Yo Kyo here. Again I know you all hate me because I have not been updating, but come on you love me because of my awesome stories anyway. Plus Its not like I'm just not doing fanfic's It's that I'm busy with other things. Like writing new fanfics! Anyway I wanted to try another vampire fic.
I know you guys think they are over rated, but you guys all do highschool vamp fics, or in the least fics with Sasuke or the guys as vamps, what happened to the hot sexy Sakura as a vamp eh? So since not many of the vamp fics out there have Sakura as the vampire here you go test it out.
I like girls with power, not the weak girls who are always depending on a male to rescue them. Those girls are the hottest. So read this if you care.
WARNING: I will tell you this now. If you are under sixteen you can not read this. This is rated M for a reason people. I will not put a warning in the story thats says in big flashing letters, I will warn you here. There is Lemon or sexual content in this story. All through it. If you do not want to read it then don't. I don't want any one coming and telling me after that I should have warned them about the sex, because I am now.
If you send me a message telling me that this was dirty then screw you because I'm warning you now. If you feel that this is not a fic for you then go away now. Leave this story. oh and Sasuke is OOC as well as most of the characters I try to keep them in character, but there only so much you can do.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. But I own this Idea, so if you want to borrow it or something ask first. I don't mind letting people base there books off mine, just ask first.
Chapter one: ( I don't know if this will be in chapters yet or just a one shot, we will see. )
Sakura was sent on a mission to protect the sand village after an Akatsuki attack. After completing the mission Sakura was sent home. Of course you have to cross a desert to get to and from the Sand village. A day away from Suna a sand storm spins to life and pushes Sakura from her original direction.
Sakura only realizes she has been redirected after the storm stops. Lost in a desert Sakura is confused and slightly worried. She did not bring enough water or food to last more then two days. So the fight to find a way out of the desert or at least to safety started.
It of course ended rather quickly on the fifth day. Sakura had sent out flares, she had done everything imaginable to survive and be rescued. She hated feeling weak and useless waiting for some one to recuse her, but Sakura had no choice. She was out of food, out of water, and out of time.
At mid-day it was the hottest. Sakura's mouth felt as if she has gulped down two buckets of sand. She wondered if her blood was drying up to under all this heat. Perhaps it was just boiling under her skin. Maybe thats was what called the woman to her. Looking back Sakura did wonder if it was that or simply something else.
Sakura found herself laying on her back in the hot sand. She looked up at the sky and laughed softly and weakly. She was going to die and there was nothing she could do. She was a Ninja and instead of dying like a normal shinobi she was going to die in a desert. Most likely a few miles from Suna. Sakura was going to look like a fool to all of Kohona and Suna. Though she would be a dead fool.
Suddenly a cool shade blocked her from the suns evil rays. Sakura tried to focus her eyes on the source of the shade but she couldn't really make it out. It was a person shaped blob and before Sakura could feel excitement at the fact someone had found her she realized maybe it was just too late.
The blob leaned closer peering into her eyes. Sakura can feel the cool brush of silky hair along her face and neck as the person leans closer. She can now see that the blob is covered in a thick material that covered pretty much all of the persons body. It would be hot of course, but it would be better then the sun burn Sakura was currently barring.
The figure also had bright red hair. Hair the color of crimson. The color of Garra's hair. The color of blood. It was a female and Sakura could only tell this because the woman started speaking to her. At fist the words made no sense then Sakura could understand them.
" Your going to die soon." The woman said. Sakura of course knew that. She couldn't help but feel so tired right now. The cool shade the woman was creating for her felt so nice Sakura just wanted to fall asleep.
" Do you want to die?" She thought about that question. Did she want to die? Right now it seemed like a good plan, but in the back of her mind something told her it would be the easy way out.
Sakura though about all the things she had accomplished in her life. Then she thought of all the things she had not. She had not seen so many things she had dreamed of seeing. She wanted to see Naruto become Hokage. She wanted to see Hinata finally confess to Naruto. She wanted to see Sasuke...happy.
In all her life, all Sakura ever did was try to make other people happy. She had spent most of her childhood chasing Sasuke. She spent most of her ninja life trying to make him happy, then the rest of it trying to find him and get stronger for Naruto and Sasuke sake.
