"Gh, Dal, I have homework." Ponyboy laughed softly as the blonde nuzzled into his neck, placing ticklish kisses up and down his neck. "Mhh, stop." Ponyboy giggled, pushing at the hood's shoulder.
"C'mon, you can do it on your way to school or somethin." Dallas suggested, ignoring the boy's resistance he kept persisting.
"Its called homework for a reason." Ponyboy smirked, pulling his books off the coffee table. "And with the way Two-Bit drives, you gotta be kiddin' me." Pony said with a look.
"Fine, do your busywork, I aint gonna stop my fun though." Dallas huffed, pulling the auburn down to the couch, earning a small shriek of surprise from the boy.
"You freakin' sex addict." Ponyboy mumbled through his smirk, opening his textbook.
"Can you blame me?" Dallas cooed mischievously, groping at the boy's back end, enjoying the sudden jolt of the boy's body in response, knowing full well that a blush was hiding behind that damn history textbook the boy was holding up. "Mind if I just nibble on ya hipbones?" Dallas asked with a puckered smirk at the boy, pulling at the hem of the boy's loose jeans.
"Hm, it's fine." Ponyboy sighed on the breath of a soft chuckle. His skin tingling at the feel of rough nips and bites being trailed down his hips. "Mmnnh." Ponyboy moaned softly as heated lips and tongue suckled the thin skin atop his pelvic bone, shivering as the sensations coursed to his groin in waves that shook his body.
"Woooh, hey, didn't mean to interrupt anything." Darry said from the front door, having come in so suddenly it gave the two little warning.
"Uh, nah." Ponyboy said, scrambling to pull his clothes back together, his face flushed in deep crimson. Dallas flopped down on the auburn, knowing that the kid wasn't down for going any further now that he was embarrassed beyond basic function.
"Workin' on your homework?" Darry asked as he made his way up the stairs, subtly reminding the boy to quit his necking and get back to work.
'Dammit Dar.' Dallas cussed Superman out in his head, heaving out a heavy sigh, knowing that would be all the boy would focus on now. Ponyboy carried on with his reading, the sound of a page being turned would occur every so often.
"Could you hand me my notebook?" Ponyboy nudged the hood with his textbook, earning a scoff and a grumble from the hood but nevertheless getting what he asked for. "Thanks." Ponyboy chuckled, starting on the chapter questions.
"Pony, remember to get your homework done." Darry said on his way out the door, giving Dallas a hard look before leaving for his second job. "Oh, hey Two-Bit!" Darry said as the rusty haired greaser came up the porch steps.
"Is Soda here, I didn't see him at the DX?" Two-Bit asked.
"He should be home in a bit, he was out picking up a few things for the house." Darry said as he made his way down the walk.
"'Kay, I'll just wait for 'im." Two-Bit called back to Darry, stepping into the house. "Oh, hey guys, thought you'd be out." the Matthews boy said, really not having on planning to encroach on the two's time together.
"Yeah, well poindexter over here has homework." Dallas gritted, tapping the boy's book off his knees.
"Hey!" Ponyboy snapped back, putting his book back in place.
"So what's up with your car Two-Bit?" Dally asked, getting up from the couch.
"It's been pissing oil man!" Two-Bit groaned, "how the hell am I supposed to do drags if it's just gonna leak all over the damn road?" he shook his head, obviously fed up with his car.
"Hey, let's go take a look at it while poindexter finishes his homework." Dallas suggested, headed for the door.
"Sure man." Two-Bit said, happy that anyone was willing to help him.
"Well you can just stay out there if you're gonna keep up with that name callin' of yours." Ponyboy called out over his shoulder.
"Pssh!" Dallas scoffed, strutting over to the couch "You'll be missin' me within five minutes babe." Dallas hissed with a yank to the back of the kid's head, kissing him a bit roughly before shoving off, leaving a stunned Ponyboy. The two made there way to Two-Bit's car, popping the hood as they began their search for the source of the leak. It wasn't long before Soda showed up to lend a hand and his expertise.
"Hey guys, check out what I found on the side of the road!" Soda said as he hopped out of his car.
"Ayy, Johnny!" Two-Bit said, hooking the kid into a headlock and giving him a noogy.
"Gaah! C'mon Two-Bit! You're messin' my hair!" Johnny gritted, wriggling to break free from the greaser's hold.
"What, ya got a hot date tonight or somethin?" Two-Bit laughed, letting up.
"No, I just don't need a mess of a head." Johnny said, straightening his hair back out.
"Hey Johnny, could ya take these inside man?" Soda asked, handing Johnny the grocery bags.
"Sure." Johnny said, taking the bags inside as the boys got to work.
