Title: Secrets of the Fringe

Timeline: Season 2, any time after Grey Matters

Characters: The whole FRINGE cast

Summary: A Fringe case file with a twist

Disclaimer: I own them, in my dreams, no seriously I do, I get to analize them, take them apart, it's great fun.

However in real life someone else has the rights and gets all the money, not that I mind. As long as they don't sue me for playing.

Notes: This one has been on my harddrive for some time now, was waiting to see how the season goes. So it is a au/whishfull thinking fic

Beta: I somehow think she was willing to take on a lot of trouble when she agreed to beta for me, Thank you Chickideeee you have a great feel for the way I write, and for how the characters would react and interact.

A/N I do not live in the states, therefore rely on others and Google for the information used in this fic. Thanks to wobobsessed (think that is how you spell it) for the notes on Boston, and the sugestion of Watertown as the area. I have not been to any of the places in this fic, they were all chosen by their location and the fact that google had pictures of them. So there is no harm intended in their use.

Olivia was about to get into bed when her phone rang. Checking her caller ID her shoulders dropped.
"Olivia Dunham."
"Dunham I hope I did not wake you."
"No sir I'm still up"
"Assemble the team and meet me at 451 Main Street, Watertown."
"Yes sir" Olivia answered before ending the call
Olivia phoned Peter.
"Let me guess" he said as he answered the phone.
"The first two don't count" she replied.
"So where are we going, do I need a bag?"
"No we're needed in Watertown"
"I'll get Walter."
"See you in fifteen." With that, she got dressed

Olivia stopped the SUV outside Fit-Zy's Bar & Grill,

"Were going for a late dinner, Agent Dunham how nice of you" Walter replied as he looked out of the window with a grin.
"No Walter this is obviously where we are needed- see the tape?"
"Oh, I was craving a cheese burger and a strawberry milkshake."
Olivia then got out of the car, missing Peters reply to Walter, and started looking for Broyles, showing the agents on the perimeter her badge before being allowed to enter.

"The two in the car are with me, so allow them through once they catch up." she mentioned, pointing to the vehicle where Peter had just got out of.
"Dunham" Broyles called her over once she entered the wooden paned door,
Olivia walked over, noticing the body.

"Sir." She nodded.
"Where are the Bishops?"
"They are coming, Walter is in need of sustenance and Peter is smoothing things over." She tilted her head towards the corpse, "What do we have here?"
"Detective Josh Miles, a local police investigator, was investigating a newly developed performance enhancer that's doing its rounds in the area. He is the sixth casualty since the government was notified as to the existence of the drug."
"The drug is illegal."
"Most of these drugs are, this one however has shown some positive outcomes until the government started investigations. We had hoped to procure a sample of the drug, however it seems to be a niche group and outsiders are not welcome."
"Dr Bishop" Broyles turned from her, "Peter good evening."
"Evening, Sir" Peter answered before joining Olivia at the corpse at the same time registering the background music still playing.
Then picked up the sheet, "Cause of death, anyone?"
"Chances are he died of a cardiac arrest." Broyles answered
"So what do you need us for?" Peter turned to look at Broyles
"In the past month there has been four other deaths like this, in the area. All seemingly natural causes, or chemically induced."
Walter passed them, after having had a look at the corpse, "I need this body taken to my lab, you mentioned that the cause of death could be chemically induced." Walter sniffed the drink and looked at the food, these will need to go to the lab as well." Walter said to the one detective present.
Peter noticed the detective's look of disbelief and stepped in, "It's fine we'll need to run some tests on them"
"Yes the other cases all came back with an array of chemical compounds it the blood, the cause of death in the victims were found to be hyporhythmia, hypocardia or as suspected in this case heart failure."
"Is there anyone who can explain what happened, any witnesses?" Olivia queried
"Detective Miles had a dinner partner, who said that he got up to go to the bathroom, then fell down on the floor, first convulsing then stopped breathing before dying clasping at his chest"
"Just now you mentioned six casualties, and only five deaths." Olivia asked looking at the body again, as she started feeling nauseous.
"There is one survivor he is still hospitalised at the Mount Auburn Hospital, we have arranged for routine tests."
"Has anyone questioned him?"
"Yes, but they could not get much from him."
Just then Peter came to her, "We are ready to go"
"I will have the files forwarded to you" Broyles responded before they left
"Has anyone notified Agent Farnsworth, I will need her assistance with the autopsy. Peter here never seems to have the stomach for it." Walter said as they walked back to the vehicle.

The fifteen-minute drive to Harvard was done in relative silence, Peter from time to time slipping Olivia a look, the frown on his forehead forming, it was not like her to be this quiet at the start of a case. Was she keeping her thoughts to herself, or was her mind on something else entirely?

When they arrived at the lab, Astrid had already opened up and prepared the metal table for the autopsy.
"Ah, Astrid there you are, for a minute there I was concerned that I would have to do the autopsy on my own." Walter said as he descended the stairs.
"No Walter I'm here, but please don't ask me to get food whilst we're in the middle of it." Astrid smiled.
"Don't worry my dear" he exclaimed before dropping his tone "Peter promised me we could stop at the all-night diner for a burger and a strawberry milkshake before heading home."

Astrid couldn't stop the maternal chuckle.

"Anyone for coffee, looks like we are set for a long night." Peter queried standing on the top of the stairs.
"I'm going to decline, I have to get going." Olivia said turning for the door.
"What, you left a hot date to join us?" Peter taunted her childishly.
"Not quite, I want to have a look at the files that Broyles promised me, and to be honest- Walters excitement at cutting up corpses is not something I feel I could stomach right now." Olivia said quietly, turning at the sound at the door
"You okay, you do look a bit pale. How much sleep have you had this week?"
Just then the coroner brought the corpse into the lab, allowing Olivia to put off answering Peter's questions, it however did not release her from his concerned look.
"Ah yes gentlemen, please put the body here." Walter said, directing the men to place the corpse on the table. "Oh the food you can send off to the forensic lab for analysis"
The coroner left the lab, once all the correct paperwork had been seen to by Astrid.
"Are you sure your okay?" Peter asked noticing a sudden increase in irritation in Olivia's demeanour.

She just shook her head.
"Olivia, here give me the keys I'll drive you."
Olivia handed over the keys, for some reason her stomach kept turning.
Peter was surprised, he had expected to have an argument regarding the matter. He however followed her out of the lab, keeping an eye out for any sudden changes.

Peter drove her to the Boston office and followed her to her office then proceeded to sit down on one of the chairs, only to rise after a few moments.
"Would you like some coffee?"
"Yeah, sure."
Peter walked down the corridor passing Broyles.
"Dunham in her office?"
"Yes" Then headed for the coffee machine.
On Peters return to her office he noted the new files stacked on her desk and took one of them, deciding to pour over it like Olivia was doing. It served as his excuse for staying, when in fact he needed to assure himself more that she was indeed okay. The Olivia he knew would not pallor in the presence of a body, unless- no... There was no way."
About an hour later he got up to refill their coffee, only for Olivia then to realize that he was still there.
"Peter, oh sorry, you'll be needing to get back to the lab." Olivia responded, as she looked up at him.
"It's fine I enjoy at times not being around Walter."
"He can become a bit intense at times. Come to think of it, we should actually head back to the lab, Walter should be done by now." Olivia said as she gathered up the files.
"Did you find anything?"
"There is a match in some of the chemical substances found in the victims, however I would need to compare them with their medical records first."

Back at the lab, they met Walter who confirmed that the cause of death was indeed due to heart failure. The team then packed it in for the night. As they now awaited the toxicology results.