Lithuania didn't know why he had defied orders, but then again, he had defied orders enough for it at least to not be that big of a surprise to himself. He had been told to stay behind, but in the forests of Siberia, he was no following the Russian. Several meters behind him, hiding and quiet behind trees, the snow making barely a sound. After all of his escape attempts, he had learned several things about sneaking in the snow. He wouldn't admit it aloud, but, he was rather proud at how much better he was than when he had first 'come under the Russian's care'.

There was surprise that the large nation was with only a single weapon, carefully picking his way along. That smile? He noticed that it was gone.

Russia wasn't smiling, he wasn't frowning. It was scariest to see him with no expression at all.

It just didn't fit.

How could it?

He stopped when Russia stopped, gulping audibly at the little force of people that stood there, waiting. Rifles aimed at the nation, ready to kill. Ready to destroy their own country. It wasn't pleasant, even if it was Russia, to see his own citizens betray him. To see these 'children' betraying... This act would make any nation shiver to the core.

The group parted without a word, and the sight of the figure that came out shocked Lithuania more than this entire little goose chase would ever scar him.

It was Russia... on both sides.

There no no mistaking the features. The blonde hair, the violet eyes, that large nose... the height, weight, clothing, and even the smile was the one he had seen for so many years now. This was the Russia he had always know, the man that had... tormented him, right? Why... why were there two?

"You're going to die today, Soviet Union." Russia II spoke (Lithuania naming this new one the second, considering he didn't... know... really what to do).

"Nyet, you will..." Russia I spoke, chuckling softly. The smile was back, he could see, as he had circled enough to see both of them... They were exactly the same. Exact.

The two of them cast down their guns, seeming to have picked a better method of settling this... very confusing situation.

Swords, and he recognized the blades. Very well. It was a pair that the Russian had had made for killing purposes back in the day, at least, that's what he had been told. Two, one to block their sword, and the other to chop off their heads. The Mongol influence of those blades were apparent, since that's what the Russian had used to kill several of them. That's what he had been told when he asked several years ago, that when the Tartars were expelled because of Ivan IV, that Russia had been by his side with those blades, killing several of them out of revenge. Revenge for the pain they had caused, that had both been inflicted on the mentally-unstable man, and his precious children.

After being told the horror stories, he had been brought to tears, and started to realize he couldn't hate Russia. Not after hearing what happened to him, he really couldn't.

Either he was stupid or his heart was, but he didn't regret it.

But he only had room enough to forgive one.

Clanging blades had brought him to reality, the little army and himself watching the two fight, watching the blades meet, part, swing, and bounce off once in awhile. It seemed too matched.

Didn't one have to give?

The cold rush the Lithuanian received alerted him to the presence of a new arrival, Winter... And, when he looked behind, he saw the giant hovering over him. The old man's weathered face, and cold eyes looking down. General Winter then smiled a little, the lines and wrinkles more prominent to that almost grayish skin.

"Just watch, little Baltic... It'll be over soon."

Lithuania turned just in time to see one Russia stab the other through, tearing the blade down through flesh and bone, the blood staining the snow like roses.

Yet, it wasn't the end of one of them that had caused the screams to come... It was that the winner bent down, and bitten the other's neck.

Then he ripped flesh away from his teeth, and ate it. He went back for another bite.

The winner was eating.

Blood continued to poor from the loser's form, the winner ravenous to the flesh. The sounds of the tearing, the blood that streamed, the flesh, muscle, all consumed. Gurgle noises came from the to-be corpse, the throat torn, the vocal chords and box eaten already. Even the blood was drank down by greedy, starving lips of the victor. Clothing torn and tossed aside just to get to the fresh meal.

The men had scattered, and Toris had stumbled back into Winter's frozen form, shivering, crying, horrified, and disbelieving this was actually real. That there were two Russia's, that one was eating the other...that... that...

Winter was laughing.

"It seems the Soviet Union's gone then..." He looked down at the stressed, horrified nation. Then gently lifted him. "I should return you. You're not to be frozen for a week."

The eldest Baltic was too shocked, and too horrified to even register this. All he knew is that the door to that little safe house was opened, and he found himself inside, wet and standing there.

He only moved when someone came inside. He turned around to see a blood-stained Russia. His mouth opened wide, he screamed.

The world was black.

Russia blinked down at the fainted nation, and the other's rushed to see what was going on, a few of them gasping at the bloodied cloths of their captor.

Charan-Amaya: Sorry, between graduating and the start of summer with all the drama/computer issues/sickness I've been way behind schedual in writing. I sincerely apologize but I think the shock of this chapter more than makes up for my long, long delay. It's been a very rough road lately and hopefully it'll look up soon!

BUT I FINISHED IT SO ALL OF YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY WITH ME AND LEAVE SEVERAL NICE REVIEWS. My goal for this is to have 50 reviews in all, because I like even numbers.

And so I can write a one-shot for whomever reviews number 50 anyways. Kinda a new thing I'll be doing so I can write a variety of things that I both like, and struggle with. Go me!

So, what did you think? Did any of you expect it? I wanted to put more gore but a lot of people have weak stomaches reading stuff like that, so I'm very sensitive and nice about these things. 3