Well Everyone… Here it is. The final chapter of Deep Darkness. I've been waiting to finish this story for so long now. I've know it's been so damn long since its last update. The months that past by and you people just becoming very bored and reading the other stories to pass the time. Well here it is. To finish this is an honor; no… let's see how all hell breaks loose between the remaining survivors and The Lord of Darkness himself fight to win. After this chapter is updated, I'll be working on the next trailer for Operation Zombie. And for another reason for a big delay, planning on how this chapter ends and who lives and who dies, and also I've been working on Season 2 of Operation Zombie (Comic Version) and been busy with school. I'm sorry but now, let us start!

Ch.18: Dark Vs. Light: The Final Battle

"Blood….dripping through my fingers… that's all I've been seeing for these past few minutes…" a voice said as it shows the survivors fighting against the darklings. Blood begins to splatter everywhere as Flippy brings his bowie knife down into the skull of a commander darkling. Flippy screams in anger and continues to stab the dead creature, over and over again. We continue to observe the gruesome battle scene from the speaker's point of view. The speaker brings up its arm to show a large gash across its arm, blood gushing out from the wound as the blood trails down to the side of the arm, the drops hanging for dear life let go and falls to the earth, making a small puddle with the other droplets. The speaker slowly struggles to regain its balance and gets up to only fall back down to its knees. The speaker looks up to see the commander's head hit the ground and stare at the speaker with its cold lifeless eyes, the dark slime oozing from its lips. Screams echoed throughout the battle. Aurora runs past the speaker and swings her sword, cutting through the dark flesh, bones, and muscles of another darkling. Aurora looks around for any other danger and runs off to help her friends. The speaker continues to observe the battle to then feel a strong grip on its shoulder. It slowly turned to see an evil being glaring down, slowly spreading its lips to make a cruel and the ugliest and evilest smile, showing its sharp teeth.

"Well…it's so nice to see that you're enjoying the battle right in front of you… it's a shame you won't be watching it any longer… it's time for you to say your final good-byes…" The evil being said and raises his scepter to which yells pitch throughout the battle.

"No! Move out the way!" Flippy yelled to then show the speaker in fear as the orb lightens up and then blasts out and blinds everything to show Flaky backing away and seeing the battle just beginning. Flippy holds her hand and begins to yell out orders to the group as they go off and start fighting back. Ruffy holds onto Shifty who's barely moving an inch at all, Ruffy looks at the blacken raccoon and places him down and raises his gun and begins to pull the trigger, the gun goes off and pops a few of the darklings. Clumy raises his gun as well and begins to do the same as the help Flippy, Scott, Oscar, DJ, Beat, and Lammy bring down the darklings. Bullets rain down over the destroyed road as the other side begins to get covered with corpses and dark blood. The Lord yells out in rage and slams his staff down to the ground, sending an impact force which hits the group. Splendid feels little of the force and takes in a deep breath and uses his ice breath to make a wall to black the darklings and begin to freeze most of the darklings as well. The Lord sees this and raises his staff at Splendid. A dark portal slowly opens up and flying mutated darklings dash out from the portal and into the sky. Splendid flies around the area and scanning out the Lord and not noticing the flying creatures just yet.

"Make sure the flying bastard goes down. If he survives this attack, bring him to me so I can finish the job." The Lord said and grabs his sharp head piece and slowly takes it off and runs his finger against the sharp sides. His pricks his finger to see blood coming down. The Lord smiles and looks up to see the group fighting. He raises his hand with the sharp head piece and looks for a target.

"I'm running out of bullets bro!" Clumy yelled as He continues to fire off more shots. Ruffy backs away and fires off his pistol to see it's empty. A darkling notices this and leaps toward its pray to then see Ruffy pull out his shotgun and blasts the Darkling's head off. Ruffy then pulls out a clip from his shirt pocket and throws it to Clumy who then unloads his clip and loads it back in.

"Thanks man, I owe you one." Clumy said with Ruffy giving a slight nod. They both raised their guns and continue to fire off. Rager and DJ observe a path and see The Lord throwing his sharp headpiece. He sees the others firing off and not noticing the flying head piece.

"Duck! Get down now!" DJ yelled to see The Lord quickly turning his head at DJ and vanishes. Ruffy looks to the side and hits the ground to then hear a scream ring out. Ruffy slowly turns to the other side and sees Clumy impaled by the sharp headpiece; the sharp tips have penetrated through the skin and into his heart and lungs. Clumy coughs up blood and looks at Ruffy. Ruffy is shocked at seeing his friend dying in front of him.

"Help me bro…please help me…" Clumy said to his friend, slowly lifting his arm to his friend to then let it fall as he dies. Ruffy doesn't know what to say. He looks away from his dead friend and rejects his death.

"He's not dead…He's not dead! I don't believe it! It's all just a trick! I know for a fact. It's just an illusion. Probably just it. It's just an illusion! Am I right? Clumy, say something…somebody please tell me it's just an illusion!" Ruffy screamed out to look up again and see the blood hitting the ground from his deceased friend. Ruffy feels tears coming down his eyes and knows he's gone. Ruffy feels so much emotion and then lets it all out with angered yell. DJ and Rager see Ruffy's pain of losing someone. Beat runs up to Ruffy and crouches down, trying to support him to see Ruffy push Beat away and releases his emotion over his dead friend. Beat doesn't say anything and walks away and continues to fight. The Lord then observes the scene with a smile and notices Flaky with Flippy. The Lord then sees his chance and reappears and walks towards the two. The Lord is then pushes the two fronts away from him, making enough space for him to walk towards the couple. Flaky sees The Lord and cries out which gets Flippy to notice. Flippy raises his gun and fires off a couple of bullets to which have no effect on The Lord who evaporates them.

