A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first published piece of fanfiction! I am so excited! :) This is really short I know, but I promise more to come. Soon I will also be adding a collection of oneshots (the difference is which they will be longer on average with more plot). Look around for them sometime in the near future.

I have been writing for a while now, and have tried to write some fanfiction in the past, but always gave up. I swear I will not do so now. I am very committed to this collection as well as the stories I have planned. Updates may not be as quick as I would like, but I will not give up (Scout's Honour!).

As this is my first published work, I would really appreciate any and all reviews. I take constructive criticism well, so feel free to leave some. (Anonymous reviews are enabled). Thanks!

P.S. Wow! This is about as long as the drabble itself! :P

Will S. Set after Pilot.

As he sits in his office after hearing Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, Kurt, Artie, and Tina sing Don't Stop Believing, he wonders what would have happened if he hadn't walked past the auditorium. He would have walked away; became an accountant. He shuddered at the thought.

Being an accountant might not be too bad, he mused. He was good with numbers (though he preferred the musical kind), and it would pay better. But he knew he wouldn't get the same sense of accomplishment he got here. How could doing someone's taxes compare to teaching? This was his calling. He tries his hardest to teach morals and values to every student he teaches (or, now, coaches). He's not sure how many he will affect in a life-altering way, but he thinks – no, he knows – that if he can help just one person find themselves and be comfortable with who they are, it will all be worth it. A teacher's salary wasn't handsome, but it was enough. Emma was right; he'd much rather teach his unborn son or daughter that the most important thing was doing what made you happy. For him, that's teaching and Glee.

He doesn't know where Glee is going; he's still concerned about Figgins cutting the program. He won't give up hope though. Because they might be small, and they might be low on the social ladder, and they're bound to have some ups and downs. But he'll be there, coaching them; helping them reach their full potential.

They'll make it somehow. They might not be the biggest, or the flashiest; but they're all there because of a shared passion for singing. They come from all over, and they might be the weirdest group of misfits he's seen; but they fit together in a weird way.

Will knows that everything will work out somehow. It'll be hard, but they can do it. They all have a lot of heart.