Author's Note: TADA! I forced the inspiration to come and it did! ^_- Now, I had to read a bit more research-wise to get more into the pregnancy stuff. Wanna know why? 'Cause I wanted to do a bit of a time skip for you guys! Haha, yeah, they're finally getting out of that 3-chapter-long hospital stay. XD Time passes and thoughts are shared. I don't want to keep a vicious cycle of thoughts about what the hell to do w/ the damn baby, so you get some revelations that need to happen. And I'm sick of everyone thinking individually. L and Light talk. ^_-

Recap: Soichiro just walked out on L and Light ((and Matsuda)) in the hospital, done with it all. Light's gonna have some tests done. Oh, and Matsuda's been named ((by L)) as the godfather. XP

Warning: Don't like puke? Then why the hell are you reading an Mpreg, then? Ah, sorry. Yeah, sickness...Oh, and Light's slightly OOC, sorry. Ah, and L's changing a lot, so he'll forevermore be OOC, I guess. But you like him, still, don't you? *hopeful eyes* Aaaand some hints that L watches porn...XD

Disclaimer: If I owned Death Note, the gayness-factor would go up by twenty points. All info on pregnancy, etc, was researched. I do, however own this whole idea. ^-^

Chapter 12

A few hours later, and L, Light, and Matsuda were free men. Sort of. Light was once again chained to L, so neither was really free. Light was lying in bed, getting more sleep. The day was just too much for him. The doctor had woken Light up during one of the tests that were apparently going on while he was sleeping and he was wide-awake for the rest of his stay at the hospital.

He was completely healthy, and so was the baby. He was forbidden from taking the pills. His father had walked out on him. And now…Matsuda was his child's godfather? What was L thinking? Sure, the guy showed a bit of reliability, but he couldn't handle a child. And who said that the baby was staying inside him? Now that he had a clear mind, he realized so much of what was wrong with him having a (or even more than one, god forbid) kid.

He was a teenager, in college, with bright plans for his future. He was supposed to be a man and couldn't go out in public as a woman or even fat for that matter. And L was the damn father. That was not a good thing in any way possible. If he ended up having this kid, then L's job would put it in constant danger…if L wanted to keep Light and his child, that is. Oh, that was a whole other possibility!

With these lovely thoughts, Light fell into a fitful slumber, only to be awoken a little while later by L and the smell of dinner.


A week passed. The Task Force, minus Soichiro and Matsuda, knew nothing. Even Watari was kept in the dark until L and Light could decide what to do. They were all told that Light was still not feeling well from the heat stroke and needed extra rest in the mornings. In reality, he got up at his normal hour, but spent the extra time in the bathroom. L was allowed in, though, and helped hold his hair back and comfort him. Light was amazed L would do such a thing for him.

That was another thing. Why was L actually caring for him? After all, he was a man who had everything done for him his whole life (probably) by Watari. He shouldn't suddenly do a bunch of stuff for the man…he…loves. Aw, that's so sweet!

The sounds of puke hitting the toilet water and Light's retching somewhat diminished the sweetness a lot, but it was the thought that mattered.

Now in his sixth week of pregnancy, Light was beginning to show signs. Not physically—his stomach hadn't grown too much. He did drink a lot of water, though. And ate all the food L had Watari prepare. Being the good boyfriend he hoped Light saw him as, L researched pregnancy during the wee hours of the morning when Light and Watari were asleep. Also, L made sure that Light didn't act too active. He was still tired. That's where Matsuda came in handy.

He also had researched stuff at home. But, while he did live alone, it felt so weird to search searching that kind of thing. He mainly relied on L's orders; he knew his boss had done a lot more research.

Whenever Soichiro had to say something to the three others in the know, he had Mogi or Aizawa, and sometimes even Watari, relay the message. There were few, and most were to L, but it got the message across: I am done with you all. Let's get back to work.

Light didn't know what his father had told his mother and sister, but he hoped nothing yet. He was still unsure if there would be anything to tell to begin with. He still worried, though. What if they knew everything? Would his mother be disappointed? Would his sister be jealous or elated or…or even disgusted? Probably the latter…

In the investigation room, Watari brought in the usual morning coffee. L's, as usual, was mostly sugar, and Light's, as usual, was black. The teen was just lifting his mug to his mouth when he breathed in the usual sweet aroma of his delicious, bitter black coffee…and gagged.

The nausea came almost instantly and he rushed off to the bathroom, L in tow. He was crying as he threw up. What was left in his stomach anyway? He hadn't eaten breakfast yet!

