TITLE: Music Lessons
AUTHOR: ponderer
SUMMARY: Rachel gets music lessons from members of the Glee Club.
DISCLAIMER: I want for nothing, except for Glee to start up again. April is too far away.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Tina is a lot like me, I found while writing this chapter. Her music is my music; her feelings are pretty much my own. In the show, I would probably be the most like her, but in ways, we are complete opposites. So, here you can find a bit of me in Tina and vice versa.

Please, continue to read and send me a lot of reviews. I only have Kurt and Quinn left!


This is fact not fiction/
For the first time in years/
All the girls in every girlie magazine/
Can't make me feel any less alone/

[ Lack of Color – Death Cab for Cutie ]



When the new semester started, Rachel found herself surrounded a small crowd of fans. The news of winning Regionals had spread slowly and with the upcoming buzz of Sectionals, the school became lit with excitement. Not that some students still gave them trouble, but for the most part, it wasn't as scary to walk down the halls and fear an oncoming slushie war.

Plus, it helped that Rachel Berry was officially dating Finn Hudson. Rachel was Finn's girlfriend. Finn was her boyfriend. Boyfriend.

Not that it changed their arrangement, it was just more natural to say, "Hello, this is my boyfriend Finn," rather than saying, "Hello, this is my almost boyfriend Finn." And besides a few extra stares from fellow football jocks, it was pleasant.

Oh, it was better than that; it was perfect.

Rachel was sure to be careful to avoid that word though. It was like a jinx in the theater world and playing it safe in the real world was also something she wanted to maintain. After wanting something for so long, and finally getting it, made it appear ten times worse if she actually lost it.

Finn seemed to do the same. They walked on eggshells almost, working slowly together to create a rhythm to their new relationship. But, as time went on, it became easier and normal. Pleasant.


But, because the new semester had begun, that meant classes switched. Rachel only had two half year courses, so it wasn't very different than her normal routine. When she walked into the writing lab for a beginner's course in creative writing, she found the meek Tina sitting in the middle of the classroom. Avoiding the front seats, Rachel moved to stand beside her fellow teammate.

"Is this seat saved?" Rachel smiled.

Tina looked up, slightly nervous. "N-no." It wasn't her usual stutter, as she had come out after regionals and explained how it was a trick back in middle school to fake out a teacher. No, this was a nervous expression of reply. Rachel frowned and sat beside the girl.

"I won't look at your work, if that's what's bothering you," she explained softly but Tina shook her head after a moment.

She smiled tentatively. "No, Rachel it's fine. Really." Rachel still looked unsure so Tina continued. "I just didn't expect anyone else to be taking this course. It's kind of embarrassing."

"Why would you be embarrassed? I think it's cool that you like to write. Is that why you always carry that green notebook?" Tina looked shocked.

"You've seen that?"

Rachel smiled slightly. "Well, yeah. I take notice in what my friends are doing."

"It's not that I'm hiding anything," Tina began shyly. "I've been writing for a few years now. I've always kept it private because it's almost like…"

"A way to express yourself without being judged?" Rachel inputted. Tina smiled softly.

"Yeah. Don't get me wrong; music is like that too, but it's different at the same time. I mean, music is your passion. There's no doubt that you'll be a huge star one day. And while I do enjoy it, it's not in my future. But writing?" Tina shrugged delicately and Rachel smiled at her in understanding. "I can definitely see that working out."

"That's great Tina. I'm really glad you have this passion," Rachel said just as Mr. Walker came into the room, signaling the beginning of class.

When the bell signaled forty-three minutes later, the class gathered their things and left the classroom, Rachel and Tina lagging behind. "Rachel, could you not maybe tell everyone about this? I would like to keep it to myself for a little longer."

Rachel frowned slightly, but nodded. "Of course." Tina gave a nod back gratefully before turning away to head to her next class, but Rachel's soft voice called out to her. "You should be proud of everything you do, Tina. And your friends will support you, no matter your choices."

Tina didn't turn, just paused in her step, then continued walking away.


Rachel didn't see the quiet girl again until the next day in creative writing. Mr. Walker gave them an assignment and put them to work immediately, limiting conversation in the classroom. "I forgot to mention class that we'll be taking turns with our music selections starting tomorrow. Feel free to bring in a CD or other device to plug in and for the class, it'll be your personal music muse playing. I just ask that the lyrics stay PG-13."

The class murmured in excitement. Rachel already began compartmentalizing her playlist, thinking of her newest collections to add. She knew she wanted to listen to something soothing, like classical music perhaps, but she had really been into The Go-Gos and that wasn't exactly a calm mood setting.

"What music are you bringing?" Rachel asked Tina thoughtfully.

The other girl shrugged nonchalantly. "I'll probably bring in something folk-like. I've really been into Grizzly Bear lately."

"That's the name of the band?" Rachel scoffed.

"You haven't heard of them?" Rachel wasn't sure she had ever seen Tina so excited before. Her eyes lit up as she explained, "Oh wow, I'll definitely have to bring them in! They're really good. Have you heard of Death Cab?"