"Pathetic! Simply Pathetic! You think that by shooting me is going to work?" The Lord said as Lammy appears from behind and stabs The Lord. The Lord shouts in pain to see Flurry raises her hand and uses one of her spells which sends the Lord flying back. The Lord rolls over the ragged ground to then slam his sharp end of the staff into the ground to stop himself. The Lord begins to breathe heavily and looks at the damage from the knife. The knife has pierce through one of his lungs and sees the knife has broken off from the spell. The Lord takes in deep breaths and pulls the sharp end of the knife through his lungs and flicks it back them, hitting Lammy through her skull, killing her instantly. Flurry sees the dead lamb hit the ground and screams in anger and continues to fire out spells at The Lord who continues to get hit by them. The Lord, who is now on his knees, bleeds from different sections of his body and slowly brings himself up to see Flurry bringing in the last of her energy into a ball and slams it into The Lord's chest, burning his flesh. The Lord screams out in pain to then sink his sharp teeth into Flurry's neck, ripping a chunk of flesh and kicks her away. Flurry feels the pain coming in but holds it back. Clenching onto her wounds, she slowly begins to heal it to see a flying Darkling slash her face with its claws, leaving huge gashes across her face. Blood gushing from her eyes, she turns to Flaky and Flippy.

"Run! Don't look back and continue to run! I'm going to make sure this bastard dies…He and his people will not make it for another day." Flurry said as the two nod their heads and dash off to help the others. Flurry with most of her skin being dark red, slowly walks towards The Lord and takes in breathes, whispering words to herself. The Lord, Seeing how Flurry is incapable to battle at all due to the damage, raises his scepter and brings the sharp end through her chin and out through her skull. Flurry twitches as she says her last words to then show that she's glowing which hurts The Lord. The Lord tries to pull out the scepter to see that it's stuck and immobile. The Lord couldn't run away either. He was bound there and see the shining light aurora around Flurry glow even brighter to then stop for a few seconds to then blow her dead corpse up, taking The Lord and a few of the Darklings with them. Flaky and Flippy continue to run and dodge the claws and teeth of the creatures, jumping over dead corpses and seeing CrayZee's body being devoured by the Darklings. CrayZee is laughing to then pull a pin of the grenade.

"Yes! Eat me you bastards! Taste my flesh as you're enjoying your final meal! Choke on my bones! Hahahahahaha! Say hi to the devil for me!" CrayZee yelled as the darklings and her blew up, killed instantly. Flaky and Flippy are send back by the impact to have Frost and Splendid save them just in time. Frost then makes an ice wall to cover them from the impact of the explosion from Flurry. DJ and Rager run and hide under the vehicle as Ruffy looks up and is hit by the impact, sending him back to the ground. Shifty looks at Ruffy and slowly makes a smile and laughs softly. Shifty then feels pain and stops to then feel nothing. Aurora covers herself with the dead corpses and waits till the impact and rumbling stop. But she doesn't know that cracks on the ground begin to form and spread out quickly, beginning to break the ground apart. Aurora then feels the ground underneath her break away as she begins to push away the corpses as they fall down into the earth's crust. Aurora sees the mushroom cloud fade away and see the large impact it left. The Ice wall melts away to see the four are safe. Sparky is shown inside a shock bubble with Oscar, Scott, Beat, and Niki who were saved from the impact. Ruffy slowly moves and moans in pain to start walk towards the few remaining Darklings that are left in the battle field. As he begins walking, Shifty's body slowly gets up and walks towards Ruffy. Ruffy turns around to see Shifty looking at him.

"We should have killed you when we had the chance. I knew it was a mistake keeping you alive…" Ruffy said, raising his gun up to see Shifty crack his neck from both sides and opens his eyes, showing the blood red color and smiles. Ruffy cocks his gun back to see Shifty growls at Ruffy and dashes towards him, grabbing Ruffy and trying to sink his teeth into him. Ruffy fights back and hits Shifty in the face, backing him up. Dark Shifty laughs at this to then feel his claws extend out and feel his nails sharpening out to make the cuts clean and be very bloody. Ruffy began to pull the trigger; shooting at Dark Shifty who felt the first two bullets hit his body and dodges the rest to swipe his claws at Ruffy who moves out of the way. Rager, seeing Ruffy in terrible danger, Raises his gun and aims at Dark Shifty who then grabs Ruffy and begins to wrestle one another to escape each other's grip. Rager sucks in his teeth and curses.

"Damn it! Move out of the way Ruffy! I'm trying to make sure you don't get shot!" Rager cried out to see DJ look at him.

"Just do it! We can't waste any more time. Just shoot and be done with it." DJ said to see a Darkling swipe his claws at DJ and Rager from under the car. DJ screams out and raises his gun at the darkling and pulls the trigger. Multiple bullets rang out and hit the darkling who is crying out in pain. The Darkling swipes his claws one more time, slashing Rager's legs. Rager screams out in pain and pulls the trigger, hitting both Dark Shifty and Ruffy. Ruffy feels blood coming out and looks at the hole from where the bullet came out. Ruffy touches the wound and sees the blood on his fingers.

