Hey there :) This is my first Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic :D Go me! Okay, basically, if I don't get to explain the story in the summary, im going to put the whole summary here. HOWEVER; There are many character plots, so I will write the name of the character and their summary in the story.

Buffy: After having defeated 'The First' and losing Spike, she now wants to regain her relationship with Dawn. While doing so, a certain vampire meets her in LA; will her life return to some kind of normal? If that's even possible...

Xander: After losing Anya, Xander finally understands what Willow went through and sure, why not blow up the world? However, Xander isn't powerful like Willow, so he settles for covering his pain with masking it by humor. Will Xander come to terms with Anya's death and begin to heal or will the pain he's feeling eat away at his heart forever?

Giles: No real plot line, but is vital to the story.

Faith: No real plot, but a small area is decicated to her first real relationship.

Kennedy: After having a startling vision, Kennedy feels forced to leave Willow, leaving Willow confused as Hell.

Dawn: Dawn's never had a real relationship with anyone, but after meeting Riley's brother Alex she begins to discover what relationships are about. However, flaws are always apart of any relationship. Maybe this flaw just might make Dawn realize something when she meets Artemis.

Angel: After hearing from Giles, he finds out that Buffy is now residing in Los Angeles. He wants to win her back, no matter what it takes and he won't stop at anything to get her in his arms again.

Artemis: A new character that is a vital part of the story towards the end.

Alex: Dawn's first real boyfriend and also Riley's brother... but like I said... there's a flaw...

And most importantly:

Willow: After Kennedy leaving her, Willow has a vision. She is able to bring Tara back, and Tara wants to be back. Now that she is finally back in Tara's arms, she feels like nothing could complicate things. That is, until she meets Artemis, a sixteen year old 'Slayer' who has unimaginable powers.

Tara: After appearing to Kennedy to send a message to Willow that she has the power to come back to Earth, she is visited by Willow through an incantation in which she is able to communicate with the deceased. Willow now has the option to bring her back to life and awaits to be back into her lover's arms.

Alrighty, thats the summary for each vital character in the story!! Yay, here's the story now.

It was over. It was actually over.

Well for now, anyway.

Willow took ahold of Kennedy's hand as the Scoobies made the short journey back to the bus.

Most of them were hurt, including the other slayers, some even close to death.

She eyed Kennedy who was avoiding her gaze, but was distracted as she saw Xander making his way over to them.

Willow quickley turned her head to see her reflection in the tinted window of the bus. She looked the same, but she knew better. She was different.

Her powers now were unimaginable. They were finally under control and in the words of Kennedy, she was a Goddess, well she felt that way, at least.

"Will?" Xander snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Xander," Willow smiled as she let go of Kennedy's hand to hug her best friend.

Willow saw the weak smile he provided before their arms embraced each other. She wanted to keep his mind off of Anya for a little while. Until he felt a little better.

"Well since the whole shopping thing is out of the question, what do you think we should do? Buffy's all gazey, but I'm not exactly sure that's a word."

"I don't know what to do either. Sleep maybe. I think we need to wait until Buffy snaps out of her... gazey. Yeah, that isn't the word you're looking for. She's in a... she's in a dazey. There we go." Willow smiled.

"She's in a daisy? Like in a flower?"

Willow laughed lightly.

"You know, you could use an actual word like... daze? You don't have to make it an an adjective." Dawn intterupted.

"Well excuse me Miss Kill Joy," Xander replied dramatically. "Why can't you be like any other normal teenager; I mean your school was just brought to full on destruction mode and you're being a smarty pants!"

Dawn smiled cheekily.

"Xander, I think you're thinkin' about the demons... they pretty much killed everyone's joy." Willow smiled.

"Everyone's a critic." Xander walked away in a humorous huff, smiling as best he could.

"Guys?" Everyone turned towards Buffy's direction. "I know what I'm going to do."

Willow silently made her way towards Kennedy as Buffy continued her 'inspirational' rant before she got to her point. Kennedy took a sharp breath as Willow wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Kennedy? What's wrong?" Willow whispered.

"Shh, nothing. Buffy's talking."

"And this has stopped you before?"

Kennedy didn't reply.