"Is that metal?"

Tina laughed. "No, Rachel. It's really Death Cab for Cutie. I've seen them like, three times in concert. I just love the way Ben Gibbard moves on stage," she swooned.

"What do they sound like?"

"It's kind of hard to explain," she thoughtfully answered. "You don't really dance to them, it's more like a sway. They sing a lot about sadness; being alone and separated. But, then they have some songs that are really, really happy."

"You said you've seen them three times? You must be a really big fan. I've only been to a handful of concerts. I'm more the Broadway type," Rachel explained and Tina nodded.

"Yeah, I love them. Ben just married Zooey Deschannel, who's an actress. But she's also a really talented singer as well. She performs with this guy and they are called She & Him together."

"And it's all folk-like? I've never really heard anything like it before," Rachel shrugged.

"Well, I've heard through the grapevine that you've been learning new music and such, so I can just give you a list."

Rachel blushed slightly, hiding behind a veil of her hair. "Yes, thank you." And before they could continue, class was again called to attention by Mr. Walker.


True to her word, Tina hand delivered a complete list of folk singers and indie rockers. Rachel was surprised, she was so sure that Tina was what other kids called "emo" by the way she dressed. But by the list, she had been type-casted wrongly.

"This is really great, thanks Tina!" Rachel gushed, her eyes pouring over the list eagerly. She only recognized a few of the names, most of whom she had no clue as to of who they were but she had made a full commitment and had to stick to her new regiment. But she knew that this genre would be the most out of her league thus far. Looking back at her friend, she could see that Tina had something she was struggling to say. "Are you all right?" she asked softly.

Tina looked down at her worn-out shoes as they scuffed the floor. "It's just… I'm so happy that you and Finn finally got things worked out and I was wondering if maybe now that you're in a relationship, you might have some advice for me."

Rachel's eyebrows furrowed. "Advice? Okay, I'd be glad to help."

Tina breathed out deeply. She took a seat in the empty choir room and Rachel sat a foot or so away from her, allowing the girl to collect her bearings. "I like Artie. A lot. But, you know about the whole stuttering thing and well, he didn't take to that very well. And we're okay now, but he's still so distant." Rachel watched as Tina worried her lip, not keeping contact with her eyes. "I don't want to push him," she continued quietly, Rachel had to strain to hear her. "But I miss him. We were close and now…"

"And now it's more business than closeness?" she inputted. Tina nodded sadly. "I can't say I've been in your shoes directly, Tina. But I know what it's like to be pushed away and to feel heartbroken. What I've learned from this whole situation is to be patient; even if it seems like forever. Because I knew that Finn was worth the wait."

"You really believe that?"

Rachel smiled, seeing Tina finally meet her eyes. "Yes, I do."

"What do I do in the mean time? It's not like I can just unload all of this to him when I can't seem to get him alone."

For this, Rachel had the perfect solution. "You're a writer, right?" At Tina's nod, Rachel continued. "Then write to him. A letter, a story, a poem; whatever. Express everything in ways you can't out loud. And given time, he'll respond back."

"And what if he doesn't?" It was the saddest Tina had ever looked and Rachel felt her pain so immensely that she couldn't block out her old feelings of before Finn had come to her and officially asked her out.

"I don't know," she answered softly, placing her hand on Tina's shoulder. "You move on, I suppose. But, I'm a firm believer in thinking optimistically. So until that time comes, you just worry about writing your feelings out to Artie and then, we'll deal with it as it comes."

Tina nodded once more, thinking things through. After a few moments, she gathered her things and moved to the door. Rachel sat and watched her. "Thanks," Tina murmured and Rachel smiled at her back.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" a new voice asked. Rachel moved to stand as her boyfriend met her halfway.

"I was just giving a friend some advice," she explained, allowing him to place an arm around her waist. She sighed contentedly, closing her eyes briefly.

"Oh yeah?" he smiled. "What about?"

"How to play the waiting game," she responded. Finn frowned.

"And you have knowledge of this game?"

She looked up at him, smiling softly. She reached her hands up to cup his face, pulling him down gently until his lips touched hers. He sighed into her mouth, kissing her back until she pulled away, keeping his face close. "I do. And I know what rewards I get for it." Finn still looked confused for a moment but she saw as his eyes focused on hers and how the understanding seemed to melt into his expression. He looked sad for a moment so Rachel leaned up and smoothed out his brow. "It was worth it. That's what I explained to my friend."

"Are you sure?" he asked quietly, still unsure. She smiled openly, feeling the weight of his palm resting on the small of her back, the way his mouth lingered inches from her own, and they were open and free about their feelings. This was so much better than she originally pictured.



Songs from the chapter:

Two Weeks – Grizzly Bear
You Really Got a Hold On Me – She & Him
The Funeral – Band of Horses

Bonus track: For Emma – Bon Iver

AN: Um, ask me a question. I'll answer it; maybe. :-)