"You son of a bi-"Ruffy said and hits the ground along with Dark Shifty. DJ clenches onto the gun and see the two bodies not moving. Rager cries out in pain and crawls himself out of the car and slowly brings himself up to examine the damage on his leg. His flesh is mangled and sees part of his muscles hanging out from his leg to see the blood flowing down his leg like it was a race going on. Rager touches his leg and feels excruciating pain as signals from his body were sending messages to stop touching it. Rager quickly lets go of his leg and looks at DJ coming out from under the car.

"My damn leg! Oh god it hurts so much! DJ, we need to get out of here man! I need to get my leg fixed… please help me." Rager cried out as DJ notices the gash and looks at Rager.

"Alright we will, let me see if Ruffy is ok and then we'll get out of here if he's still alive." DJ said and goes over Dark Shifty's body and checks on Ruffy. DJ crouches down and places two fingers on Ruffy's neck and try to feel any pulse from the bear.

"Is he ok?" Rager said where DJ brings his hand up, telling Rager to shut up. Rager is then quiet where then DJ places his head on Ruffy's back and to hear a heartbeat. DJ then hears a faint heartbeat to then see the bear jump up and scare DJ. Ruffy gasps for breathes and coughs up more blood.

"Who was the smart bastard that shot me?" Ruffy yelled out in pain and tries to bring himself up to only then struggle and hit the ground once again. DJ looks at Ruffy as he continues to struggle to face the same situation again and again to then stop and conserve his remaining energy. "I guess I'm done for this battle then. Heh, this sucks… I finally get to do something right for once in this world and fight back instead of running away like a coward. Fight back with the courage I finally got to now lay here like a bitch, waiting for someone to off me. I've been running so much from my life and the thought of death to now be laying here in front of the thing that shouldn't be to take me away from this place. Funny…Instead of being feared by him…I'm realizing that I'm accepting it."

"I'm sorry you have to be like this Ruffy, you didn't have to deserve this" Rager said as Ruffy tries to move his head to then see from the corner of his eye, Rager limping towards him and the slash on his leg. Ruffy continues to look at him and knows that he's done for.

"It's ok…nobody deserves to be like this. We all to have face our greatest fears and consequences." Ruffy said to the two. He brings a small smile to his face as the other two slowly smile.

"Now, I think it's time for us to get the hell out of- BANG!" Ruffy jumps from the shot to see Rager hits the ground with a bullet wound through his skull as DJ is standing there, clenching the gun and brings the gun to Ruffy. Ruffy looks at DJ with a stern look as DJ stares him down.

"Well then… this isn't clearly a surprise isn't it?" Ruffy said to his friend who then moves forward and places the gun closer to Ruffy.

"What choice do I have left? You and I know that he was gone from the start he got the slash on his leg. He was going to end up like that abomination of a living waste Shifty. Did you want that to happen again?" DJ explained to see Ruffy staring at him and the gun.

"No I didn't want that to happen again but we could have planned something out, cut off his leg and patched it up, something that can stop the virus from spreading." Ruffy said where DJ laughed and walks around in a circle as the battle behind the two continued on. The Lord watched this confrontation and was enjoying on what may happen next.

"You really are an idiotic moron aren't you? How can we patch him up? We don't have anyone to come stop the bleeding. We're in a war right now to survive Ruffy. Aurora can't come and cut his leg off. She's busy fighting off those creatures. CrayZee blew herself up with a grenade so she's out of the question. By the way, how in the hell did she get a grenade anyway?" DJ said and thinks of the question for a few seconds then goes back to the topic once again. "Anyway, I pretty much helped clear one situation out of the way, now it's time to end another. Now, I need to see if you have any bite marks so I can make sure you're not infected."

"Back the hell away from me." Ruffy said and begins to crawl away from DJ who shakes his head back in forth in disappointment.

"Don't make me have to chase you Ruffy, you're pretty much hiding something for a fact. It already leads me to figure that you're about to become one of them. Just drop the act and turn around. It's pretty much a simple task to do. If you're not infected, we can go and help the others. That's a promise I'm willing to make with you Ruffy, take it or leave it." DJ said and raises his gun and shoots at the ground next to Ruffy's face. Dust and sand hit Ruffy's eyes and cries out. Beat then runs out towards the group and sees the chaos.

"What the hell happened here? I heard gunshots from over here and figured I came to help anyone that's in need." Beat said to see DJ turning his head and looks at Beat.

"Don't worry about that Beat…everything is ok here…I got rid of the dark creatures here and put down Shifty who finally turned even though we should have wasted his life hours ago! And now look at Rager, the poor fellow. I had to shoot him, seeing that he was infected from the get go. Now you're bothering me with a deal I want to make with Ruffy so we can help you folks out to live. Now go on and help the others." DJ said, bringing a smile to his face.

"Look, I see that you two really do need help. Ruffy is in pain and coughing up blood and you're beginning to act like Hollow and go all nuts on us. We don't need any more problems in our group. We need to survive and stop killing each other and kill what's in front of us and go on to live." Beat said to DJ who takes in this information and thinks it over.

"Yeah, I believe you were right. He's absolutely right, what was I thinking?" DJ said and looks at Ruffy and then back at Beat and raises the gun. "We should kill what's in front of us."

