I do not own Gallagher Girls.

.Every Part Of Her, Alive.

There is
somewhere, anywhere, where?
a thump.

Conversations around you
trail off as operatives
look around,
what's this? what's that?

You don't bother
glancing up;
you know
exactly, all too well
what you'll see.

Just another agent's
ostentatious entrance
to Gallagher's
her school, her home
anniversary reunion.

But someone
hit the mute button
this time around;
the silence, all too quiet
where is the noise?

Your eyes flicker up
just as she breaks
down the door
what beautiful defiance
and shatters you.

She wobbles unsteadily,
and the chamber is stunned
a rush of blood to the head
that's her, that's the one
and you're on your feet.

The roaring of startled
exclamations reaches her
before you can touch her
she's here, breathing
and she stumbles back.

You whisper
while she gazes at you,
all stars and blood and beauty
every part of her, alive
you touch her shoulder.

Hands reach out,
you're pushed away
by the riled crowd
they don't quite see
her hands are shaking.

Startled orbs dart
side to side to side
you stop, freeze
that's not her
and think spy.

You watch as she steps
back, hand twitching
toward her pocket
it's been too long
there is a gun.

You leap into action
shove the crowd, go
her wrist snaps out
why is she doing this?
you're too far away.

Operatives recede
flash of metal, steel
she turns up the barrel
aim and fire
you try to shout.

The ground is
harsh and cool
but you're warm
sticky and red
you shiver anyway.

She looks down at you
calm cool collected
you look up at her
is that storm in her eyes?

and bleed away.