"So what's the problem Two-Bit?" Soda asked, slapping the greaser on the back.
"I got a leak man." Two-Bit said with a shake of his head.
"Oh, sounds like a personal problem, you should probly see a doctor about that man." Soda said with a shake of his head, bursting into laughter before Two-Bit could even give him a dirty look. But Two-Bit just laughed along with him.
"You guys are a bunch of idiots." Dallas shook his head with smirk.
Haha, oh man." Soda huffed, his laughter dying down, "Well, lemme take a look under." Soda said, plopping to the ground, rolling over onto his back as he inched and scooted under the car.
"Ya see anything?" Two-Bit asked.
"Yeah, it shouldn't be a hard fix, ya need a new fuel line." Soda said back, scooting back out from under the car. "I might have an extra one lying around." Soda said, dusting himself off. "Gonna need some cardboard too." Soda said as he made his way to the shabby little shed they had in the back.
"What ya need cardboard for man?" Two-Bit asked, a bit confused by the kid's need.
"Well, the ground aint the cleanest place, and it sure aint the comfiest neither." Soda chuckled, pulling open the screechy old door to the shed. "Alright, if you guys wanna look through them drawers over there for some pliers, a flat head screwdriver and a wrench, that'd be good." Soda as he fiddled around with a big piece of cardboard, tossing it out the door.
"This any good?" Dallas asked, holding up flat head screwdriver as requested.
"Uhh, yeah that should be good." Soda nodded, "How you doin' Two-Bit?" Soda asked.
"Got it!" Two-Bit shouted.
"What ya got man?" Soda chuckled.
"I got what you need, that uh, fuel line thing right?" Two-Bit asked, stepping over the clutter of the shed. "I found the tools too."
"Nice, bring em all out." Soda said as he grabbed the cardboard, carrying it over to Two-Bit's car. The trio worked tirelessly on Two-Bit's car and it paid off. The car was guarantee leak free. Before the three could celebrate their accomplishment, Johnny called them in for dinner. They all sprinted up the steps, having worked up quite the appetite, and just about taking out the whole kitchen table of food.
"Wash your damn hands, I don't need motor oil on my pasta thanks." Ponyboy snapped at the three, all of whom rolled their eyes and crowded around the kitchen sink scrubbing at their dirty hands and nails. With a quick wipe and dry of a dish towel they were ready to eat, chowing down like a damn hungry-hungry -hippo game. The gang crowded around in the living room after dinner, Dallas and Pony taking the couch for themselves, leaving the others to take spots on the floor or chairs. Hours of T.V. had left them a bit bored as the night began to wind down and the T.V. guide book didn't promise anything good for the rest of the night.
"Anybody got plans for tonight?" Two-Bit asked from his sprawled out position on the floor.
"Plans as in what?" Dallas asked, toying with the hair of the sleepy auburn that rested on his chest.
"Movies, drag races, anything?" Two-Bit suggested, bored out of his mind.
"Nothin' I can think of." Soda said with a shrug.
"I don't think there's anythin' goin' on at Buck's tonight." Dallas tossed in, curling a lock of auburn hair around his finger mindlessly.
"The one night he doesn't have anything going on." Soda said with a shake of his head and a laugh.
"It's like the whole town got a memo to be boring tonight or something." Ponyboy mumbled out lazily from his sleepy state.
"Hmmh, maybe." Dallas laughed at the auburn's tired response.
"Well, no offense to you guys, but, I'm out." Two-Bit said, popping up from his chair, heading for the door. "Might pop in later if I don't find anything." Two-Bit shrugged, tugging on the door.
"I'm headin' out too, night guys." Johnny said with a fix of his jeans jacket.
"Wait, Johnny lemma take ya home." Soda hopped up from his chair, knowing that the kid would be targeted by any random group of socs. "I needa head out anyways to start my shift at the DX." Soda said as he grabbed his car keys, Johnny nodded in thanks as soda pulled the door open for them both.
"You takin' the shift after the crazy?" Dallas asked, referring to Soda's ex and Pony's almost murderer.
"Yeah." Soda said in an almost begrudging tone, not wanting to have anything to do with the bastard.
"Hey, wouldja mind giving this to him for me?" Dallas said, digging deep into his pants pocket, "Ah, here it is." Dallas said, pulling his hand from his pocket, his middle finger extended high and straight above his other bent fingers as his thumb flagged out on the side. Soda just about falling backwards in laughter. "And tell him it's personal." Dallas said with a slanted smirk.
"I'll be sure to give it to him." Soda chuckled as he stepped out the door.