"Light-chan will be alright. Morning sickness will be over eventually…" L tried comforting him. But it was to no avail. The tears kept falling and the sobs kept coming, long after Light was seated against the wall and L was preparing a cup of water and some mouthwash.

Matsuda had rushed in soon after L and Light had entered, but L shot him a warning glare and he backed off. Watari, too, had come by, but was sent away to fetch the mouthwash now in L's hand.

Head facing the ceiling, tears not stopping, Light cried, "No, I will not be alright!" After gargling the mouthwash, he groped blinding for L until he had the man's shirt in his hand. He pulled him close and his breath smelled minty fresh in L's face. "That was triggered by the smell of coffee! Coffee, dammit! How the hell am I supposed to go through this without my coffee? It's like my life force…"

His other hand reached for L's shirt and the older man was sure that the material would be forever stretched out. "Perhaps—"

"Get this thing out of me! I don't care if it's a damn little life in there! I want my coffee!"

"Addiction is never a good thing, Light-chan. Perhaps he should think about getting clean," L stated, ever the calm man he was.

Fire in his eyes, Light retorted, "Like you're one to talk! You are addicted to sugar!"

"Ah, but sugar helps me think. Coffee is just something that people use to release—"

"I don't freaking care!" His hands loosened and his head fell forward. Eventually, L was able to release himself and sat himself next to Light. He held him close as he continued to cry, utterly defeated.

What was he going to do? He wanted coffee, but he didn't think he could stomach the smell of it at all. How long did the sensitive nose thing last? He didn't know anything about pregnancy—L was the one who did all the research. And he couldn't ask his mom, now, could he? No, that would just disappoint her. Getting knocked up while still in college? Not part of the plan at all.

But he was indeed addicted to caffeine, as were most of the teens and adults in developed nations. But…there were other things that had caffeine. Chocolate was out—sugar and Light do not mix. He hated the stuff. And sodas were disgusting and full of sugar and rotted your teeth. Ah…but…yes…

"Ryuzaki?" Light asked quietly. L stared at him, as if to say 'Go on' and Light did indeed continue. "Doesn't tea have caffeine?"

L smiled his small smile and said, "I'll have Watari prepare Light-chan some. What kind?" As they discussed the different types of tea Light could have, the teen fixed his hair and cleaned his face. The conversation calmed his nerves. And soon, so did the tea. L replaced his own coffee with tea as well and made sure that nobody else brought theirs near the teen.

Still, Light was tired much more easily than normal. He also had to drink more tea to get the same push coffee usually gave him, thus forcing him to go to the bathroom more often. Well, either that or the pregnancy did that…

After Light's breakdown in the bathroom, L realized it was time to talk, face-to-face, about…everything. Their relationship, the baby, their future. Would they tell the rest of the Task Force? Would they tell Watari?

That night, once the rest of the Task Force left—earlier than normal, thanks to Light's need to sleep and L not wanting him out of his sight or sleeping horribly in his chair in the investigation room—L sat Light in one of the comfy chairs in their room. He sat in the one opposite him. Light knew exactly what was going on.

What would the other say? Did he want to keep the child? Would he want to stay with him?

They both started at the same time.


After a fight of "you go first" "no, you go first" and so forth, L eventually won. He began, "Light-chan…Please know, I lo…I love you." Light blanched. He was sure the only other times L had ever said that was that night he had a stomach ache and after their second night of sex. For his lover to say that so easily—minus the stammer of course—was a huge step.

L continued, "And I also want you to know…Ah, this is extremely hard for me to say; I've never been in this position before…I will be by your side with whatever decision you make."

Tears began to well in Light's eyes. L really did love and care for him. He would stay with him…stay by his side…And he wouldn't choose for Light; they'd make the decision together.


Watari had been watching L and Light for a while now, and very carefully over the past week. He knew exactly what was going on. The two were most certainly in a relationship. And he knew they must have made that relationship physical as well.

One worry, however, was how his ward knew how to make things physical. He never had the "sex talk" and never had any relations before now. So, Watari was quite worried that if they did indeed have sex, L would be on the receiving end. Did he want the Great Detective to be so submissive to a Kira suspect?

And there was that obvious fact. He did not want the relationship between the two to become more than just friendship. He detested that, too, even. Light could easily manipulate L's feelings and get him to reveal his name. Trust would kill the man.

A thought had crossed Watari's mind more than once. One that he shuddered at the thought. What if L was the dominating one in the relationship? After all, Light's body, his habits, etc., were all very feminine. But if that was the case…how did L learn everything? Again, a shudder ran through Watari's whole body. He couldn't even let his mind wander far enough to answer that question. Instead, he focused on what he was doing now.

