Chapter 1

It was an unbelievably ordinary day at the Kaiba Mansion.

At precisely 4 'o clock in the morning, all three of Seto Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon alarms went off, announcing the new day with three menacing roars, way before the crack of dawn. Sitting up in bed, he checked his smartphone for e-mails, calls and text messages he could have received from his international contacts while he slept.

"Ah," he mused, a cold smile forming on his lips, "I see the London branch is now on the market. That was much quicker than anticipated."

He had recently hired a new branch manager for the London sector of Kaiba Corp. Though Oliver Patel had a brilliant resume and excellent manners, the latter being a very rare trait in business, Seto had known there was something very off with him since he was hired. But that day, he had been in a daring mood and hired him anyway. That was two months ago. And now, the London branch offices and factories were for sale. Yet, next to the notification of the sale was an e-mail from Patel assuring him that tests for the new Duel Links system were running smoothly and the launch in London was projected for early next year. Someone was most definitely going to be fired.

Slipping into some basketball shorts, Seto exited his room and made his way across the mansion to his gym. On his way, he scheduled an emergency flight that would bring Oliver Patel to Domino City by this evening and added a meeting with his projection team as soon as Patel arrived at Kaiba Corp headquarters. He then sent pages to his head butler, chauffeur and kitchen staff to ensure Mokuba was brought home from school on time and dinner was prepared for him as he would not be home to join him today.

Finally reaching the gym, Seto grabbed a freshly washed and dried towel held by one of the early morning maids and began his Tuesday morning workout. It was leg day.

As he worked out, the maids bustled about him, cleaning equipment and setting his timers. Through the glass windows of his gym, he could see a couple of maids outside doing a last minute sweep of the pool to make sure it was spotless.

And he knew, like clockwork, that everywhere else in the mansion, his army of maids were ensuring the house was just as spotless and the kitchen staff were already up and preparing breakfast.

An alarm went off at 5:30 signalling the end of leg day and the beginning of his morning swim.

Seto dived into the pool, the sweat from this morning's work out cleaned right off him. And he began to do laps. It was freestyle day.

The next alarm went off at 6 'o clock, announcing breakfast.

After leaving the pool, he had a quick shower. Afterwards, he wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way to his kitchen, allowing one of the maids to dry his upper body and his hair. Before the kitchen was his private living room where new clothes for the week were brought in at precisely 6 in the morning each Tuesday. Choosing a white suit and a blue shirt with a tie the colour of sapphires, Seto felt truly ready to continue his onslaught of the gaming world and to destroy Oliver Patel.

From the kitchen, he grabbed a bagel with fried egg, mushrooms and chicken neatly stacked inside and a fresh cup of long back coffee.

And with that, and his briefcase waiting for him with Roland at the front door of the mansion, Seto Kaiba was ready for his 7 'o clock start at Kaiba Corp.

As he was about to leave, a squeaky, but frustrated voice stopped him:

"Hold it right there, big brother!"

Seto glanced over his shoulder, amused by Mokuba's attempts to stop him.

"Mokuba, I'm sorry we can't have breakfast together today. But I have some things to take care of at Kaiba Corp today."

Mokuba put his hands on his hips, "Nuh uh! You have SCHOOL today!"

Seto wrinkled his face with disgust, "Mokuba, I went to school yesterday. And I have already spoken with the principal about today."

But Mokuba wouldn't budge, "Seto, it's your last year at high school. I know you don't care. But make some effort, bro. You'll never be a teenager again. Once you graduate, you can be the weird workaholic guy that sits in his office all day long all you want. But just ... you know, live a little. Sit in a boring class. Do a group assignment. Make good with the geek squad. Get a girlfriend -"

"Okay, okay." Seto shook his head defeatedly at Roland who signalled the chauffeur away and then at Mokuba, "You don't have to lecture me. And I don't need a girlfriend, Mokuba."

Mokuba's face lit up at Seto's defeat and he smiled that devil-may-care grin that always worked when it came to Mokuba getting what he wanted, "Suuuuuuure, you don't, Seto! Now let's have some breakfast!"

And with his perfect schedule for the morning in a disarray thanks to Mokuba and school for the one hundredth time that year, Seto Kaiba followed his little brother back to the kitchen.