Sakura realized that if she did not become stronger she would never be anything but a bother to her two teammates. She became strong. She became the most prized kunoichi in the village hidden in the leaves. She was the most powerful Medic nin and she had surpassed Tsunade-sama herself, yet she was going to die in a freaking desert after all of that. After all that hard work.
After all her life spent helping other people. When had she ever had time to help herself? She had always been trying to make someone or another happy. She had always smiled for everyone even though she felt so helpless and weak inside. So why did she have to die this way? Why did it all have to end here? She had so many things she still wanted..no needed to do.
Sasuke was still not happy. She had vowed, if not to accomplish any of her own dreams, but to make Sasuke's dreams come true. He was still with Orochimaru. He was still unhappy. And he was still missing from Kohona, thus making Naruto sad and she couldn't have any of that either.
Sakura decided right then she could not die here. Even if she was on the brink of death she would somehow find a way to live. For Naruto and Sasuke. For Kakashi and Sai. For the village and for....herself.
The woman finally spoke again after the long silence. Sakura had almost forgotten the woman was there standing above her giving her shade.
" Would you rather die young one? Or would you rather be born again?" The question confuses Sakura. Born again? What did that mean? She had no clue, but she knew one thing. It was better then death.
" I want to live." Sakura said.
That was when Sakura's eyes finally focused enough to see the womans face. The pale pale skin, and those smiling rose red lips. Though more importantly, the crimson eyes looking down at her.
Sakura's vision blurred and she couldn't be sure if it was because her time was up, or if the woman's eyes were making it happen. Perhaps she had a kekkei genki like Sasuke. She wasn't sure but what ever was happening she was passing out. Or maybe this was death? It felt so cold...so good.
Maybe death wouldn't be so bad then?
Two years later
Sakura had been away from the village for two years and four weeks. She had not sent word to them, or went to see any of her friends in all that time. She had basically died that day. To all the world. She has been as the woman said. Born again. Though not literally. She was still Sakura, just with a few added things.
When Sakura had woke that night she had briefly wondered if all she had saw and heard had been a dream. Then she knew it wasn't when she realized she was now in a cave. The woman had returned moments later and introduced herself not by name, but by race. She was a Pure blood vampire.
Sakura had just looked at her like she were insane but then the woman told her to look not with her mind, but her eyes. Sakura looked at the woman when she did she knew the woman was different. At first Sakura just humored the crazy woman by agreeing with her, but as the woman started speaking and telling her about the vampire kind. Sakura found the story more and more believable.
Vampire existing for centuries, but sleeping away most of the time. Vampires grew bored of human life sometimes and so they went into a deep sleep for years at a time. The woman told her that she had just woke from her eight year sleep. She said Sakura had been the first person she came across. The first meal.
Sakura had not found marks on her neck, but the woman said they would have healed. Considering Sakura was now a vampire too. First Sakura didn't want to believe her but as she assessed herself she realized she had changed. She could no longer use her chakra, she could see that she had healed all the wounds, all the burns from the sun and the desert heat.
Sakura knew she was changed. Reborn as something different. As a vampire.
The woman had told her that she would need blood to survive like any other vampire. She would be sensitive to the sun but it would not kill her. She was immortal to any injury. All injury, but ones other vampires caused.
Sakura had spent a month with the woman learning all she could about her new nature. She had went into villages with the woman and hunted. She didn't feel particularly bad for drinking the villagers blood, because she did not hurt them. She gave them pleasure. Like the woman had said she would with her bite.
A vampire's bite causes pleasure unless the vampire wishes to cause pain. The woman showed her how to erase memories and use her new abilities. At the end of their month together the woman had told Sakura not to go back to her own village for a while.
Wait to learn better control, for ninja were harder to control then normal human. Sakura agreed and so she spent well over two years away from her friends and her home. She taught herself things to get by, and she learned even more of her vampire nature.
She also found she could still heal people, just not with chakra. It took a lot out of her to heal humans, and ninja she came across but after a while she taught herself control. Control she perfected and honed so then she could return to the village she use to call home.
Month's later
Sakura stood in front of her old village. She had changed a great deal in looks. Even though she would remain eighteen forever. Her hair had grown. Which proved that even though she could not age since she was turned, her hair and nails could still grow. Of course Sakura also learned she could not cut her hair. Her body treated a cut like a wound even if it was to her hair, it regrew what she cut it. So her hair was now almost to her knees. She wore it down today.