"Run Beat! Tell the others about DJ and go!" Ruffy said as Beat starts to run to then get shot through the leg. Beat screams out in pain to have DJ run up from behind and snap his neck. DJ quickly ends the sound and walks back to Ruffy.

"Enough of this bullshit. You got five seconds to make up your mind and show me if you got infected or not. So give me your answer now!" DJ screamed in Ruffy's face who then smiles and head-butts DJ's face and grabs the gun from his hands and shoots DJ through the chest a few times. DJ backs up in pain and hits the car.

"Damn it… My calculations for me to survive were close but in the end…all assholes never make it. All I wanted was this to never happen and be back home and reading books…but instead, I'm dying at the hands of a dying bear and helping out a scared porcupine in a battle we won't be able to win...fuck my life." DJ said to then see Dark Shifty getting up and prances on DJ, tearing off his flesh as DJ instead of screaming, laughed at the pain as Dark Shifty continues to consume on DJ's flesh.

"Yes! Eat me like the cannibalistic bastard you are! Enjoy my rotting flesh… eat it! Eat….it..." DJ said and looks at Ruffy and pulls the trigger once more, ending DJ's suffering life. Ruffy groans in pain and looks at his chest to see no wounds except the bullet wound. Ruffy sighs in relief to then see Dark Shifty turns his head and roars in disgust for ending his meal. Dark Shifty then flicks the blood and flesh from his nails and makes a stance, ready to finish off his other prey and enjoy every taste. Ruffy feels the chills from his spine rise up and his fur stand up. Ruffy looks up to see his shotgun in front of him. Ruffy begins to crawl quickly to his gun. Dark Shifty lets out another roar and dashes towards the Bear. Ruffy grabs for the shotgun and turns around and cocks the gun back.

"Enjoy this you son of a bitch" Ruffy said and pulls the trigger as the impact blows up Dark Shifty's head and sends the dead corpse to the ground in front of Ruffy. Ruffy continues to stare at the dead corpse and looks at the battlefield. The remaining darklings begin to fall as the survivors fought back and start to win the war. The Lord yells out in anger and tells the a few of the remaining darklings in the ship to fight, they nod and go out to see Splendid fly in front of the ship and wave at The Lord who growls to see Splendid smash his fist through the ship and with the use of his super speed, begins to send his body through the ship.

"Malfunction! Malfunction! All passengers must leave the ship! I repeat! All Passengers must leave the ship! Have a nice landing!" The ship said as it begins to descend downward towards the ground and begins falling out of the sky. The Lord screams out in anger and raises his staff towards the ground.

"You bastards think you won?! You think that by bringing down my ship will get rid of me?! You haven't seen the end of The Lord! And I'll make sure you won't live to see light ever again!" The Lord shouted and blasts out a large beam from his orb, breaking through the glass as darklings flew out from the ship and onto the ground, few being killed from impact and others critically injured. The beam then smashes into the ground as pieces of the ground break off and fly in different directions. The nine remaining survivors dodge through the debris. Sparky helps Oscar, Scott, and Niki with the flying debris as Aurora dodges and jumps out of the way. Frost uses more of his ice walls as Splendid breaks the rocks. Splendid sees the ground breaking apart and uses his shouting ability to warn the others about them falling into the lava down below. Ruffy, using the shotgun to help him stand sees the blood hitting the ground from his wound. He touches the wound once again and sees fresh blood on his dirty fingers. He looks around the see the survivors fighting the darklings and the ground crumbling. He brings himself to his feet to then fall to his knees. Ruffy coughs up some blood and looks up to see Flippy pulling out a bowie knife and bringing it down onto an injured darkling, ending its life. Ruffy notices Aurora slicing through a darkling.

"Blood…that's all I've been seeing through these past few minutes. Death is now happy and enjoying its lovely feast and waiting for the battle to finish so it can pick up the remaining pieces of the souls it needs… My soul won't be put to rest just yet. They need my help. I'm not going to be held down over a stupid bullet wound." Ruffy said and brings himself from his knees and brings up his shotgun and cocks it back. By doing this, the ground crumbles underneath him as Flippy looks at Ruffy, slowly falling through the ground.

"NO! Move Out of the Way! Ruffy!" Flippy said to then see the ground crumble underneath him as the ship crashes through the ground, taking the remaining survivors and darklings with the ship. The survivors fall and feel the heat begin to rise quickly. The ship is then hitting against both sides of the crumbing ground walls and slows itself down. Splendid flies down towards the survivors to then see a blast of the orb hit Splendid through his chest, leaving burned marks over his body as he crashes onto the ship. Flaky, Flippy, Sparky, and Oscar hit the ship as Scott slams onto the ship, snapping his ankle in the process as he hits the ship deck. Scott yells out in pain to see Niki land on top of him. Aurora and Frost land on top of the ship and slide down towards the deck to see half of the ship destroyed by Splendid begins to break in half. Ruffy hits the deck as well. Four darklings land on the deck with the remaining hit the other half of the ship, bringing more weight to the ship as it breaks off and falls into the lava below. The creatures scream in pain as they melt away. The survivors moan in pain and see that they all made it. The darklings were hugging each other and happy to see they made it alive to have Aurora end their reunion quickly by slicing their bodies, killing them. Scott brings his body up and sees his leg with the bone snapped in half and pierce through his leg. Scott grabs his leg and snaps it back in and bites his bottom lip, drawing out blood and bears the pain. Scott lays his back against the ship to see it starting to fall back a little, shaking the ship from side to side as the ground continues to crumble.

