit it himself, but he was really rather cute. A small cat, definitely not full grown but not quite a kitten either. His fur was fluffed up at the moment, a pale yellow color like his hair. Orange stripes that reminded him of his hoody criss-crossed in a tabby pattern through-out his pelt, and his eyes were emerald green. His muzzle was white, and so were his two front paws. Wallabee Beetles was a cute and cuddly little kitten.

"Oh...crud." Well, it was a start, at least he wasn't sitting on the sidewalk with his mouth hanging open like a total and complete moron. Wally hissed in fury and looked around, "Alroight you cruddy lady! Get out 'ere so I can beat the crud outta ya!? Erm...claw the crud outta ya!? JUST CHANGE ME BACK!"

Suddenly a sound that shook him to his paws rang in his ears. Wally spun around with surprise and hissed in fear. A huge dog, MASSIVE was a better word, came bounding towards him. It's tongue lolled, it's fangs glinted. Wally's yowling had certainly attracted it's attention. For a moment the newly changed feline just stood in frozen horror. Then anger. Cruddy dog, running at HIM? Wally hissed and took off in the direction the poor mutt was coming at him. This seemed to startle the creature, for you see most cats RAN when they were barked at. He'd never really had one try and attack him.

Unfortunately for Wally he was new to the whole cat's-walk-on-four-legs-not-two thing. He ate concrete about two pawsteps away from the beast and sat up feeling dazed. The dog, no longer finding the fact that his prey was stupid enough to run at him amusing, was on him in a flash. Surprise coarsed through him as the dog's teeth met his scruff and he was hauled in the air.

"Let meh go ya cruddy mutt!" Wally hissed, flailing his paws about and forgetting the key factor of unsheathing his claws to actually cause damage. Note taken, he slashed again, this time his claws bit deep into the soft muzzle of the dog. It howled with fury and dropped him like a hot potato...or a cat that had just dug it's claws painfull into it's mouth. Wally landed on his paws with a triumphant laugh, and faced the dog.

Now, most people would be smart enough to run away. After all, the dog was much bigger than Wally. One of those Blood Hounds. It. Was. Pissed. Wally swore on his comic book collection that the dog's eyes flashed red for a moment. It's baying shook the very earth under his paws (hyperbole, not literally) and it sprang for him.

Wally braced himself, and at the last instant was rescued (though he was absolutely irritated about this, being the fighter he was) as a young woman grabbed the dogs collar and hauled it away. Wally stomped up and down the sidewalk with his tail held high. That'll teach ya ya dumb mutt! Don' mess with meh!"

Wally paused and looked around feeling suddenly very alone and...afraid. Even though he'd never say that much aloud the poor kid was terrified. Wouldn't you be? Being turned into an animal was a pretty scary experience, not to mention being attacked by some crazy mutt almost afterwards! "What should 'Ah do?"

After a moment he decided. He'd go find that cruddy lady that did this to him! Only...he didn't exactly know how. Right, TO THE TREEHOUSE! The firm decision made him feel a little better as he marched down the sidewalk towards his other home. The treehouse, it was his favorite place to be in the whole world. Surely his friends would be able to help...

Sorry, I know the chapter wasn't long but it's the best point to leave off at this moment. Hope you enjoyed it, please read and review! Oh, and by the way, if you're looking for a really good KND fic that's already finished check out Killing Me Slowly and Three's a Crowd by Mazzix..Mazzy...something like that :3, it's in my favorites. Very good fiction, those stories. A bit dark though. -rambles-

Mmm, note, the 'Ah is "I" with an Australian accent XP