The Autobots have left regrettably leaving Sari on Earth after an unfair ruling from the Cybertonian High Council. Issac Sumdac went with them to get permission for Sari and to study the Cybertronian science. This left Sari alone and depressed, letting out her aggression at the human villains left on Earth. But when one of Meltdowns experiments goes wrong..the Pack is released. They are violent, aggressive, dog like creatures that feed of robotics...and humans. Sari has survived with what is left of the third of Earths human population, mostly teenagers and children, in what's left of Detroit. She had thought that most of the Pack was on the verge to being defeated but when one lone Dog on accident unlocks the once dormant space bridge, Sari has to face the truth....that nothing is as it seems. As memorys come flooding in that Sari had forgotten were ever there she also has to face what she has now become...a animal. Now the love she now feels for Optimus will put to the ultimuat test of... Will Sari and Optimus EVER patch up the relationship that never really had a chance to grow? Or will Sari relapse into her subconscious self, Huntress, and refuse to let the love she feels for Optimus in, only growing angrier that he is alive.

Me:Time for the First Chapter!! Ok I don't know for sure if there will be any romance in this one. I haven't made up my mind yet but I wanted your opinions of a Sari/Optimus relationship first. But remember in this story Sari's biological clock has now caught up with her REAL age and now she is as only two "years" younger than Optimus. (Yes Im making Sari a woman.... and I'm only making Optimus Twenty two) Also this story WILL BE slightly a HORROR Fanfic but mostly on the bases of Jurassic Park. So I don't own that or Transformers. It all belongs to their respected owners. So Anyway on to the Show!!

PS. If any of you have been reading Stuck In Animated DONT worry! I have the tenth chapter more than HALF way done so it WILL be up tonight or tomorrow. Ok just wanted you all to know that. : ) Ok back to the story!


"You can't keep doing this." Riana stated. Sari didn't responed continuing to lean over a metal table and bandaging up a deep gash on her left arm. They were in Sari's Old room in the top floor of the Sumdac Tower. Then the last stitch was put in place and Sari had cleaned up the few drops of energon left on the metal table.

"If I don't then things will only get worse." Sari replied looking her direction.

"Worse than what they already are?" Riana replied sarcasticly. Sari glared at her saying

"That's not fair! Ive been keeping this town, this country, safe from the Pack for the past three years."

"Yea...almost getting yourself killed more times than I can remember." Riana said quietly. Then barely above a whispered she added,

"Heck I can't hardly remember a time BEFORE the Pack."

Sari's eyes went soft saying quietly

"I know....there's a lot of things I find harder and harder to remember." Then coming over and putting her left hand on Riana's shoulder added

"I'm ok. Really. Don't worry Riana, Let me handle things....I know my limits."

Riana nodded then glanced at the stitched up wound then glanced back at Sari. Sari understood saying defensivly,

"That was only a little slip up. I miss stepped and the little Glitch scratched me before I could get out of the way." Riana only gave a *Do you think Im stupid?* look as Sari shrugged, walking to the main lobby of Sumdac Tower.

"How big was it this time?" Riana whispered watching Sari leave the room. Sari stopped walking saying without looking back replied

"Almost as big as...Optimus' Fire Truck."

"Who?" Riana asked innocently. Sari turned on her heels looking shocked. Then with tears in her eyes said

"No One...Not Anymore."

Then Sari left, walking down the stairs to the main lobby.

*Sumdac Lobby*

How can she not remember him? Does Riana even know about the Autobots? Did her dad EVER talk about them? Sari thought sadly as she entered the main lobby. Things had changed a lot in the lobby since four years ago. A lot of windows were broken and there was big gaping hole in the center of the left wall. The robotic secretary was sitting motionless in her chair, running out of power to run long ago.

But that wasn't the half of what had really happened on Earth.

But HE left and so did the rest of them when Riana, or what she was called then Rachel, moved back in with her dad, Fanzone, at seventeen. That's what she told me anyways...

Sari shook her head of that guarded thought. The last thing she needed was to get suspisous of the people around her. Sari already had enough things going on, the last thing she needed was to make room for more things to worry about.

Sari looked around slowly at the Lobby but she wasn't seeing this torn downed, broken, place. Sari was seeing a memory of the place, when it had been state of the art and children came from miles around to take a tour with their classes. Sari teared up slightly because...this was not a happy memory.

"What do you mean I cant come!!" Sari screeched tears rolling down her face. Optimus looked down at her sadly.

"The High Council ruled you unfit to be on Cybertron...."

"You mean Sentinal don't you!" Sari hissed spitting when she said that disgusting name. Ratchet frowned saying sternly

"Look kid. It's not like we want to leave but we have too..."

"Then just go!" Sari yelled more in tears. Optimus looked hurt saying

"Sari you don't mean that..."

"Then Don't leave!" Sari replied in agony. Optimus leaned down saying tenderly

"Sari we have know that."

"But He doesn't!" Sari cried out pointing to Isaac.

"Yes I DO need to Sari. I being there working, along with the other Autobots, will reassure that Humans are of no harm and gain their trust. Then maybe then I can convince them to let you come to Cybertron. You understand that Im only doing this for a little while right?" Issac replied trying to give his daughter what little comfort he could give.

Sari looked at him with her tear stained face then nodded looking away. She knew that it was childish to cry being Sixteen but....them ALL leaving at once...hurt. She gave Optimus a yearning look one more time but he shook his head no. Then Optimus leaned back up sadly then saying reaseringly

"Dont worry.. I'll... I mean...we'll come back. Trust Us."

The others nodded and Sari gave a small smile to show face. She knew the truth....

"They Could or would NEVER come back." Sari whispered bitterly. She wiped away the one tear that had escaped looking down at it in disgust.

Sari held together not crying when they had left on Omega Supreme putting on a fake smile until the last one, Isaac, went into Omega Supreme to board smiling back waving. Sari returned the wave but as her Dad disappeared and the last of the Space Ship could be seen from the sky...She ran.

Sari ignored the cries to come back and ran all the way to Sumdac Tower to her room, collapsing on her bed. Sari remembered sobbing for weeks and getting into a deep depression, never wanting to go outside again. The Doctors that Ratchet had pacifically set up for Sari were worried about her nutrient and tried to call the Autobots on the line they had given for emergencies. However, the signal never would send and the Doctors did what they could only do...wait for Sari to come out of it. She did eventually but only because the city needed her too. Meltdown had escaped prison again and was thought to be doing something more than what he usually did.

"Boy did he ever..." Sari whispered to herself. Then removing the hurtful memories from her mind Sari let out a shrill bird screech. Swoop flew in from the gaping hole in the Lobby short after, hitting the ground softly. She looked in his eyes solemnly, then walked up to him and stroked Swoop's head gently. Swoop purred softly in reply, then stretched out his wings and screeched in agitation. Sari smiled seeing Swoop so ready to ride and said

"Ok. Ok. Let's Go."

She gave a heave upward, swinging up on Swoops back with ease and transformed into her robot mode. Swoop gave out a loud call lifting up into the air and they were off to find anyone that was left still alive.

Ok you're probably wondering right now "What is with this four years stuff? Who is this Pack?" "Who is Riana?" And the big one of "HOW did Sari and Swoop become friends?!" Don't worry it will explained a little bit more in the Next Chapie. One more thing is if none of you like the Optimus/Sari theme I will stop it and change the Title to only "A Land Forgotten". Until then Please Review!

*Rides off into the night on Swoop laughing joyfully*