It flowed over her black trench coat and pale skin. Her jade eyes were not innocent any longer, they were jaded with what life had thrown at her and what death had shown her. Technically she was dead. A dead human, but a undead vampire.
Under her trench coat she wore a sword. Regardless of being a vampire and able to kill with her hands and fangs alone, Sakura sometimes did not want to get that dirty. So a sword was more practical. It was strapped to her hip inside the trench coat that hit her mid-calf.
The clothes she wore underneath the coat were normal ones. Okay maybe not normal but they were clothes. A black shirt that reminded her of Sai's when she bought it. A fishnet shirt covered the exposed skin the shirt did not conceal. Her pants were black and long. It was practical. What sort of vampire jumps around in a short skirt? So pants it was.
Over all she had not changed all that much, but at yet the same time everything about her had changed.
The village had not changed so much in the time she was gone. The only thing different was the people. New people and older versions of the not so new people.
Sakura walked through the gates of Kohona with out a panic. The guards she had never met anyway, so they would not know her. She made it to the Hokage tower with out incident. Only when she knocked on the door and walked in did all hell break lose. Not really.
Tsunade-sama looked much older then when Sakura had last seen her but Sakura didn't blame the woman one bit. The woman had bottles of Sake lined up everywhere. Most empty though Sakura could smell some still had sake in them. The woman was buried in paperwork as usual.
Though the thing that was different was that Tsunade was not alone in her office. Kakashi stood in the room back turned to Sakura and facing the Hokage. Tsunade looked around Kakashi to see who had intruded and her eyes about popped out. She looked down at the Sake she was drinking and tossed it out the window. Perhaps thinking it was making her see things that she couldn't possibly see.
" Hey Kakashi can you see that?" Tsunade asked pointing to Sakura. Kakashi flipped around and his eyes went wide.
" Yes... Tsunade-sama." Kakashi choked out.
" Sakura." Tsunade said and then before Tsunade could even stand to go to her Kakashi crushed her in a huge hug. Sakura let him. The sweet smell of blood teasing her nose as he crushed her to his body. Oh he smelled very good. Sakura in hailed his scent, but didn't dare wrap her arms around him.
She already had trouble now restraining her fangs.
" Sakura where have you been! We thought you were dead!" Tsunade yelled scolding her. Sakura could smell the salt water however and a brief glance told Sakura what she smelt had been the woman's tears. Kakashi's too.
" A sand storm caught me off guard. I was lost for almost a month in the desert. A woman found me and I had to pay her back before I could come home. She would not let me contract any of you." Sakura lied mostly. Though some of the story was true.
She couldn't tell them she was a vampire. They wouldn't believe her or they would fear her if they did. She wanted neither so she just kept quiet.
" We thought....thought you were dead." Tsunade said trying not to cry. Hokage's do not cry.
" I am very sorry." Sakura bowed. The two shinobi noticed immediately there was something different with Sakura but of course it had been two years and some odd months. Of course they were not going to say anything right when they got their once thought dead student back. They were just glad to have her back.
" If you do not mind Hokage-sama, I would very much like to rest." She said. Tsunade looked started.
" Oh...of course Sakura. Your house was however sold. Perhaps one of your old friends will allow you to live with them for the time being, until we can get you you a new house. Your friends should still have most of your things. Naruto has the most." Tsunade said slightly concerned.
" I have your furniture in my house Sakura. Tell me where your staying and I'll have it moved there." Kakashi said. Sakura bowed again.
" Thank you very much." Sakura said and when she rose again Tsunade didn't want to dismiss her but did. Sakura turned and walked out.
Kakashi looked to the Hokage.
" There is something different about her." Tsunade said tapping her chin.
" She seems different then our old cheerful Sakura. I haven't once she she came in see her smile. She has the eyes of a shinobi." Kakashi said. Eyes too old for her.
" Watch her." Tsunade said. She wasn't suspicious of her student, just concerned. What had really happened those two years she has been gone?
When they had not heard from Sakura, after what seemed like a very simple mission, Tsunade had all Suna and Kohona searching for her. They had not found even a trace of the pink haired girl. Now she suddenly shows up so very different? Was it really Sakura? If so why was she so different?
