First time writer here! Got a pretty good idea for a fanfict here and going to try to let it play out the best I can. Hope you all enjoy the story as I find time to write it.

Disclaimer: Don't own any part of Naruto.

Prologue – Loss of Innocence

'It is done,' Naruto thought as he looked over the unconscious body of Uchiha Sasuke as a light rain began to fall. "Now…I just need…to drag your…sorry butt back…home," muttered Naruto as his body seemed to just give out on him and he began to fall forward. The ground rushed up to meet his face and unable to move his arms to shield his face, Naruto's mind only flashed, 'Well, this is going to hurt,' and he shut his eyes tightly but the pain never came.

Daring to open one of his eyes, Naruto looked up to see a welcomed sight. His sensei had appeared out of nowhere and caught the back of his shredded jacket just before he hit the ground. Pakkun seemed to be looking Sasuke over. Too tired to do much else, Naruto just grinned at his spiky, silver-haired sensei. "Mission… accomplished…" he got out before giving completely into his exhaustion.

"That it is," replied Kakashi as he lifted Naruto onto his back. Giving a low whistle, he observed the Valley of the End; huge gnashing alongside the cliff sides, gigantic craters in the valley, and entire rock spires completely blown away. 'This fight is definitely one for the record books,' marveled Kakashi. He looked back at Naruto with no small amount of shame at himself. 'You've gotten so strong without me even bothering to teach you very much. I've let such an untapped potential slip right past me for so long. Obito, looks like I've failed you again.'

Making sure that Naruto's sleeping form wasn't going to fall off of his shoulders, he turned to Pakkun. "How's the traitor?"

"I'm no medic but it seems that a few broken ribs, a mild concussion, and a mangled right arm are the worst of it," reported Pakkun. "There doesn't appear to be any internal bleeding or any irreversible damage."

"Hmm…" observed Kakashi as he pulled out two pairs of chakra cuffs and binded Sasuke's wrists and ankles. Then he pulled out a mild sedative and administered it to Sasuke. "That should make sure he remains unconscious until we reach the village and prevent him from trying anything." Summoning a giant bull dog, he unceremoniously hefted Sasuke onto the dog's back like a sack of potatoes. Nodding to the two dogs, all three began the trip back to Konoha.

Naruto awoke about three fourths of the way back to the village. After assuring his sensei that he could walk on his own, the uncertain jounin bent down to let Naruto stand on his own feet. The blond ninja stumbled at first, but quickly regained his footing. He flashed a grin to his sensei before darting off in the direction of the village.

"Naruto!" shouted Kakashi as he chased after his charge. "You were on the verge of chakra exhaustion when I found you! You shouldn't be running off yet!"

"Ah, come on Kakashi-sensei! You know that a little thing like chakra exhaustion isn't enough to keep me down for long!" Naruto countered. "Besides, the hero's got to look the part when he returns right!"

Letting out a small sigh, Kakashi replied, "Hate to admit it, but I guess you have a point there; on both accounts." Kakashi knew that he wouldn't want to be carried back home either; most ninja won't—to prideful. Deciding to change the subject, "So tell me what happened between you two. I realize that I arrived too late to help." A fact that weighed heavily on Kakashi.

Naruto launched into a description of how he had caught up to Sasuke in the Valley of the End and how the fighting escalated up to the points of Sasuke upgrading his Sharingan ability and transforming into some strange creature using that seal on his neck. Naruto described how he had started to unleash more and more of the Kyuubi's charka in order to continue to counter Sasuke's rising power. Kakashi remained silent throughout the tale taking everything in, until Naruto reached the part of the climax; the clash of Sasuke's chidori and Naruto's rasengan.

Kakashi could barely contain his anger. His two students had went at each other with assassination techniques. These are moves meant to do nothing short of killing those they are used against. Kakashi's visible eye became very solemn at that fact. Naruto continued to explain how he had used his rasengan to counter the destructive force of the chidori while he used a Kyuubi-powered clone to appear behind Sasuke and render him unconscious with a blow to the back of the distracted ninja's head.