"We need to get out of here now! Splendid can help us get away from here and not burn" Niki said to Flaky and Flippy as they rush towards the injured squirrel. Splendid is moving and continuing to feel the burn on his chest. Flaky, Flippy, Niki, and Sparky surround the squirrel.

"Sparky, can you help heal Splendid's wounds?" Flaky said as Sparky looked at her.

"Yes I can but it will take a while since I used my energy in the battle. Keep an eye out for the Lord. I have a feeling he's still alive in that ship." Sparky said as Oscar butts in.

"Well the thing is, how do we know if he's still alive if most of the ship already fell into the lava. He probably fell in along with the rest of his friends." Oscar said to then hear the door blasted down with Scott flying towards the group, the group moves out of the way and see Scott hit the railing.

"I'm ok…" Scott said and moans in pain. The group then sees The Lord coming out from the door with bloody wounds, torn clothes and cape, and part of his face slashed by the broken glass. The Lord stares down at the nine survivors and holds up his staff.

"I've had enough of these childish games! I'm done playing around for all of you to die! If someone had to finish the job, it'll be me. My pathetic creatures can't do anything right anymore. But, I'll make sure that Flaky is mine. Once you're all done for, none of you bastards will stop me. Now let's finish this…once and for all. So who wants to go first? Or how about me vs. all of you? Come on… don't be shy!" The Lord said and slams his staff down to the ship, making it rock once more as the ship starts to go down and get closer to the lava. The survivors rock back and forth and hang on to the railings. Sparky holds Splendid close to her and continues on healing his wounds. The Lord, holding his ground begins to walk up towards the survivors with his wounds slowly fading away. Flaky looks at The Lord and feels something stirred in her body, something growing as her hands begin to glow. She backs away from the group and walks towards the Lord.

"No! Flaky! What are you doing?! You'll die! I promised your father to protect you and make sure nothing happens to you!" Flippy yelled out to see Flaky turning her head to him.

"Yes I know but, this is my battle with him. I have to be the one to finish him off. I know you promised my dad but this is something I need to do, I won't let him take me and I won't let him kill you. You're all I have left and if I lose you, I don't know how I'll take it. He took my father; I won't let him take you." Flaky said as Frost and Aurora come up to her.

"We'll help you out so you don't have to do it alone." Frost said to Flaky as Aurora looks at The Lord.

"I'm not the type to really talk much, but once we're done with this and we move on from this, I'm going to have a new trophy on the wall and remember this battle. Now let's end this." Aurora said and brings up her dark bloody sword and dashes towards The Lord to see him bring his staff to Aurora. He sends out another blast where Aurora easily dodges and swings her sword. The Lord quickly moves out the way from the blade and brings his staff up against her sword. They begin attacking and dodging each other's attacks. The Lord moves his staff to deflect Aurora's sword. Flaky raises her hands and sees nothing is coming out. Her hands continue to glow.

"Come on! Do something please!" Flaky said to see Frost come up from behind The Lord.

"We'll hold him off, hurry up and use your powers ok?" Frost said and sends out Ice Blasts which hit The Lord. The Lord yells out in anger and sends dark blasts to Frost who dodge them. Aurora sees this as an opportunity and swings her sword, slicing through the Lord's fingers, cutting them off and releasing his staff. Green blood spurts out as The Lord quickly moves and gets the staff and hits Aurora in the face with the orb. The aurora from the orb burns her face as He sends the sharp end of the staff into Aurora's chest; he breaks off the sharp point and kicks the broken piece into her body. Aurora hits the ground and holds back the pain and see her blood coming out from the wound. Sparky sees her friends in pain and in need of help as she turns back and continues to heal Splendid. Oscar and Scott raise their guns and begin to fire at the Lord, who dashes and then vanishes to then reappear in front of Scott and Oscar. He slams both their heads together and using his staff, brings Scott up into the air, chocking and gasping for breath; Scott grabs his neck and struggle for air to breathe. Niki, seeing her friend in danger, dashes towards The Lord and sinks her teeth into his neck. The Lord hisses in pain and using his injured hand, hits Niki in the face and kicks her to the ground.

"None of you pathetic imbeciles can stop me from my objective! Flaky…Just give up and come with me, I'll make sure to let them all live… just give yourself up or watch all the people you care about die in front of you." The Lord said while Flaky sees Scott's face begin to turn blue from the lack of oxygen. As Flaky begins to think of what to do, Aurora is watching this from her deathbed. She's coughing blood continuously and sees Frost come towards her and crouches down.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Aurora, you didn't deserve this. I'm going to freeze the blood and the wound if I can to slow down the blood from coming out from your body, it'll give you more of a chance to live longer ok?" Frost said and begins to freeze up his hands and brings his hands to her wound to see Aurora grabbing his arm, stopping him.

"Don't… I want to die in battle; I thank you for trying to help me but this is something my family has gone through before. Generation after generation, my family went through war or had to defend us in difficult situations, That sword is pretty much all I have left of them, and to die like this is pathetic but, at least I know I died for doing something good instead of bad…I want to die with honor… Help them Frost, they need it more than me." Aurora said and brings a small smile to her face as Frost nods his head in agreement and turns around to sneak up behind The Lord who continues to torture Flaky with Scott's suffering body.

