Theodore, Simon and I were walking down the hallways, discussing the upcoming singing event they were in.

"Oh, relax. Who's gonna beat singing chipmunks?" I said as I briefly looked at Theodore.

We continued to walk down the hallways and then suddenly...

There stood a chipmunk. No wait...a chipette. A FEMALE chipmunk! I stood there in awe because I never knew there would be other chipmunks like me and my brothers. Um, excuse me? We TALK.

She slammed her red locker and turned to me, her eyes were suddenly gleaming. Then after a few seconds, I noticed that she wasn't alone. There were two more chipettes behind her. But I eyes were focused on the one nearest to me. The pink one.

When she saw me, she suddenly perked up, her eyes fixed on me. She stared at me while I stared back into her deep blue eyes. She was the most beautiful chipette I ever saw...Okay, fine. Maybe she was the ONLY chipette I ever saw, but still...