A/N: One, I can't believe I've finished this. Two, certain characters completely took over this chapter. Blame them, not me. Three, this is a rather long two-shot isn't it? Four, thank you to EVERYONE who has stuck by me with this, especially so to Snap for giving me the prompt (and pointing and laughing when I said it was going out of control) and Crackle for calming me down whenever I have had a confidence crisis.

Thanks to: Divinia Serit, AlternativeRocker, Koezh, WildDaisies10, Frogster, boutondor, MentalistLover, fan of mentalist, Firebreather23, Famous4it, Simonisthecuttestmentalist, yaba and phoenixmagic1 for reviewing part thirteen. Especially so to MentalistLover, fan of mentalist and Firebreather23, all of whom reviewed anonymously.

And yup, I couldn't leave you with that cliffhanger for too long. I'm not *that* cruel.

x tromana

Part Fourteen - Mystery

There's no mystery.

"Jane, I was shot in the shoulder, I can still walk."

Lisbon glared at Jane as he took a couple of steps backwards. She'd been hospitalized for just over a fortnight and under sedation for three days of that, so it was hardly surprising that he was being so overprotective. It was sweet, though draining, especially as Lisbon believed she wasn't designed for such coddling. After all, it was one thing knowing that somebody cared about your well-being and another entirely having them as your shadow. Still, she was relieved to be discharged, earlier than expected. That was mainly due to her incessant complaining and Jane's promise to keep an eye on her while she recuperated. Of course, that was going to take some while, what with the physiotherapy, rebuilding strength and such but at least she wasn't going to be going insane in hospital any longer.

"You nearly died," Jane lamented, looking at her with a wide eyed expression. "I'd have thought you could forgive me for being a little concerned."

"How many times are you going to remind me of that?"

"If it wasn't for Rigsby…"

"If it wasn't for Rigsby, we'd all be dead," she muttered under her breath. "Can we go now?"

"Yes. And no, you're not driving."

"Yeah, I kind of figured that."

"Do you have everything?"

"Yes, Jane."

"Have you got your medication?"

"Yes, Jane."

"What about…"

"Can we just get going? Please?"

Jane rolled his eyes as he grabbed Lisbon's bag of belongings and she caught sight of it. They both knew that he was only trying to think of her, almost for a change, but her patience was wearing thin. Since Red John's, or rather, Minelli's, death, Jane had transferred pretty much all of his attention to the brunette, partially because he hadn't anything better to do and also because he hadn't really considered what to do with his life now that he didn't have to use all his time and energy on trying to catch a serial killer. It was official, he was gone. Case closed and all that. Jane hadn't even bothered going into work and had simply accepted the compassionate leave he'd been offered instead. He wasn't even angry with Rigsby for taking away his opportunity of revenge, not that he'd have been able to do much, merely relieved that he had arrived in time to save the woman he sort of, kind of, maybe liked. Quite a lot. That he'd managed to fire the shot milliseconds before Minelli, making the ex-director's shot go slightly wide, even if it still managed to catch Lisbon in the shoulder. That Rigsby had managed to do something where all he could do himself was freeze.

And though he knew it would annoy the hell out of Lisbon, he wasn't going to let her out of his sight for quite some time. She could have had another day off work and everybody would have understood, but she had immediately insisted that he drove her straight to CBI headquarters. Even when hospitalized, she'd insisted upon being kept up to date on any open cases they had and several times, Jane had walked into her private room to see her studying various files, with a frown knitted prettily across her brow. And she had the audacity to tell him off for worrying. One of these days, she'd drive herself into the ground. Jane smiled slightly to himself. He'd have to teach her how to relax for a change.

"Is it okay for you to come into work today, Boss?"

Cho glanced at Lisbon warily and she narrowed her eyes in response. She knew she should be grateful on many levels, not least the fact that through some kind of miracle her team - Cho, Rigsby and Jane - were still intact and together. The reshuffle ordered by the A.G. had been pretty violent, especially amongst Lisbon's superiors and she knew that there was going to be a new way of doing things. People were still fuming at the fact that not only Minelli, but Van Pelt had managed to slip through the cracks and therefore, they had to be a lot more careful. Still, she'd been hoping that when she actually arrived at work, people would stop being so overly attentive.

"Yes, what is it with people today?"

"People are just showing concern, Lisbon…"

"If you dare say it one more time," she growled, glancing quickly at Jane who looked suitably cowed once he came underneath her fiery gaze. "Go do something useful. Like finding your couch."

"Meh, I can do that any time."

Rigsby approached them, looking uncharacteristically nervous and Lisbon offered him a gentle smile. He stood in front of her rocking from foot to foot. Though he was comfortable with his decision, he was overwhelmingly uncomfortable with actually telling Lisbon. Despite everything that had gone on, he knew she would still be a little disappointed with what he had chosen to do, but he wasn't going to change his mind. Couldn't change his mind. Everything had been such a fiasco and the reshuffle had only made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Can I have a word with you?" he asked quietly and Cho, realizing what he was about to do immediately made himself scarce, dragging Jane away by the elbow. "In private?"

"Of course Rigsby."

He followed her into her office and Lisbon looked incredibly relaxed and relieved to be back in there. As she eased herself carefully into her chair, Rigsby looked terrified that she was going to do more damage to herself, but calmed down slightly when he realized she was actually fine. He knew that she was still in pain and having to take some quite heavy duty painkillers just to be able to get through the day, but he hated seeing her suffering. Especially as he still believed that if he'd arrived there just a few minutes earlier, then she wouldn't have been hurt at all.

"I need to thank you," she started, observing him with interest. "You saved us all."

"I was just doing my job."

"Don't be ridiculous."

Rigsby took a deep breath, knowing that he needed to change the subject.

