A/N: Waddup readers, so this is the fic of Vegeta and his daughter, the one I was talking about on my profile its also my first fic. So yea this is just a drabble to see how far it goes, so review and feel free to criticize, I know I'm a suckish writer so all help and criticism is needed and welcome =] also I'm telling you now this chapter is basically introducing our main character so its very, very thoroughly descriptive about her appearance and personality it may bore you, sorry, but I needed to emphasize the personality of the character so you really get the gist of her, again I'm sorry if I annoy / bore you to death

Disclaimer: No, Karci does not own DBZ or any of its characters, all ownership goes to Akira Toriyama and Funimation productions and what ever other productions contributed to this EPIC anime unless I made it up, which is like, one character, Vegeta's daughter, who I named Kelsey Shacore Brief [excluding the last name] because well, I have know idea what to name her

Chapter 1 – Meet Kelsey


Kelsey's dark eyes, which she clearly inherited from Vegeta, widened a little bit. Now she done it, wait, but what exactly had she done? She couldn't recall the last time she done something

"Whoa, what did you do this time?" her older brother Trunks said causing the 7 year old to jump in surprise, she turned around to face him "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you Tiny" he said laughing

"It's ok, but..I actually don't know what happened this time" she responded in all honesty

Trunks couldn't help but smile as he examined her features; she inherited so much from their father it seemed so unrealistic on how much they look alike, he himself was a good mix of both parents, that's how the genetics worked on offspring's of Saiyans [A/N: I don't know of it does, just for the story] the first kid was always a good mix of both parents and the next would be identical to the parent whose gender they matched, Kelsey should've been a clone of their mother but instead she was a clone of their Dad, only a girl version, Vegeta was very taken back by this but he just assumed that since they WERE demi-Saiyans, the genetic code might have changed, although, Goten was identical to his father which threw that theory at a whack

Kelsey was exactly like him, the raspy voice, the jet-black hair, although Kelsey's was long about half way down her back parted an the right side with side bangs to the left her and hair was cut in layers, she had his widow's peak [the shape of his hair that forms a V shape on his forehead] but it wasn't as evident as Vegeta's, she had a very minor one and you couldn't always tell because of her bangs, she had his immensely black eyes and she also had his frame, very short and small. Her attitude was also very much like Vegeta, and Bulma as well, since the couple were a lot alike, very stubborn and loud, although you could clearly tell she inherited the non mutual traits of her parents. Like Vegeta, she was very arrogant, rash, and devious and she took pride into who she was and never let people know her weakness, she wouldn't show when she was intimidated but people could tell when she was, they also knew how arrogant she was so they never pointed out if they saw she was scared or felt threatened by something, that would only cause her to lose her temper and she would get real defensive. She wore a karate gi identical to Trunks' except hers was navy blue like Vegeta's jumpsuit and she wore yellow belt, her boots are like Trunks' but the heel, toe and straps were yellow and the rest were white, like the color of Vegeta's, she also wore yellow fingerless gloves

Kelsey always acted like Vegeta naturally, the way she glared, her smirk, the way she fought, he did train her but she mastered them so quickly with ease because they came so naturally to her, her reactions to certain situations were identical to Vegeta's. She refused to show vulnerability; the only time it showed was when she was exceedingly sick or hurt. She had the natural instinct to desire fighting and violent conflicts just as a full-blooded Saiyan would; Gohan and Goten didn't have that desire, but Trunks somewhat did. She did like to play with Goten and go on crazy adventures but only when her hunger for combat was satisfied. Kelsey was extremely strong, she started training when she started to walk beating Trunks' record of age 3. She had the natural inclination to never let her guard down and scan for enemies every time she was somewhere foreign to her, and her ability to detect life force was unbelievable, when there was an unfamiliar life force around, she sensed it immediately with ease, she didn't even pay mind to her impressive abilities, to her they were normal and she thought nothing of it, but it bewildered all those around her. How was this possible? Was this all even normal for a hybrid?