Sakura had to admit Kohona changed more then she had thought. More buildings had been added. Another school had been built over the old academy. A lot of other shops had opened up and a lot of her favorites had been taken down. It was certainly different. She wondered what her old friends lives were like now.
Sakura did not need to eat human food any longer but she went to Ichiraku Ramen to see if she could find Naruto. She wanted to see him again. He was one of her reasons for living. Well for living as a vampire now. She couldn't ask Naruto to stay in his home, it was small enough for him alone. She would have to find another. Hinata perhaps?
The Hyuuga Estate was certainly large enough. Though Sakura wasn't sure how well her control would be like with that many people so close. Sakura had never slept or stayed near so many humans for too long a time. Fearing what control she had she figured perhaps she could just stay in the Uchiha compound. The Uchiha wasn't using it. For all she knew he was off doing god knows what with the slut he was wondering all over the five nations with.
A bigger problem then where she would stay was what she would eat, or rather who. She could take blood from some sap on the streets but the village was filled with Ninja. She could and probably would be caught. She could take from the hospital's bank, but they needed that blood more then she did.
As she thought she walked. When she came to the Ramen stand she spotted not only Blond hair but also Black. Sakura frowned. That build was male, and that hair was similar. Sasuke came back while she was missing? Well how pleasant of him.
The old man at the Ramen stand about had a heart attack on the spot when he saw her approach. She touched a hand to the back of Sasuke's neck and then Naruto's. She leaned down and whispered in both ears at once.
" Who gave you the right to come back with out me here?" She asked Sasuke then to Naruto she whispered.
" Ramen is very bad for you." They both jerked in their seats and flipped around so fast after she removed her hands that they almost hit her in the head. Thankfully she was faster then that and moved out of the way so indeed of them hitting her, they hit each other in the head. They both groaned and clutched their foreheads as they looked back at her.
She stood with a hand on her hip. She looked at both boys, well they weren't boys any more she supposed. They were both twenty. She was stuck at eighteen. She wondered how long she could stay here before they realized she wasn't aging. Perhaps she could tell them she learned the same Jutsu as Tsunade and could stay as young as she wanted with it. Could work.
Sasuke didn't look much different. He was broader of course. Taller, and his hair was a little longer. He slightly resembled his elder brother now. Though it could just be because his Sharingan was on.
Naruto on the other hand had really grew into his looks. His hair also grew longer and resembled his long dead fathers. His eyes were still the most beautiful blue. They were still bright but the innocence in them had long faded. But Sakura could swear as she looked into them she saw some of the innocence return.
They both wore different clothes, though Sasuke's still dark. At least it wasn't that hideous butt bow any more.
Naruto wore black also. A long red and white trench coat thing over him like Sakura's black was. Their head bands in place.
They both gave her equal stares of shock. Their injury forgotten as they looked at her. A friend who had been missing for two years. Thought dead. Returning. Here and now.
Sasuke was the first to recover his face he shut his dropped jaw and cleared his throat to speak but Naruto recovered faster and suddenly launched himself at Sakura. Sakura caught the hug and let him swing her around. She made a pained face as the scent of his blood and his skin floated into her nose. She felt her eyes shifting color and closed them and laid her head on Naruto's shoulder. She lightly gripped his arms, which were huge. She didn't want to wrap her arms around him just in case.
He set her on the ground and when he pulled back his eyes were filled with tears. She could smell them not see them, for her eyes were still closed. Now that he wasn't as close she could breathe lighter and she opened her still green eyes.
" Sakura-chan where have you been! We th...thought you ...thought you..." He couldn't finish the sentence his throat closed and he choked on his tears.
Sakura looked at Naruto and sighed.
" It is a long story. One to be shared later. Now. Why are you here?" She asked turning to Sasuke. He went perfectly still having her jade eyes on his. He felt like a pain just went through his chest. His throat too felt closed but he spoke anyway, some how managing not to sound too...emotional.
" I returned a month after you went missing Sakura." He said. Her pink brow's went together in confusion. Sasuke couldn't help but think how beautiful she had become. So much more then the last time he had seen her. He truly did like long hair on woman. It fitted Sakura so well.
" I see." She said and nodded. She then looked back to Naruto then back to Sasuke again.
" Sasuke." She said his name. The way she said it rolled off her tongue and made Sasuke want to shiver. Why was her voice so sinful to him? Was it because her voice was huskier? Was it because it wasn't so high or loud? Wait...why was she so different?
