Author's Note: I suddenly had a desire to write this fanfic, just because it's such a weird setup. Mostly, I just wanted to see MacGyver react to the bird-kids. This takes place during SOF, before the flock leaves California., and during the third season of MacGyver. However, the whole thing, in real time, is set in the 2000s, because that's about the time of SOF, and McGvyer is still going to be the same age, because '80s action heroes don't age. And no, MacGyver is not paired with anyone, not even Dr. Martinez. James Patterson owns Max and Co., Paramount owns MacGyver.
Chapter 1
MacGyver, was, as usual, not where he wanted to be. In this case, where he didn't want to be was a dimly lit lab in an Itex Corporation facility in California. The Phoenix Foundation had sent him there to investigate rumors of illegal genetic experimentation. Unfortunately, Itex didn't like investigation.
Two unnaturally strong men who looked like male models had dragged him here moments after he'd infiltrated the facility. By his reckoning, he'd been here for at least a day without anyone checking on him. The Phoenix Foundation would certainly send someone after him soon. But if he, one of the Foundation's best field agents, had been captured so easily, how was he supposed to get out?
Not that he hadn't tried to get out on his own. He had thought that a lab would have something he could use to get himself out. Unfortunately, the lab was completely empty. All the chemicals, down to the cleaning solutions, had been removed. MacGyver had tried to use the tables in the room to break down the door, but it seemed reinforced, as if the room was designed to contain someone with extraordinary strength. For once, MacGyver needed backup.
I love the way the wind feels in my hair. And in my feathers.
Hint-- this is the part where you gasp and say, "Feathers!?" Or not really. I mean, there was already one book in this series-- get with it! Geez!
Just to make sure you were paying attention, I won't introduce anyone. Figure it out yourself!
Anyway, the Flock and I were flying over California, just happy to be together and not in cages. Believe me, for us, that's big.
So, things were going pretty well. Which means something had to go wrong, and soon.
That something was the Voice. Just when I least wanted to hear from it, it piped up.
You have to go back to the School, Max, it said.
"Heck, no!" I said aloud. Bad idea, there. As if the Flock wasn't already convinced that I was insane….
The School has captured a man named MacGyver. He can help you save the world, but only if you get him out, the Voice continued.
"What is it, Max?" Fang asked.
"The Voice wants us to spring some guy with a weird name out of the School," I said.
"You mean we have to go back?" Nudge whined. "I don't want to go back! I mean, we just escaped, and they would've killed us if the hawks hadn't helped, and…."
"Calm down, Nudge," I said. "We aren't going anywhere."
Max, do you want the world to be destroyed? the Voice asked.
No-- I mean-- I-- I replied.
Go, the Voice said.
I decided that arguing with the Voice in my head was sort of pointless, and so we headed to the School.
MacGyver blinked as light flooded the lab. A teenage girl with long blonde hair stood, silhouetted in the doorway.
"Get up," she said.
"Huh?" MacGyver asked intelligently.
"We're breaking you out," the girl said. "Now let's move. This place is crawling with Erasers."
The girl rolled her eyes. "You're supposed to help me save the world? Give me a break!"
MacGyver was utterly confused, but he got up anyway, and followed the girl.
The girl made two rights and a left, and then stopped in the middle of a hallway. Seconds later, she and MacGyver were joined by five others, all even younger than the girl. There was an older boy with dark hair and eyes, and another with strawberry blond hair. Unless MacGyver missed his guess, the second boy was blind. There was also a girl with black hair, chocolate brown skin, and a preteen's fashion sense, and two young kids, both blond-haired and blue-eyed. The older one was a boy with hair like a chick's down, the younger was a curly-haired girl.
"Let's get out of here," the teenage girl said.
The group ran through the maze of hallways to a door.
"All right, everyone, up and away," the girl said as soon as they got outside. "Fang, help me with the dead weight."
The dark-haired boy nodded.
The kids spread out, the little blond boy grabbing the blind one's hand.
Then, they spread their wings.
MacGyver gaped. Somehow, these kids had real wings, wings twice as long as they were high. Working wings, as he realized when the first of the kids sprang into the air.
Suddenly, the teen girl grabbed one of his arms, and the dark-haired boy grabbed the other. Before MacGyver could even react, they were airborne.
"What do you have in that jacket of yours? Rocks?" I asked as we flew away from Itex.
"You can fly," the man said, dazed.
"No freaking duh," I said. "If I couldn't, we'd be in trouble right now, don't ya think?"
"You can fly," the man repeated.
"Well, you aren't the brightest star in the sky, are you?" I said. This guy was going to help me save the world? Yeah, right. Some time for the Voice to develop a sense of humor.
NinthFeather: Before you ask, I am not entirely sure why I wanted to write this. It just seemed like fun. I don't know if I'll finish it or not.
Max: You're kidding!
MacGyver: What?
NinthFeather: Sorry to leave you hanging-- literally, in your case, MacGyver.
Max: Bad pun…ears bleeding…
MacGyver: Who writes your show? That wasn't half bad.
NinthFeather: R&R, people! See ya!