Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt or its characters

Regular POV

"Please, sit down, Taniyama-san." Toshibo gestured to the seat across the table and Mai sat down, a little nervous. She sipped her tea, trying to calm down. There was nothing to be afraid of because she did nothing wrong. The officer shuffled some papers a bit before coming to one and settling on it. "Now, Shibuya-san has informed me all about his employees and their abilities. He said that you often have psychic dreams while investigating paranormal cases, is that correct?"

"Yes. I had more dreams than normal on this case but they were still psychic ones that lead me to finding Mikazuki." The brunette explained, cupping her teacup and sipping it. The man nodded his head and glanced back down at his notes before looking up and offering Mai a smile.

"There's no need to be nervous. I'm just trying to get all the facts for this case and Shibuya Psychic Research's involvement in it." His words were friendly and it helped quell the nerves that Mai had. "Did you ever know the Kagami family before this case?"

"No, I didn't."

"Did you ever have a psychic dream pertaining to Mikazuki before the case?" Mai thought for a moment before remembering that the dreams had arrived before Natsu had even come to them with the case.

"Yes, I did. I can't remember the exact number of them but I didn't know they pertained to Kagami-san's case when I had them. It wasn't until close to midway through the case that I even made the connection that the dreams were related to Mikazuki." The brown eyed woman explained. Toshibo-san nodded his head while scribbling something down on a notepad.

"Would you mind explaining to me how you knew where Mikazuki's body was buried?" He asked, a bit more serious than he was before.

"Well, in my dream, the doll that had been guiding me was standing in the location that Mikazuki was buried. When I woke up, I knew I needed to go and get her but my coworker Brown-san told me to wait. When one of the officers told me that you wouldn't search until the rain had stopped, something compelled me to run out there and try to fix it myself. It's hard to explain but it felt like a force was guiding me right to where I needed to dig." It sounded a bit odd trying to explain to someone who didn't seem to be a part of the paranormal society what paranormal sensations and visions were like but she did her best and the officer seemed satisfied with her answer. He scribbled it down before looking through his notes again and pulling out a page.

"When did you first suspect that Hiroto Kagami was the one who killed Mikazuki?"

"Not until the night that I found the chest that Mikazuki was buried in. Kagami-san was not kind to SPR and had tried to intimidate me before that night but I did my best to avoid him most of the time. When I had woken up and started running downstairs, he called to me but I ignored him, which seemed to make him mad, so he grabbed my wrist. When he did that, I saw the necklace he kept hidden under his shirt and it was the same necklace I saw in my dream all the time and the same one that Mikazuki apparently used to wear. It was at that moment that I was completely sure that Kagami-san had killed his step-daughter." Mai felt a lot more confident talking to the officer about her convictions. He nodded while writing more notes.

"Did Hiroto Kagami try to harm you in any way during your investigation?" Mai just shook her head to his question. "When you say he tried to intimidate you, what instance are you talking about?"

"Well I can't remember the exact date, though I'm sure we have it somewhere in our records, but I was going to go down and talk to Ayumi Kagami to see if she would talk her husband into having an interview with us. I was in the kitchen looking for her when Hiroto showed up behind me, startling me. He was already intimidating to begin with but he was acting quite aggressively by giving me little space and stepping closer and closer to me until my back was against the wall. He wanted me to lie to his wife and tell her we had cleansed her daughter's spirit from the home and then he wanted us to leave. He didn't go any farther because Lin-san showed up and told him to leave me alone." Mai remember that day and still shivered at the thought. Hiroto was a very unkind man and the brunette could only imagine what else he would have done to that family is Mikazuki and her father's spirit had lead them there and if Natsu hadn't asked for them to take her case.

"Well that is all the questions I have for now. Thank you for your time, Taniyama-san and I would greatly appreciate it if you would send in Brown-san for me." The officer shot her a smile and she smiled back, glad that the interview was finally over.

"Thank you, Toshibo-san, and I will send him in right away." Mai stepped out of the room and made eye contact with John and the priest nodded in understanding, standing up from his seat and heading over to the door. The young brunette headed back over to the couch and sat down, smiling at everyone.

"So how did it go in there?" Bou-san asked and she shrugged.

"Nothing to be worried about, that's for sure. He just asked me questions regarding the case and my psychic abilities, that's all." Mai explained while gathering up the now empty teacups. She stood back up from the couch and brought the cups to the kitchen and put them in the sink, intending to wash them once the officer was gone for the day. Quickly the brunette left the kitchen but looked at the officer door to Koujo's office.

Mai's POV

Instead of heading back to the couch like I had originally intended, I went to Koujo's door and knocked, waiting for him to tell me I could enter. It didn't take but a second but I walked in and closed the door behind me, smiling at my boyfriend. He gave me a smile back and beckoned me over to him. I stood beside his chair and my dark haired man grasped my hand gently.