She seemed so....emotionless. She looked so...wait why was she looking at him like she was waiting on him to speak? Oh.
" Yes?" He had forgotten she had spoken to him.
" Do you mind if I stay in the Uchiha manor until I find a proper house?" He went still again. The only person who had ever lived in his house since the massacre, had been him.
" Fine." He said and turned away from her eyes. Wondering why one earth he had said yes to her. Maybe it had been her eyes. Something in her eyes told him to say yes. And he had. He glared into his cold bowl of Ramen and then looked back slightly to see Naruto hugging her again.
She seemed like she were in pain. Why he couldn't understand. She looked right at Sasuke and he could have sworn he saw her eyes change to scarlet like his Sharingan. That however was not possible so he just pushed it off for tiredness. He and Naruto had just got back from a mission a few hours ago. While Kakashi went to Tsunade for the mission report, Naruto had dragged him to Ichiraku.
When Naruto pulled away Sakura's face was blank again.
" Sasuke." His name again. Sasuke flinched at the shiver that went up his spine. Sasuke knew what hormones were, he just ignored them. He had a goal of course to accomplish, but he couldn't make himself go find a woman to bare his children.
They had to deal with Sakura's death. Well she wasn't dead now, but they had thought she was. Besides Sasuke just could make himself go find a girl. He had planned on asking Sakura when he returned. She always seemed to want to make him happy. Something Sasuke couldn't quite understand, but he was going to try to make her happy. Of course things never go as he wanted them to so when he came back Sakura had not been here.
Of course since they had been looking for her for a year he had no time, then the constant missions team seven was put on to try to get their minds off Sakura's death...he never had time.
Besides all that no one was available. All the female kunoichi his age were off limits. He of course would not marry any one who was not ninja. Tenten was with the bug eyes freak Lee. Hinata Hyuuga was with the other bug freak, Shino. Ino, not that he would even go for her, was with the dog freak Kiba.
All females were taken. Besides the sand girl, Garra's sister or whatever, was with Shikamaru. No other kunoichi were left. Besides Sakura was the only one who he would accept.
" Is he having problems today?" Sasuke heard Sakura ask Naruto. Sasuke realized she spoke of him. He had yet again not answered her.
" You know he was fine before you came." To any one else that would have sounded like Naruto didn't want her here, but the dobe was just being truthful. It was just Sakura was back. He couldn't help but need time to think things through here.
" I see." Sakura said and for the first time her lips twitched into a smirk. Sasuke couldn't help the slight blush the moved up his neck. He of course turned away before any one could see it. Well everyone but the old man behind the counter in Ichiraku.
" Teme?" Naruto asked leaning down to look at Sasuke's face. Sasuke turned away quickly. Trying to make the blush fade. He was a twenty year old dang it! He should blush just because a beautiful woman smirked! Sasuke of course was not embarrassed to say Sakura was beautiful. He had never seen such a beautiful kunoichi.
" What do you want?" Sasuke asked snapping at the blond as his blush faded enough not to be noticeable, but as he turned he could swear Sakura still noticed it. She stared at him with a raised brow. Another blush threatened but he pushed this one down.
" I wanted to know if you would show me where I will be resting. I would like to do such now." Sakura spoke oddly. Proper? No Sakura was always like that....but...just different. He pushed the thoughts away and stood paying for his Ramen and Naruto's because the blond would other wise forget again.
" Not fair! I want to stay too!" Naruto said pointing at Sasuke. Sasuke's eye twitched.
" No way dobe." Naruto pouted. Sakura frowned at Naruto.
" Maybe later." She said softly. Dare Sasuke say it?... She said it almost... sexy? No couldn't be...must be his mind playing tricks on him, but then Naruto's must be too because he turned a bright cherry red.
" Saku..Sakura-chan!" He said shocked. Sasuke shook his head at the idiots embarrassment, though he was just a little too. Sakura was certainly different.
" Come on." Sasuke said stuffing his hands in his pockets. He walked in the direction of the Uchiha manor and He had to look back to see if the pink haired woman followed. He couldn't feel her chakra. Was she just that good at blocking it? Maybe.
Some how Sakura had gotten rid of the blond dobe. A miracle indeed.