The city sparkled beneath Will's gaze as he stood cloaked by the Sanctuary's darkness. The years had done nothing to dampen the sight; a few more buildings, a louder buzz humming from the cramped streets but nothing distinguishably different, nothing to give the slightest indication of it's aging foundations.
If only he could share that same sentiment.
Many years had passed since he'd first taken in the remarkable view, standing along side Magnus in the biting wind. He could recall it was a night not dissimilar to the present only this time round he was older, wiser and the world didn't seem half as terrifying as it had back then. Whatever he chose to do, wherever he went nothing could rob him of the place he'd found not between the Sanctuary's walls but within himself.
Tugging on the edge of his sleeve he noted the time with a heavy sigh; nearly his birthday.
A few more minutes and another year would be added to the count, another stretch separating him further from the life he'd found such appreciation for. He could see the walls starting to close in, ironic given that time itself wasn't a tangible thing, but that was why he needed to leave. He would never be able to hold it in his hands and pinpoint the moment one more year became one too many, it simply came down to a matter of instinct. The women he loved, like the city, would never show her years and when the hands finally ticked over he would surpass her age.
At first only by a second, then a minute, a few hours, a full day, one week.
It would never stop.
He'd promised her when the time came he would make it easy and even though there was no definitive line he knew it all started in... three, two, oneā¦
"Happy birthday Will."
Her voice floated across the breeze and he dragged his gaze from the watch finding her with a warm smile, "thanks."
She had no idea.
He hadn't told anyone, not even Henry. The day would start like any other; breakfast, birthday greetings, no doubt presents and then he would quietly slip from their fuss. The excuse wasn't important, he didn't plan on taking personal items or anything more than he could fit in his pockets. The pieces of his broken heart would be enough weight to carry.
Opening his arm, he slipped it around her waist as she joined him, trying to act like it wasn't the most painful gesture in his entire existence. He wouldn't let it show not when he'd been the one all those years ago to reassure her that it would all be worth it. It had been, but that only made the decision harder.
Keeping her in the dark had been something he'd debated over for a long time but ultimately it came down to his reluctance to hurt her further. A heart breaking goodbye wouldn't serve to make the transition any easier and he feared it might lead him to retract the promise to walk away. Deep down, he knew his actions were for the best. She still had The Bug Guy, Henry, even Kate was still with them... they'd all look after her in his absence he was certain.
Tightening his grip slightly, he hoped she didn't notice the contraction as he forcefully lightened his tone, "so tomorrow, there's going to be cake right?"
"Today," she noted, completely unaware of the impact the correction had, "and you'll just have to wait and see."
Their decreasing time together sent a wave of panic through him but he pushed the anxiety back, forcing the thoughts to the furthest reaches of his mind. He couldn't change what was going to happen but there were still a few hours he could use to try and forget, immerse himself entirely in her presence and pretend that they had an eternity left; it was a small comfort.
"I have very persuasive methods," he brushed his lips softly against the hollow of her throat, paying only half attention to the conversation, "I think I can get you to talk."
She rolled her head back smiling against his rough stubble, "how about you settle for your present instead?"
He dropped his chin to her shoulder finding the bright lights of the city with a lengthy sigh. There was only one thing he wanted, far more precious than any material gift but he could tell she was getting excited and found himself unintentionally swept up in her enthusiasm. "You're not going to make me guess are you?"
Magnus shifted in his arms, regarding his features carefully.
Something had been off with him lately. Nothing blatantly obvious or noticeable to their co-workers but she'd picked up on the little things; the way his attention seemed to wander off more frequently or how his grip tightened sporadically, as if she was going to disappear. Logic told her it had something to do with his approaching birthday but full comprehension still evaded her.
In any case, she was almost positive her present would lift his spirits.
Breaking free from his hold, she shivered against the sudden loss of warmth reaching into her pocket. Had it not been quite so cold she might have prolonged the suspense but eager to return to his arms, her fingers closed around the small rectangular box, revealing the object with a smile.
Will eyed the crisp blue tissue paper suspiciously, "so it's obviously not a red, shiny, sports car,' he joked taking the gift from her hands. He didn't fail to notice the way her fingers trembled slightly in response and he silently wondered whether it was due to the temperature, anticipation, nerves, or all three.
Seeking out her gaze for approval he waited for her to nod before tearing the paper back and, lifting the lid of the box, his eyes widened as they fell over the unusual content.
Feeling even more confused he found her eyes questioningly. Under normal circumstances a syringe filled with blood could have been considered slightly creepy. "I don't understand..." he prompted, feeling a tiny spark of hope flare up; in their world the possibilities were endless.
