Now that she thinks back on it, nobody had ever been kind to her. Well, that was over exaggerating, she had a few who had tried, and still are trying. Yusei, Crow, Jack, and Mina were just a few names that had came to Akiza as she sat on the roof of the Arcadia building.

But that wasn't the point, after the whole incident with her father she had pretty much shunned everyone's attempts to be friendly. Well, that and not many had tried to befriend her because of her powers.

Divine was one of the only ones who would approach her, but truthfully he was only using her.

Every time she and Yusei would duel it would be about the same old thing. Akiza would insist she needed no one, while Yusei would try and convince her otherwise. He had told her that she and her Black Rose Dragon were beautiful, when Divine had said otherwise.

But which opinion was weighted more in her mind. Divine, the one who had been with her through many things and abandoned her in the end. Or Yusei, the one whom she hadn't known for long but was already treating her better, even though she pushed him away.

Akiza never quite understood why he would do that for people he barely knew. Always so kind…..

She had been called moody before, well that and a lot worse things too. A witch had been the worst thing she could think of being called.

A lot of that was true, Akiza was moody. But none of that mattered. She had no one no matter if Yusei and everyone else was there or not. Especially now, with the way she had stomped out of the twin's place her powers busting every window.

Although she was almost certain that Yusei would try. He always did, Akiza couldn't tell if that was bad, or good.

She had guessed right, Yusei stood behind her, she was trying to find something to say. Words failed her, no angry words, no happy thoughts, nothing.

"Why'd you go" Yusei asked. Akiza looked away from him, "Excuse me! I didn't know I wasn't allowed to go as I pleased!" She didn't know why she was getting so angry at him for this little thing.

"Everyone's worried about you" Yusei said. Akiza felt tears forming in her eyes, so she turned from Yusei. "That's a lie! They couldn't care less about me" Akiza yelled.

Yusei shook his head, "Akiza we're your friends, and we're worried about you." Akiza just stood there, "There you go again! You and those stupid idealistic thoughts, not everybody likes me!"

"Well Akiza, here's a start I like you, Luna adores you, Leo likes just about everyone! You don't have to worry about what happened with Divine happening with us" Yusei said.

Akiza stood there a little surprised, that wasn't like Yusei, to say things like that. "How can you be so sure!" Akiza shouted.

"Akiza…." Yusei trailed off. Akiza turned and pushed pass him trying to leave. He reached back and grabbed her arm. "We're not like him Akiza, we care about you. You can trust us." Yusei said.

Tears spilled from her eyes, "Just let me go!" She was growing irritated now, he just bothered her so much. But he intrigued her as well, that was a small thing she had kept in the back of her mind.

But now that thought had forced its way into the front of her mind. "Please just believe me, I wouldn't lie to you" Yusei said.

Akiza turned to face Yusei, she walked forward till she stood directly in front of him. "You're interesting, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not" Akiza said looking him straight in the eyes.

Akiza turned leaving him speechless. "Are you coming or not?"

"You're coming back?" Yusei asked. "Only if everyone will let me com back" Akiza replied.

"That won't be a problem Akiza, we're your friends" Yusei said. Akiza sighed, "How many times are you going to say that, it's starting to get on my nerves."

"I'll say it until you accept it" Yusei said. Akiza stared at Yusei, something stirred in Akiza's heart.

What is this feeling, it's warm and I like it Akiza thought.

Are you convinced now Akiza, can you see it. I will never hurt you, Yusei thought.

Feelings left unsaid are often burdens to the people who hold them…..