"I didn't want to talk to you about that…"

Lisbon nodded. She had a feeling she knew what was coming next.

"I want to leave."

"Are you sure there's nothing I can say to make you change your decision, Wayne?" Lisbon asked, knowing full well she wouldn't be able to sway his decision, but she had to ask. "My shoulder is making any paperwork surprisingly difficult."

"I'm sorry, Boss," he said, stumbling slightly over the word 'boss', offering her a weak smile. "I mean… Teresa. I've made my decision."

"Well, if you ever want to come back…"

"I know. Thank you. It's been an honor."

"Take care, Wayne," she murmured as he headed to the door. "Keep in touch."

"I will."

Rigsby left, feeling somewhat hollow inside. It was sad, leaving the CBI, but he couldn't face working there anymore. Especially not after finding out about Grace and how she'd managed to pull the wool over his eyes, over all their eyes. And then there was having to kill Minelli. Rigsby had respected the man almost as much as Lisbon had and to find out that he was on Red John had left his belief in the system very much shaken, to the extent that he needed out. He knew Lisbon would still do a good job though and he was glad that she had decided to stay on. The CBI without Teresa Lisbon was virtually inconceivable, but he needed, at the very least, a break from it, even if the break was more than likely to remain permanent. Besides, he still loved firefighting and he hoped his experience at the CBI would help the Sacramento Fire Department no end. Cho passed Rigsby who was deep in thought, knowing full well what conversation he'd just had. He'd warned Cho that he was resigning two days ago and the Asian agent had been a little disappointed to see him go, but didn't blame him. As Rigsby headed to his desk to clear away his belongings, he walked into Lisbon's office, with an arm full of paperwork. It was not his place to judge anybody's decisions on how to react to the situation. All he knew was that he personally was still more than happy to work underneath Lisbon, to carry on catching bastards who thought it was fine to carry out heinous crimes and bring about a little justice in the world.

"Don't say you're bailing out on me too, Cho."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Boss," he answered immediately. "Just some files for you to look at. Including that second DNA test proving Minelli was Rachel Lovett's father, not Seabrook."

"Well at least that gets Seabrook off the hook. He'll be pleased."

"Will probably sue though."

"Just what the CBI needs, another lawsuit. Especially considering everything that's going on."

"You're good at your job. Don't doubt yourself."

"I know, thanks Cho."

It was several hours later before she was disturbed again. Jane shambled in loaded with plastic bags and soon made himself comfortable in front of her. She tutted and sighed, waiting for him to get his face out of one of the bags before she even bothered trying to get his attention. At least she'd had some peace and quiet to get some work done, though it hadn't really stopped her wondering where he had disappeared to. Lisbon knew Jane - and as he'd promised to keep an eye on her, she knew he'd take it quite literally. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if she woke up at night to see him staring at her.

"Where have you been?"



"Yeah, at your house. It's closer than mine."

"What was wrong with the kitchen supplies here?"

"Far too inadequate," he responded as he placed a Tupperware box and a fork in front of her. "Eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"You will be if you don't. Besides, it's pasta with my famous red sauce."

"Please. Your red sauce isn't famous."

"Well, maybe not, but it is pretty good."

"Are you going to eat?"

"Already have. I had a sandwich."


"I said I'd look after you. That includes regular meals," he stated, plucking the file she'd been holding out of her hands. "If you don't behave, I shall withhold your paperwork."

"Oh no, whatever shall I do?"

With narrowed eyes, she peeled back the lid and her office was quickly filled with the aroma of the hot food. Maybe Jane was right, she was actually feeling pretty hungry. Arguing over food was pretty silly, so it was best to appease him, especially as he could be as stubborn as she was and she really didn't like cold pasta. Tentatively, she loaded her fork up with food before taking a nervous sniff of it. It was something she'd always done since childhood. If something was new to her, she'd check it like that first.

"Something wrong?"

"No, I… always do that."

"I know," he smirked, "it's cute."

"You're odd."

"You've only just worked that one out?"

"Shut up, I'm eating."

"No you're not."

In retaliation, she shoved a forkful of pasta and sauce into her mouth and started chewing thoughtfully. He was up to something and she wasn't quite sure what.

"You know, this is pretty good."

"Oh good, because I don't think I could stand the idea of dating somebody who didn't like my red sauce."

Lisbon choked slightly on a piece of pasta and Jane swiftly handed her a glass of water. When she had finished her coughing fit, she eyed him seriously.

"You cannot be serious."

"Why not?"

"We'd… we'd fight all the while. And… and you never listen to me."

"Yeah, that's a really convincing argument."

"Oh hush."

"Come on, just the one date."

"Fine. So long as you stop handling me with kid gloves. I'm not about to fall apart at the seams."

Placing the cutlery back down, she rose to her feet, walked around her desk, with Jane's eyes following her every move. Briefly, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before placing a chaste kiss on Jane's lips. Before he had a chance to respond, she pulled away and he grinned at her, with an expression that very much resembled the cat that got the canary.

"Now that's not acting as if this is a one date thing."

"Oh I know you. You're already planning on how to make sure it lasts longer than that. Go scheme on your couch or something. I have work to do."

"And food to eat."

"And food to eat," she echoed before smiling slightly. "Now go."

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh and Jane?"


"Thank you."

She shook her head. Jane was a strange creature and it might just be fun, seeing what he was like outside of work. In just a fortnight, he'd seemed to have almost had a personality transplant. The weight of the world seemed to have lifted off his shoulders and it suited him a lot. Carefully, she pushed the pot of food to one side, wanting to check her e-mails before she finished eating when she heard a yelp from the bullpen. Pushing herself to her feet and wincing at the strain in her shoulder, she ran to see Jane staring at the couch as if it had done something horribly wrong.

"What's wrong, Jane?"

"Somebody else has sat on my couch."