"So what's it going to be Flaky? Come on! I don't think Scott has any time left on him" The Lord said as Oscar slowly begins to regain conscious and sees Frost sneaking up behind The Lord. Niki brings herself up as Flippy brings his gun up and pulls the trigger as The Lord stands there and looks at the bullet which disintegrates in front of them. Flippy looks at his gun and then at The Lord who smiles and laughs.

"I really do enjoy these powers, just by using them gives me the best reactions from you gullible faces. Now…it's mine turn." The Lord said as he turns to Scott and brings his injured hand towards Scott and thrusts in a forward motion as Scott gushes out blood from his mouth and looks down to see a huge hole in his chest and his heart, crushed like a pulp. The Lord then let's go of Scott's limp body who hits the deck and died. The Lord stands there to then dodge out of the way as Frost makes his attack to then bring his elbow down and hit Frost in the neck, bringing his body down.

"Can't any of you even try to harm me since now you lost most of your muscle in this group?" The Lord said to then hear a gunshot from behind which hits the Lord through his face, taking out his right eye and part of his face. The Lord screams out in pain to see Niki tackle The Lord and begins to beat him up. Oscar smiles and enjoys the moment.

"Enjoyed that you sick bastard?" Oscar said to then see a force blast out from The Lord, sending Niki and Oscar back. The Lord then rolls out of the way and gets up and blasts multiple orbs at Niki and Oscar who are sent back and fall to the ground. Frost slowly gets up to then have The Lord swing his staff and hit Frost across the head. The Lord walks manically with his flesh hitting the floor. Flaky, Flippy, Sparky, and Splendid are there together watching The Lord struggling to bring his staff up and looks at them.

"This is the last straw...No more games…I've pretty much beaten everyone here." The Lord said and grabs Sparky and holds her close. "Don't even try to shock me…I know you're low on power. You're really weak, I can kill you right this instance right now since your friends don't care about you. All they care about is the safety of a girl you met hours or a day ago. Maybe she was your friend but all that is passed now. Think about yourself and getting out of here. Leave her to me and I'll be gone. Flaky…have you made your choice yet?"

"No…I'm not going with you. I never will!" Flaky said and brings her hands forward and blasts out a beam which sends The Lord back, saving Sparky in the process. The Lord shouts in pain to see burned marks on his body.

"What the hell was that?" The Lord said to himself. Flaky, surprised by what she had just done sees the smoke coming from her palms and fingers.

"Now that was awesome!" Sparky said as The Lord punches her in the face and slams her head to the ground. Like an animal, he screams and growls and dashes towards the couple. Flippy jumps in front and pulls the trigger, hitting The Lord a couple of times to which had no affect or pain on The Lord. Flippy uses his last bullets and pulls out the bowie knife and jumps at The Lord, tackling each other in the process. They hit the deck to which the Ship begins to rock again and fall even closer to the red hot molten lava. The two struggle as they fight back to back. The Lord receives slashed cuts on his body as Flippy felt burned marks from the orb. Flippy head-butts The Lord and kicks the staff away from The Lord and stabs him through the chest. The Lord looks at Flippy with his remaining eye and sends Flippy back with a mind force push. The Lord looks at the knife and grabs it and pulls it out and throws it at Flippy, stabbing him in the shoulder. Flaky gets in front of Flippy and makes a stance. As all of this is happening, Ruffy who's been watching the battle stood there and watched everyone suffer and be beaten by The Lord. He looked at his Dog tags and sees a picture of him and Clumy.


Ruffy and Clumy are sitting next to each other with Oscar sleeping next to them. They have a lantern lit and were engage in a conversation.

"We've been running away for so long man, are you sure we should keep on doing this? After many years, that's all we've been doing. Running and never looking back at our past. Why can't we stay and fight?" Clumy said to Ruffy who looks at him and pushes his hair back and thinks about the question. Hours have passed since the attack from the darkness and here they are now, safe in Sneaky's house with the other survivors. Oscar took a break and the others were on the lookout for Flippy's group. Ruffy sighed and answered Clumy's question.

"I know and just the thought of anything happening to you and Oscar here dead…it's just horrible. I've been with you two for the longest time and we've made a connection, a bond to make sure nothing happens to us. Just thinking of death…it's horrible. Running from something that wants to take your very soul away from people you deeply care about. You, me and Oscar…we're like brothers and we never backed down from each other and protect one another. If we fight, we have a high chance of dying. If we run, we still live." Ruffy said to Clumy

"And continue to be like cowards and lose more trust in people?" Clumy said as Ruffy chuckles.

"If being a coward makes you live longer, fine by me, but since you want to be the hero and save everyone, fine by me." Ruffy said to his friend.

"But we can stop running and start a new life here. Make new friends, have a job, get yourself a girlfriend, something then just running off man." Clumy said as Ruffy looks at him.

"I'll think about it. Right now it's my turn to start looking out. Keep an eye on Oscar, he needs his beauty sleep." Ruffy said as Clumy takes over his position.

End Flashback.

Ruffy looks at the tag and takes a deep breath and looks at The Lord. He tightly grips his shotgun and begins to load it up with his last remaining bullets. Ruffy cocks his gun and begins to power walk to The Lord, ignoring the pain and raises his gun at The Lord. Flaky sees Ruffy coming towards them.