Unlike Trunks, Vegeta didn't have to tell her to NOT cry as much, Kelsey just naturally didn't like to cry once she grew out of infancy, she hated it because she felt embarrassed, he never told her it was considered a weakness, it was almost as if it was natural instinct, she DID cry, it just took so much for her too which really shocked Vegeta. He didn't like that his youngest bottled up emotions, it wasn't healthy, and when did she learn this? He new one day she was going to end up like the can of soda she and Goten always drank, no, shook and opened it aiming at one another, but that's how she was going to be, everything is bottled up so tight and there's so much pressure inside one event can lead to an explosion and anger and emotions are going to be bursting out non-stop. If she needed to cry she should, it wasn't a sign of weakness, it was a sign of strength, the ability to conquer your pride and let it show that something was wrong. His kids taught him that, although he would never admit it. He had so many questions in his head while the girl was growing up, he could never understand her very full-blooded Saiyan like behavior; it was very unclear

"KELSEY SHACORE BRIEFS IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR STUBBORN SENSELESS BEHIND HERE IN THE NEXT 3 SECONDS, YOU WILL BE STUCK IN THAT GRAVITY ROOM WITH YOUR FATHER FOR THE NEXT 3 DAYS WITHOUT FOOD" she cringed a little from her mom's angry voice, it wasn't the threat that scared her, it was her mother's wrath and shrieking voice that pained her sensitive ears

She was actually willing to take that; her dad wouldn't kill her would he? But she did need to eat

"You really should get down their, Tiny, I don't think you'd wanna be stuck with dad in that gravity chamber," her brother suggested

"Actually I'm willing to take my chances" Trunks smirked at her boldness, she couldn't be any more like their dad

"Come one" he suggested and started walking to where their mom was and Kelsey followed

They got to where their mother was and and all Kelsey could do was look down

"Kelsey" Bulma said clearly aggravated with her youngster right now, in fact when was she not? Kelsey was always such a troublemaker, so fresh and impulsive. She clearly thought having a daughter would make things all the more easier. Just an innocent, harmless little girl. But Kelsey was totally opposite of both Vegeta and Bulma's expectations. Vegeta was content, he got to train her, it did take him by surprise but he wasn't disappointed. Bulma on the other hand wanted a daughter to go shopping with, and do all those girly things with but Kelsey wasn't that type of girl. Kelsey or Trunks alone made things so chaotic, and the two together was something else. There wasn't even a word for what it was like when brother and sister were together and when Goten came in, Goku and Vegeta together probably aren't able to handle the terrible three

"I just got the voicemail from your principal" she paused "now when were you planning on telling me about you breaking someone's nose at school?"

Trunks raised an eyebrow and looked at his little sister, he wasn't shocked, Kelsey always got into trouble but it never involved conflict with human kids, didn't she know she was immensely stronger then they are? What other trouble could she cause?

Kelsey looked at her mother puzzled then it clicked in her head and her eyes immediately lit up proud that she recalled what her mother was talking about and they quickly lost shine when she remembered the incident.

"Oh yea" she said hesitantly

"Why would you break the boy's nose Kelsey?" irritation and anger dripping from her voice

"Mom, I can explain," she said trying to sound grown up

"Oh really? What could a human child possibly do to provoke you to punch him in the nose?"

Bulma and Trunks instantly knew that was such an idiotic question to ask, Kelsey had such a short fuse, they didn't know who had the shortest temper, her or Vegeta

"The idiot called me a BASTARD!"

Trunks let out a chuckle, he was very amused. Kelsey had an interesting vocabulary for a 7 year old, then again Bulma and Vegeta were their parents. Bulma was also amused but she couldn't show it or else that would tell Kelsey it was ok and she'd do it again. One second after Kelsey's entertaining one sentence explanation they heard a chuckle all to familiar to the three of them and they turned towards the door and there stood Vegeta

"How can you think this is funny?!" Bulma said to Vegeta the sighed "Kelsey what am I gonna do with you" shaking her head her focus back on Kelsey

"Let me off with a strict warning?" she asked eyes filling with hope that her mother would let her go

Bulma's eyes widened with anger, she had the nerve to even answer right now, and answer like that, that was it, Bulma raised a finger at Kelsey about to say something then Vegeta interrupted

"I'll take care of that brat" Kelsey's eyes slightly widened she looked up at her Dad and he pointed towards the direction of the gravity room. She obeyed him and walked toward the gravity room with Vegeta close behind

"She said if I didn't get there I'd be stuck with dad in the gravity room, I got there yet I'm on my way to the gravity room, grown-ups are so difficult" she muttered under her breathe to herself

Vegeta heard and smirked, there was no doubt the was his daughter