"How did it go?" I shrugged at his question before sitting on the arm of his chair.

"It went just fine. I was nervous for nothing." Koujo laughed before letting go of my hand and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I was looking at some of the things we would be able to do while at the beach and wanted to discuss some of them with you to see what you wanted to do while we were there." I smiled and looked at his screen that had about seven tabs open all relating to the sites and attractions at Shirahama Beach. I glanced through them and pondered for a bit on some of the things I wanted to see.

"Well the undersea observation tower sounds really fun, so I would really like to do that." I looked to see his reaction only to find him nodding in agreement with me. I turned back to look at the list again. "Maybe we could also go to the Sandanbeki cliff as well." He nodded his head to that too. "I'm going to leave the rest up to you, so surprise me."

"That sounds like a good idea." I smiled at his comment and leaned against his arm.

"What hotel are we staying at?" I asked and watched as he clicked a different tab which brought up a hotel site. It was for a hotel called Sanrakuso and from all of the pictures it looked quite wonderful and seemed to have a beautiful view of the beach. "That looks lovely." I turned and hugged Koujo. The hug was a bit awkward because of the position I was sitting in, so I was kind of just hugging around his chest and arms but he patted my head and laughed. "Thank you for all of this, Koujo."

"You're welcome, Mai." He kissed my head and I pulled back to give him a proper kiss that left us both blushing a little bit. I couldn't help it, though. I was too excited about this trip and wanted him to know it. I got up off of the arm of his chair and headed to the door before pausing.

"What day and time are we leaving, by the way?" I watched him click the mouse and look over the screen before looking back at me.

"I've set it up so that we will be leaving around six Sunday morning to head to the airport. We'll be coming back the next Sunday morning by about eight." I smiled and nodded my head at the information before leaving his office. I still had a few days to pack my things and I was super excited about it all.

"You just had to have some alone time with Lin?" Ayako teased, making me blush. Yasuhara was now with the officer and John was sitting on the couch with monk beside him. I took a seat next to the miko and settled into the couch.

"What day are you guys leaving?" Monk asked me.

"Early Sunday morning. I'll be back the next Sunday morning, early as well." Bou-san nodded his head at the information.

"Do you have a swimsuit ready?" Ayako suddenly asked out of the blue and I laughed but nodded my head.

"Yes, of course I do. I wouldn't want to go to the beach without one." She stuck her tongue out at me but I just laughed more. I heard Naru call for tea so I stood up and headed to the kitchen to make some. I realized that I had left the dishes in the sink and groaned but started on washing them. I heard someone come into the kitchen behind me and found Ayako, who started to pour some water into the kettle and turn it on.

"If you only have one swimsuit, I say we go shopping once you are off work and buy you at least two more so you can surprise Lin with them." I thought about the idea and finally nodded my head, liking the sound of it. I did have some money saved up to buy something new so maybe a new swimsuit would be good.

"I like the sound of that, Ayako." I began drying off the teacups and other dishes just as the kettle went off. I thanked the miko as she began filling the now dry cups with hot water and starting on the tea. She left two cups for me to do for Naru and Koujo. They would both easily know the difference between her tea and mine so she wasn't going to brother trying to make theirs.

"Alright, that settles it then. Once Officer Toshibo is done with his interviews, I'm whisking you away whether Naru likes it or not." The miko settled all but the two cups on to a tray and sauntered out of the kitchen. I quickly did up my boss's and boyfriend's tea and started toward Naru's office. I knocked on his office door and he bade me to enter. I settled his cup of tea onto his desk and waited a moment for him to take a sip before telling him of what Ayako and I wanted.

"Naru, once Officer Toshibo is done with his interviews and has left, Ayako would like me to go shopping with her. I was hoping you would let me leave a bit early today." I only had a few things left to file on the latest case so I was hoping the answer would be yes.

"Have you finished all of the paperwork on the Kagami case?"

"I can easily have it finished within the hour. I only have like three more things to file and then I will be done with it all." I waited while he thought and then he nodded his head.

"It's not like there is much else to be done for today anyways so go ahead." I thanked him excitedly before leaving his office and heading to Koujo's. I knocked on his door and entered when he said I could, shutting the door behind me.

"I brought you some tea." I set the cup on his desk and took his now empty one. "Also, after work today I am going shopping with Ayako, so I won't be having dinner with you tonight, if that's okay."

"That's fine." He offered me a small smile and I relaxed. "I'm going to get to be alone with you for a whole week. One night without you isn't going to kill me."

"It better not." I mocked seriousness and he just chuckled. I turned and left his office before putting the teacup in the sink. At that moment Yasuhara left the room with the officer and it was then Ayako's turn. She hurried inside and the college student and I walked to the couch and both sat down across from Bou-san and John.

"If Lin is going to be taking you for a week, I am coming with you and Ayako to go shopping." I gave Bou-san a confused and slightly bewildered look considering he never liked to go shopping with us. "We haven't hung out much aside from cases so once you guys are done shopping, with me tagging along, I am going to take you two to dinner."