He was currently in an elevator heading up to L and Light's room. It was time that he talked with the two. He had a feeling that Soichiro knew about their "secret" relationship, but he also knew that the man would not wish to talk about it at all. Thus, he didn't try to speak with him anymore.

But he really needed to talk with L. And perhaps warn Light. He, too, was an overprotective father, even if there was no blood relation.

Watari reached the door to L and Light's shared room with a little apprehension making itself known to his movements. What could they be doing on the other side? Could the young Kira suspect be torturing L for information on his past? Or just torturing him for the hell of it, because he was that insane?

He had reason to suspect that something was up between the two. L was a little more wary of the teen and took more care of him. And how Light kept getting sick now made Watari wonder if he was getting sick from the guilt. That could be a very interesting possibility…

The door was locked, as he knew L usually did now…for the past month and a week, wasn't it? Ever since that one night he and Light had acted a little…different towards each other. He easily unlocked the door—usually, he didn't just because he respected L's privacy and such. What he heard made him realize that maybe the privacy was a good thing…or maybe not.

Light's soft—oddly enough—voice permeated the room, "—know, but maybe Dad's right and I should just get rid of the baby."

Watari froze. The door had made a bit of noise and L had caught the movement out of the corner of his eye as well. He now stared at his guardian with large, worried eyes. Did the man just hear Light's words? What would he think? Millions of thoughts went through his head. Light noticed L's now-frozen posture and turned to see what he was staring at…and gasped. The same thoughts, but just slightly more panicked, ran through Light's mind.

"R-Ryuzaki…" Watari started. What could he say?

But the three just remained silent once more. Minutes passed in award silence, tension so thick one would need a chainsaw to cut through it.

Eventually, Light couldn't take it anymore. He had a feeling Watari knew something. After all, the man had access to all the cameras in the headquarters. He stood and faced his lover's butler-type-person. "Watari," he began. "As you probably have guessed by now, Ryuzaki and I are…lovers."

"No," L hissed, wanting Light to stop. He couldn't do this to them! What would Watari do?

"And…and…well, you already know I'm intersex. As part woman, some genetic deformities have caused me to be able to…well…" He sighed. "I'm pregnant and L is the father." There, he said it. He accidentally used L instead of Ryuzaki, but he was too scared. Anxiety was eating him up from the inside. L too. How would the elder man respond?

He started by taking a deep breath, and then faced L. "Ryuzaki, is this true?"

L nodded. "It was confirmed at the hospital. This is why Yagami-san has cut all ties with Light-kun." Light was slightly disappointed that L had resorted back to using "-kun" but knew that the situation called for it. "I'm sorry we did not tell you earlier. However, we were just sitting down to discuss exactly what we should do. It is a very hard choice after all…"

Watari looked between the two lovers. He could see it in both their eyes. Light definitely wasn't Kira now. But he was slightly helpless…and depended on L. He'd gotten it backwards. L was in his rightful place as dominant…Then how the fuck did he learn everything? Again, he had to suppress a shudder.

And L was actually trying to care for somebody. Yes…Light had done something to him, sparked something inside him that turned him into a real human with real emotions. For this, Watari was glad. And however they decided to take care of the child, he'd support his ward and his ward's lover. With a twinkle in his eye and a small smile on his lips, Watari stated, "My funds are as endless as you need, Ryuzaki, Yagami-kun. And Ryuzaki, my arms are always open."

Light didn't understand what the last statement implied, but L certainly did. And he was really glad. There would always be the backup plan for whatever Light chose. Watari supported them. He was so relieved.

And Watari was relieved as well. He still didn't fully trust Light, but as long as nothing suspicious occurred, he would help the two men through this…overwhelming time. He smiled once more and exited the room, barely able to hear L's quiet "thank you" behind him.

Once the older man was gone, Light turned to L, worried. Had he made the right choice to tell Watari?

L smiled sweetly and stood, walking to his lover. "Thank you, Light-chan…I don't think I could have done that on my own…"

With a nervous chuckle, Light replied, "Neither could I." Holding each other close, they walked to the bed and sat on the edge. Light looked down at himself and then faced L. "My body's not meant to have a baby, L…"

L cocked his head to the side. What did he mean? Were his hips too small? He had breasts, after all…those delicious, voluptuous boobies…L shook his head to get those thoughts to go away. "The doctor said that Light-chan could carry the baby until the very end." What was he missing?