"... and I want the Scoobies and I to go it alone. Everyone on that bus right now will not be coming. I'm not sure where we're going yet, but we have to stay together. Re-build this whole life.

Willow looked at Kennedy who had her eyes squeezed shut.

"Ken? Baby, what's wrong?"

"Will, we need to talk."

Willow winced.

"I don't like those words. Well together anyway, I mean seperately they're great; fantastic even! Of course, that depends on what-"

"Stop babbling, Willow."

Willow clamped her mouth shut at the sterness of Kennedy's words.

"I'm not coming with you."

"Buffy thinks you're one of the Scoobies now, you don't have to worry about-"

"No, I mean, I can't."

"W-what? Sure you can, I mean, the bus has plenty of room..."

"Baby, you know what I mean."

Willow looked up, her eyes angry, but not in the destroy the world, coal black kind of way.

"Don't call me that." Willow took a seat on a nearby rock.

"Don't be like that. You don't understand what's-"

"Then, please, help me out here!"

"It's not time yet."

"What are you talking about? Kennedy is this about the other night? Was I not good en-"

"No! God, don't think like that. It was mind-blowing. I just have to go, you'll understand later."

Kennedy made her way back to the bus, tears threatening to spill at any second.

Willow put her head in her hands. All she could think about was how everyone she's ever loved... like that, would somehow let her down. And it hurt. A lot.

Tears began to slowly fall down her face leaving long, slick streaks of salty water lingering on her cheeks.

"Will, honey, what's wrong?" Buffy came forward and crouched down in front of the teary red-head.

"I- I- I..."

"You what?"

"I wish I knew..." She began to choke from all of her crying.

Buffy pulled her into her chest, cradling her. This poor girl had been through so much, and Buffy hadn't really been there for her like she should have. They were best friends, yet she felt so distant from this girl in her arms. From this moment on, she vowed to change that.

"Will, I'm sorry. I'm beyond sorry. I haven't been there for you, and I know I keep saying I will then I get all distracted, but this new life... it will be just that. New. A new start for you and me. C'mon, we should head over to the bus."

"I think... Kennedy and I are over."

"What?! But you just got together a little while ago!"

"She won't tell me why."

Buffy could see the pure frustration in her eyes.

"C'mon, let's go. We'll talk on the bus. For now, we've got to get these people to a hospital."

Willow nodded solemnly and followed her to the bus.

Willow looked over her shoulder for about the twentieth time, trying to get a glimpse of Kennedy who was staring out the window blankly.

"Will, you have to stop torturing yourself."

"Buff, I know this is stupid, but I don't feel... heart broken. I just want to know why she would do this. We could have had something, and she was really into me. I was even into her. She told me 'I'd understand later', but it just doesn't make sense to me."

"I know, hon."

"I thought it might have been the night we first... well, you know... but then she said it wasn't the reason at all, but it's the only reason I can think of!"

"I don't know what to say, but I have a question; did you really love, or even think you could love her? Or did you just... I don't know, trying to get over Tara?"

Willow looked at her hands clasped in her lap shamefully.

"I shouldn't have used Kennedy like that. I- I just wanted it to stop."

"Wanted what to stop?"

"The pain in my chest where Tara used to be."

Buffy looked to the floor, her eyes slightly filling up with tears.

"I miss her too Will, but you have to be fair to Kennedy. Go and apologize to her. I'm glad you realize life goes on, but... but you have time. Let time heal your heart. Be with friends. Be with yourself. Then, when you know you're ready, you can try to move on for real."

Willow sighed deeply and nodded.

She began to stand up and make her way towards the far back of the bus where Kennedy was sitting.

"Willow, don't make this any harder than it has to be..."

"I'm here to apologize."

"You did nothing wrong, I told you-"

"No. I did. I did something really wrong."

"What are you talking about?"

"I... I'm not over Tara. I feel this aching pain in my chest whenever I thought of her. Then you came along. The pain dulled and things felt like they were going to get better. The only problem was the pain was still there and no matter how much it dulled, it still affected me. I used you when I wasn't really in love with you."

Kennedy began to cry.

"I know."

"I reall am sorry, I just- you know? How?"

"Tara told me."