Seto Kaiba frowned as he made his way from fourth period Chemistry to fifth period Biology.

As predicted, today had been an utter waste of his time.

Checking his smartphone, it was 1'o clock in the afternoon. The plane bringing Oliver Patel to the termination of his employment should already be halfway to Domino by now and the thought of firing him brought some small consolation to Kaiba. He checked his other notifications, noting what he needed to get done before Oliver Patel arrived and reviewing the new potential candidates to replace the snake. So focused on his work, he didn't see where he was going and he inadvertently bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" he spat, putting down his phone to see who dared to interrupt him.

It was a girl. A cheerleader no less.

"I should watch it?" she spat back, "How about you watch where you're going! This is a HALLWAY. You have to move through it. Not just sit your ass in the middle of it!"

How he hated cheerleaders. Though the sight of her cheerleading uniform covered in milkshake made him laugh. He must have bumped her drink as well, causing it to spill all over her.

"Whatever." Seto tossed her a handkerchief, "Clean yourself off before someone assumes you're covered in something else."

The girl blushed furiously at his comment and raised a finger to his face. Kaiba couldn't help the snarl that distorted his features. The audacity of this girl!

"Get your finger out of my face!"

"You're such a prick, Kaiba!" She yelled, the volume of her voice making heads turn in the hallway. "How the hell am I supposed to perform at the football game today looking like this?!"

"I don't know," Kaiba shrugged, refusing to back down from her, "-" He realised he didn't know her name and used it to his advantage.

"Maybe if you were such a good cheerleader, you would have taken better care of your uniform, Sharon."

And now she was really angry.

"It's JENNA. And don't you forget it! I am an AWESOME cheerleader, thank you very much. You on the other hand are an ass. And I don't take too kindly to asses. So watch. Your. Back."

For some reason, Seto was enjoying the exchange. It was refreshing to meet someone who was willing to yell at him for a change. Nobody else ever dared. Except maybe the geek squad. Particularly Gardner. In any case, it seemed like Jenna was enjoying it too and he was glad to use that to his advantage as well.

Seto smirked, "Maybe you're the one who needs to watch her back. Or maybe you should take better care of your front."

Jenna looked down on her chest and gasped. Her nipples had stiffened from the milkshake that had soaked through and she hadn't worn a bra today because Zack on the football team had dared her to go au naturale to the game today. And since she never backed down from a challenge, even if it was totally sexist and childish and downright ridiculous, she had done it. And now Seto Kaiba, the world's richest douchebag got to reap the rewards.

Covering herself, Jenna quickly removed herself from the situation and ran down the hallway.

She could hear Kaiba laughing as she ran and she refused to let it get to her. But everyone was looking and she was so embarrassed. She could feel her whole face was red and part of her hoped the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

But another part of her planned to do everything she could to make Seto Kaiba pay.

And with an evil thought taking root in her mind, Jenna disappeared into the girls' locker room. Hopefully the members of her squad would understand why she couldn't participate today.

Finally, school was over.

The time was 3 'o clock in the afternoon and Seto Kaiba had been over it since before it began. But now, with biology done, he was free. Sort of.

He had to meet with Gardner afterwards to plan their assignment. They had unfortunately been stuck together for a paired assignment and the topic they had drawn out of the hat was, of course, sex education. When they had drawn their assignment, Kaiba could see from his peripheral vision that Téa had gone pale. Yup, she was one hundred percent a virgin. He almost felt sorry for her. Not because she was a virgin. But rather, that it was a horrifically awkward topic and the two of them barely spoke, barely knew each other. Other people had drawn really easy to work with things such as body clocks or cells or DNA structure and function. And yet they were stuck with sex education.

Kaiba hoped that they wouldn't have to work closely together on it and they could reach some agreement on what parts to cover.

After all, he had more important things to get done at KaibaCorp.

He could see Gardner standing a few feet away from him with the Geek Squad. His archrival, Yugi kept looking over her shoulder towards him, worriedly. Kaiba could tell the prospect of doing an assignment about sex with Téa made Yugi uncomfortable and the thought of getting into Yugi's head made Kaiba smirk teasingly. And so he continued to wait patiently by her locker until she finally made her way to confront him.