Both ninja continued in silence after that. Naruto happy in his victory against his rival and Kakashi calculating just how important and strong Naruto was becoming to the village. Sasuke had meant to kill Naruto in that final move while Naruto had never given up hope in finding a way to just incapacitate his friend. It unnerved Kakashi when his mind thought that Naruto might have even took the chidori to the chest if it showed a way to help his friend.

The village came into view about two hours later. Kakashi was slightly surprised at the number of people awaiting them at the gate. Then he remembered the two junior ninja with him and became surprised at himself for being surprised in the first place. Naruto, Kakashi, Pakkun, and the other large summoned bull dog landed right in front of the crowd.

The bull dog threw Sasuke off of his back where the unconscious boy landed heavily on the dirt ground with a thud. Happy to be rid of the weight the dog turned back to Kakashi, barked, and disappeared in a veil of smoke. A team of med-nins ran to check on Sasuke.

Kakashi was not pleased with this. "Oi, oi, oi," he addressed the med-nins. "That traitor can wait. You should come check up on Naruto first."

One of the medical ninja turned to Kakashi and scoffed at him. "That brat can wait. Sasuke-sama is the future of this village. His wounds always come first."

Kakashi began to approach the medial ninja menacingly, but was beaten to the punch as he watched a fist bat the medic into the crowd. Tsunade was furious at what she had just heard. "That "brat" as you call him, is twice the ninja that this broken traitor here will ever be." Tsunade wrapped Naruto up in a fierce hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you…" she continued to whisper to him.

"Can't breathe…" Naruto managed to get out. Embarrassed, Tsunade released him and began to heal his wounds. "You're welcome baa-san, but I just brought Sasuke back. It was my mission."

"Not that," she answered him. "Thank you for being alive. After healing the severe injuries of your teammates, I feared that I was going to lose you and it would have been my fault for sending you out on that stupid mission in the first place."

Naruto became really worried at this. "What happened to them? Are they alright?"

Drying her eyes, Tsunade managed a smirk, "Who do you think I am? Choji and Neji may have been in critical condition but they're stable now and will make a full recovery."

Naruto let out a breathe of relief as he spotted Sakura walking towards him. "Sakura-chan!" he exclaimed as he turned towards her. "I managed to bring Sasuke back for you! He didn't want to but I was able to…"

Naruto didn't manage to finish that sentence as a fist connected squarely with his chin and he went flying back a couple of feet before crashing onto the ground. "You were able to what! Beat him to death! Destroy his arm! Crush his ribs! I trusted you to bring him back, not kill him!" She then drew a kunai and charged at the stunned boy.

Naruto was too shocked to even bother to attempt to get out of the way as the kunai drew closer to his face. It suddenly stopped as Sakura's arm was roughly jerked back and restrained by Kakashi, his own kunai at Sakura's neck. "I will not allow my pupils to kill each other. Sakura you are way out of line!" His voice was full of anger.

"I'll never forgive you for hurting Sasuke!" Sakura shouted at Naruto as she struggled to free herself. "I hate you Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Enough!" hissed Kakashi as he applied pressure on Sakura's wrist to make her drop the kunai.

"Release her at once, Kakashi of the Sharingan," ordered Koharu as she stepped out from the crowd. "That girl would be doing us all a favor."

"Kakashi, do not release her," countered Tsunade. "She has attempted to kill a fellow shinobi of the leaf and that will not be taken lightly."

"I believe that an exception can be made in this case," Homura waved off as, he too, stepped out from the crowd.

"How dare you!" shot back Tsunade. "For a village that prides itself on teamwork and unity, how can you just say you'll let a murder attempt slide?"

"Simple," Homura continued. "Uzumaki Naruto will never truly be accepted by the council of Konoha. His dream to become a Hokage will always remain just that, a dream."

"Why you dirty little…" started Jiraiya, making his presence known.

