Disclaimer: I wish I owned the Power Rangers

A/N: And it's done. X's and O's is now complete. Before anyone brings up Syd, I remind you that the SPD Rangers will get their air time in a different fic. Enjoy.

Rose settled down on her bed and glanced around her room, it was filled with packing boxes, full and empty. There was little left of the year she'd spent here in the Hartford mansion. Artifacts that had been mixed in with pieces of advanced technology were now packed away, books that had ranged from common mythology to theoretical sciences had either been returned to the Hartford library or shipped to Berkley, where she would be doing a guest lecture series before finishing her doctorate. There is one thing left to pack tonight, the battered leather diary that is almost full after a year of days. She picked it up from her nightstand with a sigh and lets her fingers trace the simple Diary that was stitched onto the leather. Opening it, she read, again, her mother's note.

Dearest Rose,

On this, your eighteenth year, I wanted to give you this and to remind you just how much you are loved by your family.

Rose smiled, even if she had made a face at her mother for using her nickname, the gift had been thoughtful. She turned to the last page and picked up her pen. "Rose!" Ronnie shouted, flinging her door open, "Come on, team night!"

"I'll be down in a minute," Rose replied.

"No, you're coming down now," Ronnie said, "I have my orders." With a burst of speed, she was across the room, snatching Rose's diary and pen away. "You'll have to come get these, after all," she added with a smirk.

"Ronnie!" Rose shouted, "Give those back!" She lunged off the bed and ran after the yellow ranger, who was waiting at the end of the hallway, "Veronica," Rose growled.

"Sorry, Rose," Ronnie said, smiling cheerfully, "you are coming to team night." And she was off again.

Rose was tempted to just go back to her room, but that was her diary, she had been brutal in a way that they should never read. So she took off again, and found Ronnie standing at the foot of the stairs. "Ronnie, please," she said. "Don't."

Ronnie held up the book, "We aren't going to read it," she said, tilting her head slightly, "I promise. Once you're down here, I'll go put it back."

Rose hesitated, and then started down the stairs. Ronnie backed up into the living room at the same time, and Rose followed her. Once she was in the living room, Ronnie vanished; zipping up the stairs and back by the time Rose had turned to follow her. "Ronnie," Rose said.

"Come on," Ronnie grabbed Rose's arm and dragged her over to the elevator and inside. "They're waiting," she said, looking proud, "I told them I'd get you to come."

"You forced me," Rose corrected.

"Semantics," Ronnie replied as the doors opened.

"Surprise, Happy Birthday," the team shouted.

Rose stared, "How," she began.

"Your mother called," Spencer replied, "to wish you a happy birthday. You were in town, so I took the message. She said to call her back tomorrow."

Rose stepped off the elevator and into the control room, staring at the decorated room. Mack broke the silence by clapping his hands together, "Rose, do you want presents first, or cake? We'll have to go upstairs for cake, and presents, but, we wanted to say happy birthday down here."

Ronnie's arm came over Rose's shoulder and squeezed, "Cake," Ronnie whispered, "please, it's chocolate."

"Let's do presents first," Rose said, and smirked at Ronnie.