"It's a choice." She explained, closing the remaining distance between them and forcing her fingers to remain steady over his hand. "I've managed to isolate the strain of DNA that regenerates my body and integrate it with your own-" she took a deep breath waiting for the words to sink in, "it would mean a higher tolerance to injury, illness and of course an extended life expectancy."
She smiled nervously, waiting for his reaction. The process wasn't something she could easily replicate for another human being. It had taken her years of tests and preparation to ensure compatibility with his entirely unique body chemistry and after running countless simulations, she'd managed to crack the sequence, leaving her no doubt in it's effectiveness. "I assure you, I wouldn't offer it up unless I was entirely confident in it's result."
Will slowly returned the box to her hands before taking a hesitant step back.
He felt like he couldn't breathe, like the weight of her words were literally crushing his chest. Everything he wanted, the alternative he'd been dreaming of for longer than he could even remember, and it was terrifying. Did he really want to subject himself to the consequences, the various pains he'd imagined her living through time and time again? It was one thing to want something unobtainable, acquiring it was another matter entirely.
Magnus replaced the lid, trying to pretend that his reaction hadn't sliced straight through her heart. It shouldn't have come as such a shock, longevity was as much a curse as it was a gift she found her lips curving into a watery smile, "the decision is yours and entirely yours alone, I would never ask you to make such a sacrifice, nor would I want you feeling pressured."
She dropped her head, finding the ebbed stone beneath her feet a welcome distraction. Perhaps she should have discussed it with him first. It might have saved them from the threatening awkwardness but, uncertain it was even possible, she hadn't wanted to subject him to false hope.
Turning to the illuminative glow of the city she flung her fingers over her cheek, hoping to wipe to moisture before he noticed the display of emotion.
Will however, didn't miss the slight flicker of her hand. Clearly she'd mistaken his shock for rejection and while he did have some reservations her assumption couldn't be further from the truth. In answer to his previous doubt, yes... he would subject himself to anything if it meant even one more day by her side.
Finding words an inadequate way of expressing his emotion, he stepped forward turning her shoulders gently to face him.
Her eyes burned with uncertainty and he raised his thumb lightly stroking her cheek, secretly elated over the realisation his promise had now been rendered void. The hours he'd been morbidly counting down were suddenly thrust further than he could possibly imagine and a large smile broke across his face as he captured her lips, conveying his reassurance.
The sensation was an overwhelming surprise; his body suddenly aching to be closer, to hold her, to feel every inch of her skin beneath his fingers. Without the heavily placed resignation that they would soon be separated he felt completely free and able to enjoy the pleasures that had previously been tainted with guilt and regret. "I need you-" he breathed laboriously into her neck, flattening his palm against her waist protectively. "I want you, and there is nothing that would ever make me feel pressured."
Her breath caught as he nipped the tender flesh. They had never suffered from any lack of chemistry before but his advances were bordering on raw desperation and she bit her lip, suppressing the moan that threatened to spill out. The honesty lacing his words was enough to tell her he was more than grateful for the gift but it sparked her earlier curiosity and she struggled to comprehend the change in his behaviour until it dawned on her in a moment of staggering absolution.
His recent distance, the underlying tension; he'd been planning to leave.
It came as a wave of shock and she tensed in his arms, finding his gaze with a look of hesitation. Just the thought of waking up to find him gone without explanation was enough to make her physically ill but she should have expected his loyalty and felt foolish for not not deciphering the signs sooner.
Perturbed by her sudden lack of movement he lightly stroked her hip, "hey, what's wrong?"
She held still unable to confront the issue. Regardless of his actions, the intent stemmed from his desire to save her from pain, the need to second his own emotions in order to protect her. She could hardly condemn him from loving her too much.
"It's nothing..." shaking her head, she slipped the box back into her coat pocket and then reached up smoothing the lines of confusion etched over his brow, "happy birthday Will."
He relaxed under her touch, forcing himself to use a little more control as he gently reclaimed her lips. They had time and the need to reassure himself of that fact was slowly turning into a desire to savour the moment; every kiss, every sound, every touch... until he buckled shamelessly under her control.
"Let's go inside..." he breathed softly against her ear, shuddering in anticipation as she lightly grasped his hand. It certainly wasn't the first time they had been intimate but it held new meaning, a promise of their unified future. Whatever happened, however they proceeded, it would be together and that was the birthday present he'd been seeking.
In it's own simplicity, the perfect gift.
AN: Thank you again for all the reviews and support! I hope you've all enjoyed reading it :P I'm eager to start on something else as soon as my muse hits, so any ideas or suggestions feel free to send me an email :) XXX