"Ah, ah, ah, Toad Sage," mocked Homura as he shifted his finger back and forth. "You can be as angry as you want, but the will of the entire council is final. Not even the Hokage can overrule a majority vote."

"Actually," Koharu piped up again, "we found some rather important files in the Third's personal study. Seems that sly old professor had been pulling one over on us for awhile now. He used his ability as the Hokage to create a certain law, but according to the establishing documents of Konoha we found in his study, the council is given the ability of repealing a single law from the old Hokage that they disagree with should they reach a majority vote."

Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi all visibly paled at this. "You wouldn't," meekly whispered Tsunade.

"Oh, but we would," stated Koharu. "As of today, the Third's law concerning Uzumaki Naruto has been repealed."

Homura used a small earth style justu to create a podium for himself and Koharu. "Villagers of Konoha! Especially the younger generation! Listen to me! As you all have been taught, the Kyuubi was defeated by the Fourth Hokage! However, that is a lie! A lie created by the Third to hide the truth! The fox was too strong for the Fourth to kill! Instead he sealed the beast into a newborn baby! A child you all know as Uzumaki Naruto! Demon spawn of Konoha!"

Instantaneously, all people near Naruto pushed away from the boy. All except for Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi. Sakura was still being restrained by Kakashi, but she was struggling to be released.

Naruto was frozen in place. He had expected a hero's welcome. He had brought back Sasuke. He had brought back his greatest friend and enemy from falling into darkness. He had fulfilled his promise to Sakura. He expected cheers and people congratulating him on a job well done. Instead Sakura now hated him from the bottom of her heart and had even tried to take his life. And to top it off, the elder council had just bluntly revealed his secret to the world. His world was crashing down around him.

However, the council wasn't finished there. Koharu cleared her throat and finished the act Homura started with a decisive blow. "This council feels that the demon has become too unstable, too wild. Just look at the state that our dear Sasuke is returned to us in. His body has been through hell while the demon looks perfectly fine. This fiend clearly tortured Sasuke for his own benefit before bringing him back. It is by the power of this council that we declare the banishment of Uzumaki Naruto! Should he ever appear again within the borders of Fire Country then he is to be killed on sight."

"Now wait just a minute!" demanded Tsunade as she stood up to face the council. "As Hokage, I refuse to allow you to just banish a leaf shinobi without consulting myself and the clan heads!"

"And as the elder council, we must remind you that Naruto has blatantly attacked and critically injured a leaf shinobi first," smirked Homaru. "The council has the power once again to overrule the Hokage's judgment should it feel the ninja in question is a serious threat to his fellow comrades."

"I won't allow you to do this!" countered Tsunade. "If you are going to banish Naruto, then I resign from the position of Hokage. I only agreed in the first place because of the ninja you are deciding to banish."

"Unfortunately for you Tsunade," Koharu inputted, "you are not allowed to immediately resign as Hokage. That option is only allowed after a full year of service. If you leave to travel with Naruto then you shall be declared a missing-nin and killed on sight as well." Then turning towards to Jiraiya, she continued, "And don't you even think about leaving either. The council is revoking your rite of free passage. We need you need in the village to help us rebuild and remain strong. Sasuke will need an instructor after he recovers. Both yourself and Kakashi shall be fulfilling those roles."

"Hold up!" snarled Jiraiya. "If you think that I'm going to instruct that pathetic excuse for a ninja anything, then you're crazier than I thought. That traitorous scum doesn't even deserve to know my name. He was running off to meet my old snake bastard of a teammate."

Koharu and Homura momentarily debated amongst themselves before Homura stated, "Fine, you needn't instruct the pride of Konoha, but you shall be sent on the most challenging of missions to make up for it."

"And what makes you so sure that I'm going to keep teaching that piece of trash anything either?" questioned Kakashi sternly.

Shocked, Koharu did not seem to foresee this. "What do you mean Kahashi? You have to teach the boy. You are the only one left in the village with the Sharingan eye that can properly instruct the boy how to use. You have to instruct him. That is your responsibility!"