"No…" Light sighed. "I mean…I'm not meant to have a baby…I'm not a woman; I can't be a mother…" He looked away, into the distance. L wondered if he was looking into the past, or maybe what he thought his future would be…

L sighed as well. What was he supposed to say? He was never in a situation like this until Light came along. But there was an odd feeling in his gut that pushed him to say his next words. "Light-chan is whoever he needs to be; and who he needs to be is himself…whoever that may be…You are not a woman, but you are also not a man. You are a teenager with a lot on his plate." He would have gone on except for Light falling flat on his face into the soft comforter on the bed.

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" he cried. "You seriously don't fucking get it!" His voice was muffled, but still strong, sounding slightly strained, as if he was on the verge of tears. "I grew up a boy. I grew up believing I was going to be a boy my whole life! I never expected to fall in love with another man, and then lose my perfect body to something like…this! And now I have a fucking baby growing inside me, which just makes it that much harder for me!"

He sat up and faced L again, rage and sorrow warring in his eyes. "I hate my body; I want to be a damn man! I am not a woman and can never be!" He sighed, the sorrow winning in his eyes and all fight leaving him. He wished he wasn't handcuffed to L—he'd be able to move around, away from him, if he wasn't. Before L could speak, he went on, "But…I also don't think I can ever leave you…I'm not dependant on you, just so you know. I am my own person who can make decisions for myself. It's just…I still…need you…"

Again, L tried to talk, but, yet again, Light cut him off. "Just stop talking, L. You're never going to understand what's going on for me because it's never happened for you. Sure, you can sympathize, but like hell do I want anyone's sympathy. Still…" He looked down and clutched his stomach. "Still, I don't think that I could…I…Only if you can, alright?"

"Huh?" L couldn't follow the last part…or most of it really…

Light squeezed his eyes shut and said forcefully, "I just…have this feeling that I want this kid!" There. He said it. If he had the kid, then L would have to stay with him no matter what, as long as he was a man of his word. He couldn't live without L, and if this was the way for the man to stay, then so be it. He'd deal with the fatness and the womanly body afterwards. After all, the likelihood of gaining his real body back was very low; the pills wouldn't work anymore and there were no others he could use.

If he was stuck this way, he had to make sure that there was at least one person with him who loved him. And if he had a child with L…maybe he could take him away from his dad? Once the Kira Case was over and Light was proven innocent, L could take Light and their child away from here and somewhere safe and loving.

L was shocked. He, too, wished to have the child. There was just some parental instinct—which had lain dormant for twenty-four years—that was just being woken up. But Light was willing to lose his "perfect" body to have a baby with L? Something was off, and L was convinced he needed to figure out what it was. He hoped it had nothing to do with Kira…After all, Kira could easily be fooling him into thinking he needed to stay with Light…Light could manipulate him into pretty much anything in this state.

No, he couldn't think that. For the mean time, he would think that Light was the helpless teenager he seemed to be and he would hug him until they fell asleep…much to Light's disgust. He had to brush his teeth for twice his normal time the next morning…And he really needed to take a shower since he didn't even change clothes before going to bed either…

Still, any nightmare Light had that night—L witnessed a few, having only slept for a few hours—was forgotten in the morning and he was quite refreshed when he woke up again. That is, until he sat up.

"Bathroom!" he cried, tugging at L's wrist and forcing the other to run with him.

So…did they really decide that they wanted this?

Author's Note: Yush! They're keeping the baby! Duh, this wouldn't be Mpreg w/o them keeping it! ^_-

If you can guess what Watari means by, "My arms are always open," you get a virtual double choco-chip cookie. n_n

And people wonder why I hate caffeine...Coffee was the example the website I was reading on pregnancy used as sensitive smell and I thought that that would be so torturous...I am evil; I know.

Watari got his whole section 'cause I thought you guys deserve his whole POV from the past few weeks. Haha, I know, it's so...*shudders* But, while he's not homophobic, he is Kira- phobic and also acts just like an overprotective father. Of course, he's gonna think things that are out of the say the least.

I'm sorry if you read the first section of Light's thoughts on the child, and then read the end part and see how freakin' different they are. It's to show how conflicting Light's thoughts are, how emotionally unstable he is, and how tired he was by then. As you could already tell by the very end of the chapter, he's gonna be switching back and forth between "I'm a man, dammit!" "I'm a teenager, dammit!" "I want L to stay with me forever, dammit!" and "I just want to be held, dammit!" Haha, yeah, Light's nuts, isn't he? Well, this shall be quite an interesting pregnancy...

Review, please! As I've said repetatively, I really want this story to make you think. So, now we are getting back to Light's not liking his body and now we have him saying he's all alone in his thoughts 'cause nobody's ever been through this like him.