"Is this to make up for your creepy comment earlier?" I teased and he mock pouted. I couldn't help but giggle but I agreed to it. I hadn't hung out with them much since our last two cases and I suddenly realized that I really wanted to. The miko and monk were very important to me and were a wonderful support system over the years.

"Remember, though, you're carrying our shopping bags." The blonde monk groaned but it was all in good fun and we all started to tease each other. It was soon time for Bou-san to go in to the room with the officer and so I informed Ayako of what monk wanted. She agreed under the guise that it was free dinner but really I had a feeling it was because she liked him and didn't want to admit it.

"So what all are you guys going to do on your little excursion?" Ayako asked and I started talking about swimming and the underwater observation tower. I couldn't help but get animated and excited while talking about the whole thing. I was curious as to the surprises that Koujo would have up his sleeve for the trip and expressed my thoughts. Not too soon later, Bou-san and the officer came out of the room. I hurried and knocked on Naru's door, informing him that Officer Toshibo was done conducting interviews.

"Thank you for your time, Shibuya-san. It will certainly help the investigation go smoothly." The officer bowed to Naru and he gave a bow back. He thanked us as well before leaving the office. Then Naru turned to the group with a look of minor irritation on his face.

"You're all dismissed until Monday after next week." Naru said, though to me it sounded more like a grumble. He walked back into his office and I decided I would put some tea in a thermos for him since I was going to be gone for the evening and he had actually been relatively pleasant and nice that day. So quickly I hurried into the kitchenette and started up a pot of tea, asking if anyone else wanted any before we all left for the day.

"Thanks for the offer, Mai, but I have to be going. I've got a lot to study tonight." Yasuhara said while passing by the kitchen. He said his goodbyes before leaving the office. Soon the tea kettle went off and I made cups for everyone, including Naru, before pouring the rest of the tea into a thermos for my boss as well. I set all of the cups down on the coffee table for them and gave a cup to Koujo before heading to Naru's office.

"Come in." He said and I headed in, setting both the tea cup and the thermos on his desk. The dark haired man gave it a confused look before turning his blue eyes to me.

"I figured that since I was going to be gone for the evening and since you have been pretty nice today, I would pour some tea into a thermos for you so that you would have some after I left." I smiled a little and he nodded his head. I turned and left his office, giddy and excited for the evening. I had until the end of Saturday to pack which meant, since it was Wednesday, I still had three days to get everything ready.

I headed into Koujo's office, wanting to see him before leaving for the day. I was still amazed at how close we had gotten in such a short amount of time. It seemed strange but I supposed it really wasn't that odd. Koujo and I had known each other for years and were comfortable around one another so the progression was simple. But he and I had never really been alone for longer than a day so this vacation would be entirely new for the both of us and I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach just at the thought of it.

"I'll be heading out soon so I wanted to come and say bye." I explained as I sat on the arm of his chair. This was a place I had a feeling I would be sitting at a lot and I was perfectly okay with that. My dark haired man turned away from his laptop and wrapped an arm around my waist and grasped my hand with his other hand. If someone had said to me years ago that Lin would be this loving and gentle, I would have laughed in their face. But he was and I felt happy knowing that it was toward me that he showed this side.

"Have fun and don't let the monk get under your skin." I giggled at the perturbed look that my boyfriend got on his face remembering the comment that Bou-san had made earlier that day.

"I think you scared him into never bringing that up again."

"Good." I couldn't help but laugh at Koujo's response and I placed a kiss to his forehead since I was sitting on the arm of his chair and was high enough to actually reach it with my mouth.

"But I'll have fun and get a new swimsuit or two for the trip. They'll be a complete surprise to you." I winked at him and he raised a brow with a smirk on his face.

"They'll all be a surprise to me, Mai. I've never seen you in a swimsuit." I gasped in surprise and felt him pull me on to his lap, making me blush brightly. "I'm looking forward to it." Koujo whispered in my ear, his black hair tickling my cheek. I felt my heart race and my face must have been as red as a tomato. After a few moments he gently pushed me off his lap and stood up as well, smirking smugly down at my red face.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said quietly, still feeling a little light headed from what just happened. His smirk was replaced by a gentle smile and he leaned down to give me a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged him close before scurrying out of his office, knowing my face was still bright red. Luckily, no one said anything as I sat with them and took a sip of my warm tea. Everyone finished up their tea quickly and we all headed out. We invited John but he declined, saying he had to wake up early tomorrow to practice for a sermon at the church.

A/N: Well, they're headed to the beach soon. Sorry for all the slow updating lately. The holidays were a mess and my schedule is still crazy from it all and so I am trying to work out the kinks. Remember, if there is anything you would like to see me add or you want more of, feel free to leave it in a review or sent me a private message. Well, until next time!