"So...K-Kaiba," she stammered nervously, "How should we do this?"

Seeing that he was going to get nowhere with her awkwardness, Seto straightened his jacket, "Listen Gardner, I don't want to do this anymore than you do. So listen up. First things first, we will be covering female and male sex organs and their structure and function. Next we will talk about the purpose of sex, which is to procreate. We will also talk about humans using it for recreation. Lastly we will talk about safety and about sexual diseases. We will cover all of this in two parts. I will handle the first half and you will handle the safety bit. Got it?"

Gardner seemed more surprised than awkward now and that was good. The situation was as awkward as it could get. She nodded slowly.

Seto grabbed a business card from his jacket and handed it to her, "I'm working every night for the next two weeks, so if you need any help, you know where to call."

And with that, he left.

Téa glanced at the business card, noticing he had given her his personal phone number and not a generic Kaiba Corp office number.

Well that went incredibly well.

Seto smirked as he made his way to the south exit of the high school campus. The halls were empty as everyone had already cleared out to attend the football game happening at their rival school grounds. And for that he was thankful.

Gardner may be a loser, but he did enjoy the way talking with her about intimate things like sex made Yugi squirm. Also, she was not bad looking and he didn't mind being near her as much as he did her loser friends. She wasn't as stupid as them either, minus her obsession with the bonds of friendship and how important friends were.

His face wrinkled in disgust. So maybe he did sort of despise her after all.

Seto went to grab his phone from his pocket when suddenly, someone pulled at his arm. Caught off guard, he stumbled a bit and tripped after whoever had pulled him into a nearby janitor's closet.

"What the hell-"

A soft hand covered his mouth and he heard the lock turn. Was this a kidnapping? Who would dare kidnap him at his high school?

Seto could barely see anything in the darkness but he could feel a soft body pressed against him in the limited space of the closet.

"You know," he heard a familiar voice speak softly, calmly, "I've been thinking all day about ways to make you pay for my uniform. And I finally realised the perfect payment..."

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Seto could identify his captor.

It was Jenna.

Knocking her hand away from his mouth, Seto growled, "What the actual fuck, Jenna? What do you think you're doing?"

"You know, Kaiba," she said, seduction dripping from her every word as her hands smoothing over his chest. "You're really mean. And you're a stuck up prick. And you think everyone should just bow down and let you walk all over them."

At this, he smirked condescendingly, "Tell me something I don't know."

"But I like that."

He had cracked it. Jenna was crazy.

"Listen, Jenna. You're not really my type. And I have a lot of things to do at Kaiba Corp, so if you would excuse me-"

Her arm blocked the doorway and Kaiba glared down at her, "I'm fucking serious. Let me go now, or suffer the consequences."

But Jenna wasn't listening.

She reached up and pressed her lips to his neck. The foreign sensation alerted every one of his senses and his first instinct was to push her away. But the closet was such a tight space and they were backed up against each other because there was no room to move about. And despite himself, Kaiba could admit it felt good as he felt her lips trail from his neck downwards.

Jenna only bothered to loosen the top button of his shirt because she was far more interested in undoing his belt buckle. And the button of his pants. And the zip that held it all together. She had been here many times before and at the end of the day, Seto Kaiba was a man just like every other guy she had been with. And she was determined to bring him to his knees. Figuratively. The tight space wasn't going to allow a literal interpretation.

After undoing his pants, she tugged at the waistband of his boxers. Her lips kissing at the package they held. She could feel it move and grow hard at her touch and it made her smirk.

"Why, Seto Kaiba, are you getting excited for me?"

Remembering himself, and the fact that he must always be in control, he grabbed a fistful of Jenna's hair and roughly pulled it backwards, "I'd be very careful if I were you."

She looked seductively back at him, licking her lips, "I promise, I will be very, very careful."

And with that promise, Seto Kaiba threw his head back in euphoria.

All thoughts of the day fading to black as each wave of pleasure crashed against his mind, caressing it, eroding it until the only thing he wanted in the universe was release.

This uneventful, boring, monotonous day had suddenly become interesting.

A/N: I've decided to place Domino City in America simply because I grew up (ashamedly) with the 4Kids Dub which places the city in America. Hope nobody minds.

R&R xoxo