My take on how Levin and Tiltyu go from 'they don't even interact' in the first gen to Levin crying over her in the second.

When Sigurd approached her, she braced herself for the worst. But all he said was that Prince Levin wished to speak to her.

She walked through the castle's halls, wondering what to expect or even how she should feel. Why would he want to talk to her of all people? Was it something she'd done? Was the Queen worried her and the rest of the Grandbellians being here was bad luck?

Taking a deep breath, she walked through the large wooden doors.

"Hey, Tiltyu." Levin smiled, he didn't even bother with a formal greeting. "Sit down, there's something I want to discuss with you."

"I'm sorry, whatever happened, I-"

"Sit down," he said, and she did, nervously smoothing her skirt. "My mother and I were talking," Levin continued, "and while she sympathizes with everyone from Grandbell she's especially worried about you." Tiltyu blinked.


"She's noticed you looking really sad every time Freege comes up in conversation," Levin said. "Everyone else seems angry, but you just seem like you're in pain." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and Tiltyu sighed.

"It's father was always such a good person, a little prideful but we'd always been really close," she said, tears pricking at her eyes. "Now he's gotten so jealous of Lord Byron that he'll do anything to ruin him, everyone who's on Lord Sigurd's side's been branded a traitor...Father Claude never lies, and when he tried to tell the real story he got shouted down and branded..." She was crying in earnest now, and the worried look on Levin's face didn't make her feel any better.

"I thought so," he said, his hand gently coming up to wipe away her tears. "That's why my mother had an idea." Sniffling, she nodded her head.


"She wants you to stay in Silesia with us until this all blows over," he said, and she almost fell over from the shock.

"Prince Levin...?!"

"I know it's hard being so far away from home, but you'll be safe here," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "I'll make sure of it. A girl like you doesn't deserve to get caught up in such nasty politics." Tiltyu blushed, instinctively leaning her head on his chest.

"I...if you're sure," she mumbled. "I mean, you've got your mother and a whole country to take care of, are you sure you can handle harboring a traitor Princess? What if-"

"You let me do all the worrying," Levin said, tightening his embrace. "It's going to be all right, though, Tiltyu. I'll take care of you."

A year later, he proudly made her his Queen.