"Later!" Dallas called out to the two, the clang of the screen door signaled that they were officially alone. Ponyboy pulled himself from the hood, strolling into the kitchen for a much needed drink. "Nothin' ta do tonight…" Dallas sighed as he sauntered in behind the boy. His eyes looking over the boy's form, a tight shirt clinging to his torso as a pair of hand-me-down jeans from Soda barely clung to his hips.
"Mnnh!" Ponyboy nearly spat the water from his mouth when the hood's hands suddenly found themselves in his pants.
"Except you." Dallas breathed into the boy's ear, stroking Pony's groin with the entirety of his hand. In one fluid motion he had the boy flat on his back on the table.
"Ahn." Ponyboy panted out as he stared up at the hood, shimmying his hips as the hood pulled off his jeans. Putting his hands to the front of Dally's pants, undoing them with hasty hands.
"Mnngh." Dallas mashed his lips to Pony's in a tugging kiss, loving the feel of Pony's hands on his groin. Throwing the auburn's legs over his shoulders, he watched as Pony tore the shirt off him, exposing his pale chest and perky nipples. Bared to one another, Dallas rubbed his pelvis against Pony's ass, nonverbally asking if the boy was ready for him. With a quick nod from the auburn, he pressed in.
"Uhngh." Ponyboy moaned, latching his hand to the back of Dally's neck, pulling them closer to one another. "Mnngh!" Ponyboy moaned into Dally's mouth, their breath becoming one as they panted into one another's mouths. Pony's eyes locked with the blonde's icy blues, fixed on the hood's dilated pupils as they watched his every move.
"Hah, hah, mnngha ha!" Dallas grunted against Ponyboy's throat as he drove his cock deep into the quivering boy beneath him.
"Ahn, nh, oh!" Ponyboy yelped as the hood nipped and bit at his tender neck. "Nmmph!" Ponyboy groaned as Dally pressed deeper into him, clenching the edge of the table tightly as the hood rode him with fierce thrusts. "Mmph!" A smothered gasp escaped Ponyboy's lips as the older teen kissed and suckled at his soft lips. Pony's and the table's legs shook with each pounding thrust the hood sent into the boy.
"Mnnngh, ah!" Dallas grunted he grinded against the boy, sending him deeper. His thrusts were unrelenting, the sound of their skin slapping against one another nearly over powered their grunts and moans. "Ahgh." Dallas groaned, pumping his cock in and out of Pony's ass
"Mnngh." Pony moaned low in his throat, biting at his bottom lip as the hood's cock pumped in and out of him relentlessly. "Ahn, Dally!" Ponyboy cried out again, his yelps and mewls reverberated off the kitchen walls, sending a chill down the hood's spine.
"Guhnn!" Dallas groaned at the feel of the auburn tensing beneath him, loving how his body had an affect on the boy's body. "Mnngh!" Dallas groaned into Pony's neck, inhaling the scent of the boy's sweat slicked skin. "Grrhn!" Dallas growled as he bit at Pony's soft lips, loving the soft yelp that slipped past them when he pressed his teeth in a bit hard.
"Nhgggh, ah! Oh Dally!" Ponyboy gasped as the hood shifted his weight, forcing Ponyboy to spread his legs further, sending the hood deeper. "Ahh, Dally! Mnngh!" Ponyboy cried out as his toes curled in ecstasy as the hood rode him long and hard. "Ohhn, please!" Ponyboy pleaded with raspy breaths as he clutched the table's edge, his fingernails digging into the wood. "Ahhh, mnnnngh Dal! Ahngh Dally!" Ponyboy gasped for air, his body feeling as though it were on fire.
"Grrrngh!" Dallas growled, his loins tensed with heated pleasure as his body collided with the ever so willing penetrable body beneath him. "Mnnngh, ahh, ah, ahn, uhnh Ponyboy!" Dallas grunted as he thrust into the boy, grazing his teeth along Ponyboy's chest, eliciting a gasp from the auburn.
"Gughn-unh!" Ponyboy whimpered, his body trembling fiercely as his climax began to spread through his groin.
"Gnnghhhn!" Dallas growled as he came, holding the boy close to him he buried his face into the nook of the boy's neck, bringing the auburn to his climax.
"Ahhn!" Ponyboy's vision was over taken by a blinding white, his back arched painfully high off of the table as he rode out the throws of his orgasm. A fire erupted inside of him that sent his skin tingling with electricity as he left his body. "Hahn!" Ponyboy collapsed back down to earth, his mind blank as his head went swirling with lightheadedness, his vision slowly fading back into place. "Hhnn." Ponyboy sighed as the hood pulled out.
"Wanna go for round two?" Dallas asked with his trade mark wicked grin.
"You read my mind ya sick bastard." Ponyboy smirked back, taking the hood's hand as he pulled him up from the table. Finding themselves in the auburn's room, wasting no time before getting right down to it.