"Here goes nothing. I hope you're right Clumy. I'm doing this for you brother. If it's to save this girl and her friends. I'll stop running and start helping then." Ruffy said to himself and begins shooting. The Lord feels stings in his back to see Ruffy cocking the shotgun again and shoot, hitting The Lord in the chest, sending him back. The Lord smiles and walks towards Ruffy who continues to shoot him. The Lord then brings his injured hand up to then sees Ruffy shooting his injured hand off clean. The Lord looks at his arm and sees his hand has been obliterated. Ruffy cocks his gun back once more to then freeze. The Lord looks at him and smiles as Ruffy couldn't move a muscle. Ruffy tries to struggle to only see his body moving the shotgun towards himself. The Lord smiles and laughs. Oscar brings himself up to see The Lord controlling Ruffy to bring the shotgun underneath his chin and cocks the gun back. Flaky, angered by all this sees her powers glowing as Ruffy looks at her.

"It's ok Flaky…I'm glad to help you from the start…it was nice meeting you all…I'm happy to be your friends and I hope that you make it out of here alive… Oscar… take care of them and I'll be there watching over you ok? I love ya…" Ruffy said as Oscar begins to cry and says no a few times. Ruffy looks at them and sees Clumy with Death standing there, watching him. Clumy smiles at him which brings a smile to Ruffy. "I'm coming brother"




The Lord stands there as Ruffy's corpse lies on the ground. Oscar, losing the last of his closest friend, runs and grabs the shotgun and begins to shoot the last remaining bullets at The Lord who takes them and continues to bleed. The Lord, not giving a single emotion or even care what's happening turns and looks at Flaky. His body, so mangled and destroyed from the remaining survivors, walks towards them in a zombie like fashion and stares at her. Flaky, not giving any emotion except pure anger as she rushes towards The Lord and begins to punch him. Flaky releases her anger as she continues to wail on The Lord. He then punches her across the face and throws her on the ground. Flaky hits the floor to see The Lord get on top of her and begins to punch her.

"You like that you stupid bitch?! You like to feel the pain I'm feeling right now?! I hope your boyfriend is enjoying your beating of a lifetime!" The Lord shouted as he continued to beat Flaky up. The rest of the survivors are down or dead. Sparky, Frost, Splendid, Aurora, Flippy, and Niki are all down as Oscar rushes towards The Lord. The Lord then sees Oscar and blasts him with an orb from his hand which brings Oscar down to the ground. The Lord sees his staff close to him and smiles. He looks at Flaky who's been beaten to a pulp. The Lord summons up a dark ball with black tentacles popping out from the dark ball. Now…it's time to make you like me…it's time for you become one with the Darkness…" The Lord said and begins to bring the infected shadow orb to Flaky as she cries. The Lord laughs to then show a sword stabbing through The Lord's chest. Black blood splatters on Flaky who cries out. The Lord gasps for breathes to see Aurora, pale from loss of blood, make her way towards The Lord to finish off the job.

"An eye for an eye…" Aurora said weakly and lowers her head to the metal deck, closing her eyes as she passes on. The Lord is then pushed off by Flaky and backs away. Flaky gets up and yanks the sword from The Lord and throws it to the other side. The Ship then falls into the lava as the ground breaks even more apart. Rocks start falling down and smash into the ship, letting the lava begin to flow in. Splendid slowly wakes up to see the ship in Lava. Frost wakes up to see the six remaining survivors still alive as The Lord is gasping for his final breaths and coughing up more black blood. Splendid looks at Flaky and Flippy as Sparky, Niki, Oscar and Frost surround each other.

"Well you ready to get out of here?" Splendid say the group as the ship sinks even faster.

"Yeah I think we're finally ready to get out of-"Frost said to see the orb pierce through his chest. His body burns along with his flesh. Frost screams in pain and is thrown into the lava. The Lord, standing on his two feet looks at the group.

"You're not going anywhere! You're going to die with me you pieces of shit!" The Lord said as Flaky then uses her powers and sends out a large beam, hitting The Lord, burning his body and sends him back to the ground. As he hits the ground, the staff hits the ground. Splendid then dashes towards, grabs the staff and raises it high into the air. The Lord raises his remaining arm at Splendid.

"NOOOOOOOO! Don't do it!" The Lord said as Splendid smashes the staff to the deck, breaking the orb and destroying The Lord's powers. The Lord screams as the darkness blasts out from the destroyed orb, going towards the dark sky, making a large impact as souls from the recently deceased and ones that were taken from over the years fly out in different directions. Splendid drops the staff and runs towards the group.

"Grab onto me and hang on dear tight!" Splendid said and grabs Sparky and Niki and begins to blast off into the sky with Flippy, Oscar, and Flaky jumping up and grabbing Splendid's legs. The Ship continues to sink as Flaky, Oscar, and Flippy look down at the sinking ship below. Flaky sighs and looks at Flippy who looks at her. They both stare at each other in the eyes and smile, knowing that the battle is finally over.

"So what are you planning on doing once we get out of here?" Flippy said as Flaky blushes.

"Well maybe, try to start my life anew and spend it with you." Flaky said to Flippy who then both hold their hands as Oscar enjoys the moment.

"You're not going anywhere except to your deaths!" A voice shouted out as The Lord, using the last of his depleting powers, teleports and grabs onto Flaky's leg. Flaky screams as Flippy throws his gun, hitting The Lord in the face. Splendid begins to struggle as he moves out of the way from the blasting darkness. Oscar pulls out Ruffy's shotgun and aims it at The Lord. Oscar cocks the gun back for a falling rock to come and smash the gun out of Oscar's hands.