"This trash just tried to kill his own teammate!" shouted back Kakashi. "I've failed the lessons of my sensei and my team enough times now. Sasuke and Sakura have both forsaken their comrade. I will never instruct either of them ever again."

"You forget yourself Kakashi," sneered Homura. "I would hate for anything to happen to you as a result of denying the last Uchiha mentorship."

"And you forget yourself Homura," countered Tsunade. "Do you really think that I would just let you intentionally harm one of my most elite Jounin? The council may have found a slight surge of power, but do not forget that I am still the Hokage. I will find a way to undo all the harm that the council has committed today."

Koharu laughed at this. "You can certainly try."

Tsunade's face became even more stern. "I intend to."

"Tsunade, I wish to submit my case for membership back in the ANBU," Kakashi suddenly added.

"Done," came the simple reply. "I shall see you reinstated and made a captain by the end of the week."

Homura let out a curse at this. Kakashi would be well protected as an ANBU captain under Tsunade. Finding a willing and capable instructor for the Uchiha boy had just become much more difficult than he initially assumed.

Realizing that this was the best she could did in this sudden stalemate of power, Tsunade turned back to Naruto. She wanted to reassure him that she would never give up on him and would find a way to counter this banishment. However, Naruto was gone.

'He must have slipped away sometime during our argument with the council. He's probably feeling a large sense of betrayal from the village he loves right now,' Tsunade reasoned. 'I've got to find him!'

As she began to race towards the entry gates, Homura's voice plagued her ears once more, "Do not go after him Tsunade! Leaving without even bothering to say a single good-bye just proves how much of a demon the boy is becoming." Laughing at their victory, Homura and Koharu began walking back towards the Hokage Tower. The crowd began to dissipate slowly as people spat in the direction the demon had left before going back to their daily activities.

Tsunade was just sitting on her knees, silent tears rolling down her eyes as she strained her eyes to try and just a glimpse of Naruto's orange jumpsuit in the woodland foliage. Jiraiya stood next to her and placed a strong hand on her shoulder. "The brat is resourceful Tsunade-hime. He's made friends outside of Fire Country's borders and I'm sure he'll be okay. I'll do what I can to continue to keep taps on Akatsuki's movement. I swear that if they start to get close to the boy then I will interfere, council be damned."

"And so will I," reassured Kakashi as he came to stand next to Jiraiya. He had handed off Sakura to Ibiki and Anko for punishment.

Little did the three realize that they would never hear from, see, or make any sort of contact with Naruto ever again.

Six years later, after Sasuke had learned everything he possibly could from the best tutors the elder council could find, he once again deserted Konoha in favor of Orochimaru. Many high-level jounins and chunins were lost trying to restraint the boy from leaving, Sakura was among them.

After studying with the snake for two more years, Sasuke left Orochimaru with a team of his own creation, managed to track down his brother, and after an unimaginable battle of epic proportions, avenged his clan. After that, Sasuke and his team just fell off the face of the world and had not been seen or heard from again.

Orochimaru, furious in being used and cheated out of such a promising vessel, spent the next five years building back up his strength before forming shaky alliances with Kumogakure and Iwagakure and launching an enormous assault on Fire Country. Konohagakure put up a valiant effort in the defense of its homeland and every mile of land conquered by Orochimaru's forces came at the price of hundreds of deaths on both sides.

After slowly progressing through Fire Country for about six months, Orochimaru managed to sway Amegakure and Kusagakure from their neutral stance with promises of land and power over to his side. Sunagakure and Takigakure remained neutral despite numerous pleas from Konohagakure for an alliance. Sand and Waterfall would not aid the village that banished the one ninja from its borders that they had come to respect and admire.

Without any outside support, Konoha could do little to prevent its own slaughter. On March 10, thirteen years after Naruto's banishment, Orochimaru's forces managed to overcome Konoha's final lines of defense and stormed the city…