Title: "A Taste of The Charmed Life"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: G
Summary: Whatever was behind her was far bigger than her feline friend. Her hands raised at the ready, Piper turned to meet her opponent . . .
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Het, Unconventional Pairing
Challenge: None
Word Count (excluding heading): 345
Feedback: Yes, please!
Archive: WWOMB, - Anybody else, ask, and I'll probably grant permission.
Disclaimer: Piper Halliwell, Cole Turner, Kit, and Charmed are & TM their respective owners, not the author, and are used without permission. Everything else is & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

"Kit!" Piper called as she turned around and sat a large bowl down upon the floor. She felt sudden movement behind her as she turned back to face her stove and stiffened. Whatever was behind was far bigger than her feline friend. Her hands raised at the ready, Piper turned to meet her opponent . . . and burst out laughing.

Cole looked sheepishly up from the bowl he held in both hands, running his tongue over the cake mixture. He grinned embarrassedly at Piper. "Hum . . . Kit's out?" he offered.

Piper grinned through her laughter, her smile lighting up her entire face, and Cole's own grin grew in return. "First," she told him with mock sternness, "go keep an eye on her for me, and bring her back in in a few minutes please. Second," she reached behind her, retrieved an utensil, and handed it to him, "use a spoon."

Cole gave her a flourishing bow as he took the offered spoon. "Yes, madam."

Still laughing, Piper helplessly shook her head. She loved these rare moments spent alone with Cole when she got to see the true charm he was capable of portraying. No wonder her sister had fallen so easily for the rogue Demon! And what a rogue he was!

"Might I inquire as to when the cake will be ready?"

"Go," Piper managed, still laughing, as she playfully swatted at him with her hand towel. "I'll call you when it's finished, but you have to eat your dinner first." She added the last as a tease for there were times that she couldn't help but to compare Cole to a little boy. After all, who else would have scooped up a bowl left for the cat to clean?

"It will be my pleasure, dear lady," he replied, and with that, he shimmered out. She could only hope that he would not reappear on the steps in search of Kit, but even as she thought of trying to explain that to the neighbors, she continued to laugh, her eyes, and her soul, dancing merrily.

The End