"Nooo! Damn it!" Oscar shouted out as The Lord laughed.

"Pathetic! Now…its time Flaky…it's time for you to…" The Lord said as Flaky releases one of her hands and raises it at The Lord.

"No….it's time for you to die…for killing my friends and family…you don't deserve to live." Flaky said and blasts her hidden powers at The Lord, hitting him straight on. The impact of the blast destroys The Lord's other arm, amputating him and making him fall back down to the ship.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Lord Shouted as he fell and hit the ship as it begins to tip into the lava. The Lord, barely alive, shakes his head and sees his legs dipping into the lava, burning his rotten flesh. The Lord screams and tries to crawl away from the lava, using the last bit of energy he has to only sink himself into the lava. He looks at the survivors and cries out, raising his amputated arms at them.

"No! Don't leave me behind! I beg of you! Nooo! Flaky!" The Lord screamed as his body is in the lava, the smell of his flesh rotting away and burning dashed into his nostrils. The world begins to darken around The Lord as the ship continued to sink and sink until nothing was left. The survivors cheered and see the darkness surrounding the town fade away, leaving Happy Tree Town alone at last from its nightmare. The souls all began to vanish one by one, finally able to sleep in peace. Splendid brings his friends down to the ground from the destruction and observe of what remains in the town. Flippy, holds Flaky close to him as Sparky feels electricity flowing into her body as a destroyed power line is next to her. She walks towards it and touches it, gaining her electric powers back and feeling herself again.

"It's over…finally over. We overcome the darkness and beat The Lord himself. Now we have our town back. Well we need to start fixing it right away though once we feel better but we have our superhero here to help us out." Flippy said as Splendid turns around and looks at them.

"To be honesty, after all this, I'm going back home and officially retire. This, as my last adventure…it's worth telling to my fans and once I have a family and tell them all my tales. Something to look back to, you know?" Splendid said and then looks disappointed.

"What's wrong Splendid?" Niki said as the superhero squirrel looked at her.

"After my entire job is finished, I always collect a piece from the villain I defeat. But after this, it burned away with him. I lost the staff. I dropped it on the ship after all those souls came out and The Lord losing his powers. It burned with him." Splendid said as Flaky came up to him and patted his back.

"It's ok Splendid… but don't worry, we have that taken care of for you." Flaky said as she pulls the destroyed staff from behind her back and presents it to Splendid. He grabs it and looks at her.

"But how? It's impossible to get it after all that was happening." Splendid said as Flaky smiles and places her finger on his lips.

"It's something I don't want to explain myself. When this town is rebuilt, we'll add this to the museum and let you tell the story. Give it something that will make people want to remember." Flaky said as she goes towards Flippy and hugs him. Splendid looks at her and smiles as they turn and looked back at the town. They continued to stare at it until a blind of flash hits the screen, showing that weeks have passed and the remaining survivors are at a gravesite, seeing a memorial made for those that defend the town from the darkness. Everything was silent except the breeze blowing by them. The Statue showed all the people who risked their lives fighting against The Lord.

"I'm going to miss them" Niki said in a soft voice.

"Yeah…we all made a bond together even though we all had our faults but we still did what we could to survive and fight." Flippy said.

"Yeah…a bond. Losing someone that close to you, it's heartbreaking…but…at least I know they are watching us, letting us know that they are there." Oscar said as behind the six survivors, the souls from their friends and loved ones that helped them, stood there, watching the memorial statue with them, knowing they did something good and watch over them. Flaky's parents stood next to her, smiling to know that she's ok. Flaky feels coldness next to her and smiles as Flippy looks at her.

"They're here aren't they?" Flippy said as she nods. Flippy kisses her cheek and rubs her shoulder and continue to look at the statue as it zooms in to her parents names on the statue. At the town, a figure is walking down with a backpack strapped around the carrier's chest. The figure was wearing a coat and a hat. He had battle marks on him from his chest and face. He continued to walk and opens a door to show someone sitting in a chair, he was smiling as the figure walked up to him and places the back pack on the table.

"Is this what you been telling me about?" The person said to the figure as he nods his head.

"Yes I have. This is the package I collected from the fight scene of Flaky against The Lord and his minions. I've been following her ever since, making sure that she's ok and nothing happened to her, I slip in something to make sure she killed off the bastard. I must say though…her friends were crazy." The figure said and pushes his face into the light as it shows the Hitch hiker, who survived from the assault from CrayZee and The Lord. The other person smiles and places his hands together.

"So tell me Mr. Hitchhiker… how are you close to Flaky…if you don't mind me asking?" The person said as The Hitchhiker laughs. He takes his hat off and coat.

"I'm her older brother…I came out from juvie, I'm someone she never wants to talk about. Now are you going to pay me like you said Mr.…?" Flaky's brother asked to show the other figure that had scars from both of his cheeks.

"Host…Just call me…The Host" The Host said and laughs at him. The screen then turns black, ending it there.

The End.

Remaining Survivors:






& Sparky

Thank You Everyone for journeying with me to the end of another story! Finally! After almost 3 years, the story is finally over! I'm glad you all enjoyed it! Thank you to all the authors that let me use their OC's. You're all the best! With this story done, next stories I'll be focusing on is Paradise Getaway, Epic Happy Tree Friend Rap Battles and Operation: Zombie! Now, I must work on the trailer for O.Z and let you guys read this long Chapter. Happy Late New Year and I'll see you all next time!