I've been wanting to write this story for a while now. I'm so stoked. It's gonna be chock full of craziness and well, if you want fast updates leave reviews.

Disclaimer: no own.

iCross Dress


This was it. Flora's true identity had finally been revealed, and there was nothing she could do about it. She wanted to cover her ears as loud sirens rang throughout the building, but all she could do was run. Her eyes watched the back of Sam's head; huge blonde locks bounced around in all different directions. Flora was sure that the staff was going to catch them, and for a lack of better judgment, she was secretly planning to ditch Sam and turn herself in. There was just one, teeny-weeny, little problem. Sam's hand was locked around her wrist, and she could not release herself from the troublemaker's grip.

"In here." Sam whispered and opened the door to the janitor's closet. She pushed Flora past some mops and water pipes, until her body was pressed up against the back wall.

"This is all my fault." Flora whined while rubbing her hands over her face.

"Shut up." Sam hissed and squinted her eyes. She had no idea what Flora was talking about or why the correctional staff was after her, but she'd be damned if they took her away without some sort of fight. Sam felt that Flora had been sent from God to keep her out of trouble. There had been too many close instances where Sam would have screwed up and landed herself in juvie had Flora not been there to make her be good. So she owed the weird girl…….big time. The blonde turned and grabbed Flora by her shoulders. "Listen. I don't know what it is that you've done, but if it's the last thing I do, I will bust you out of this place."

"Sam, listen to me" Flora begged. "I need to tell you something important."

"No more talking!" She snapped and covered the girl's mouth with her hand.

The door to the Janitor's closet creaked opened. Sam's head shot forward, and her eyes widened in horror. A footstep echoed off of a pipe and Flora was convinced it was all over.

"Sam, Freddie, are you in here!" Gabby's voice carried itself to the back of the closet.

"Gabby!" Sam pushed herself away from Flora and ran to the door. "Man, I don't think I've ever been so happy to see your squishy, round face." The blonde squealed, grabbing Gabby's cheeks.

"Would you stop that. There isn't much time!" Gabby slapped Sam's hands away and straightened out her hair, which had somehow titled to the side. "Tell Freddie to come on while there's still a chance to escape."

"Who are you talking about Gabs? Who are you calling Freddie?"

Gabby opened her mouth, but nothing came out of it. She quickly realized that Sam was still clueless about everyone's disguises. "Oh gees.. nev- never mind. Let's just go."

Flora stepped forward, and Sam immediately turned and stared at her. She attempted to scrutinize her face, but she was jerked away by Gabby who made an effort to drag her forward. They ran until they reached the cafeteria. They met up with Carlton and Mrs. Shatner who looked frantic. "What the heck took you so long!" Carlton freaked as he ran up to the group.

Mrs. Shatner grabbed the ends of her skirt and followed him. "My distraction isn't going to last forever." She said, throwing her hands on her hips. She whipped her braid to the side and frowned.

The sirens were still going off; so Sam had a hard time hearing the yells that passed back and forth between Gabby, Carlton and Mrs. Shatner. She scratched the back of her head and tried not to look baffled.

"Stop fighting, and let's get out of here!" Flora interrupted their squabble and gave them all desperate glances.

Sam watched the four of them with a blank expression on her face. She was still confused as to why Gabby had called Flora Freddie, and now that she thought about it, Carlton really sounded a whole lot like Carly. His weird voice fluctuations could not just be the result of puberty. And what about Gabby, who in all aspects, looked and acted just like Gibby? Oh, and then there was Mrs. Shatner, who Sam was already convinced was just Spencer dressed in drag. Sam blinked a few times.

"Sam, are you ok?" Flora grabbed the girl's arm. "We gotta go."

Sam looked up into Flora's eyes and slowly pulled her arm out of her grasp. "Just who are you exactly?" she asked, and took a step back.

Tell me what u think. Each chapter will be longer than this, and they will gradually lead up to this point. Anyway I really want to know what you guys think so far and whether or not this story seems like it'll be good or not.

Poodle mY noodle