Kal-El Potter

By: BYoshi1993

A/N: Sorry I'm so late, but life gets in the way. I've had to take multiple AP Practice exams for English, the real SAT, and the real ACT all on Saturday at 7:30 in the morning over the past few weeks! Then I've had a 10 page research paper to write and present, another project for Duel Credit American History to present, then Spring Break, which I mostly slept. Now I'm back at school with work and tests and the AP exams coming up in May. I really can't believe I haven't written anything for so long though; the time just flew by in my stressed mind. Anyway, I have a poll going on to slightly influence my overall plan for the story. It will decide Dumbledore's personality for the story and must be completed before the next update so please check it out after you review. As for the updated chapters 1 and 2, there were no major changes to the story or anything, just a few changes to make everything flow better. Please enjoy the chapter.

Harry awoke to the sound of silence and the blue of his sheets at 6:00 in the morning. Having only two hours to get ready for his first class, an hour and a half for breakfast, he hopped out of bed and took a shower. Afterwards, he threw on some pants and a t-shirt from his trunk and a robe from his closet. He tied on his shoes and gathered up his books, shoved them in his bag along with his pens and notebooks, and walked out into the blue of the Ravenclaw common room at 7:45. Outside, he saw Tonks and Hermione, who looked as though she had been there for an hour as she had a few arbitrary books scattered around her, talking. It must have been really interesting because they didn't notice him walk up behind him or it could have been because he was just short. He had tried making himself taller, but he just kept tripping over himself. As a result, he decided to keep is natural, if short, stature.

"Good morning," Harry greeted, smiling at the two girls.

"Morning Harry," they both called and went right back to their conversation.

Harry, not wanting to be impudent, decided to sit in the chair next to Hermione and read his book on Metamorphs. He hear a few snippets of the conversation: "classes," "teachers," "personality," and "grades," making Harry assume that they were talking about the upcoming classes.

Finally, at about 8:15, Harry asked if they wanted to go down to breakfast with him.

"Alright," Hermione replied, while stuffing her books into her bag.

"I can't come," said the female prefect, "I've got to get ready for classes real quick." With her departing words, she walked towards the girls dormitories, nearly tripping on the rug by the stairs, and into her dorm.

"I guess it's just you and me then," Harry commented.

The duo walked through the portrait hole, and tried finding their way to the Great Hall for breakfast. In the end, they were glad that they had left early because when they arrived there, Professor Flitwick was already passing out the schedules. They hustled to the tables and sat down, and piled their plates with a few sausages, eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Here you are Mr. Potter, Ms. Granger," Professor Flitwick quipped in his oddly squeaky voice, handing them their schedules. Looking at his schedule, Harry noted that he had Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall with the Hufflepuffs first thing in the morning. From there he had alternating classes throughout the week, starting with Transfiguration Monday, Charms Tuesday, Potions Wednesday, Defense Against the Dark Arts Thursday, and Herbology Friday. Each day had three classes, excluding Wednesday, which had two classes, with lunch and small breaks in between. Also, Astronomy was twice a week at night on Tuesday and Friday, and Flying class was every Monday and Thursday. Each class was an hour and half along with breaks and lunch and dinner were an hour.

Harry looked up from his schedule to see Hermione anxiously glancing at her schedule and towards him.

"Do you want to see my schedule Hermione?" Harry enquired, with a smile.

"Yes please Harry! I have to make sure that we have the same classes together," Hermione exclaimed.

Harry didn't really understand her strife as all of the houses in the school only have around fourteen students per house and, at most, thirty students per class because of the combination of the two houses.

While Harry was pondering Hermione's pointless endeavor, the young book fanatic was assuring herself that she would not lose her friend due to the arrangement of classes. She had observed the phenomenon before among her peers in primary school, as she no other friends to keep her occupied, except her books that is. Once she sure that they had the same classes, she handed Harry back his schedule with thanks and began to eat the lukewarm breakfast piled on her plate.

At 9:00 the students were called to the first class of the first day of the school year.

After the call, the students piled out of the Great Hall in typical student fashion- everyone rushing to be the first out, thus clogging the exit. Harry, like most other Ravenclaws, waited for the mob to subside after they climbed over each other- Gryffindors being at the head. The emerald-eyed child followed after his fellow peers when the backup had nearly ended.

When Harry reached the correct classroom, he plopped down into one of the foremost chairs with Hermione at his heels.

The boy looked around the mostly immaculate classroom that had what Harry considered to be various Transfiguration depictions of a myriad of wand movements and their results: one fellow turning into an eagle and back and another changing her hair from light brown to vivacious yellow with a wave of her wand. Harry couldn't tell, having read most of his school books at the Dursley's, if the spell was a glamour or transfiguration, both considered to be highly advanced magic that his book touched upon in the introduction. With a final glance around the room, he noticed that the classroom had filled and a cat was sitting on the desk at the front of the class.

'Maybe Professor McGonagall has a soft spot for cats or perhaps it's her pet and it escaped from her rooms or something,' Harry pondered. Suddenly, the cat leaped off the desk and sifted into a woman with a strict face and her hair in a tight bun- Professor McGonagall!

The class was stunned at the feat of magic, even Harry, who now considered the real thing much more enticing than the pictures in his books, and the class immediately began to clap and mutter to each other in amazement.

After a few moments, McGonagall quieted the class with a few sparks from her wand. The students immediately sad at attention- not wanting to get detention or points taken on their first day-however, a few last comments to their friends around them still lingered until they were snuffed out by their fellow classmates.

When the room was adequately silent, McGonagall bean her first-year beginning of the year speech, "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magics taught here at Hogwarts," she explained in her no-nonsense tone, "Anyone foolishly wand waving in my classroom will suffer a severe punishment for your ineptitude. You have been warned," McGonagall finished ominously. With that final note you pulled out her wand and turned to her desk and changed it to a pig and back again.

"That was inanimate to animate transfiguration. You will not be studying that complex magic until your fifth year here at Hogwarts."

The class was suitably impressed and could not wait to begin. However, the students soon learned that Professor McGonagall was indeed correct when she said they would not be getting into the advanced magics until fifth year. Their task: turn a matchstick into a needle. By the end of the class, only Hermione and Harry had managed to change their matchsticks; Hermione's was slightly silver with a slight point and Harry's was completed transfigured into a silver needle. At this, McGonagall gave a slight rare smile and commented to Harry, "Mr. Potter I am happy to say that you have gained your Father's proficiency at the subject. I expect the same exemplary work in the future." The small boy nodded and smiled, "Of course Professor; I won't disappoint you."

Professor McGonagall smiled again and stood up to address the class before the break, "Very good everyone. For those of you who didn't completely transfigure your matchstick like Mr. Potter here," Harry blushed slightly in embarrassment for being called out, "practice this in your spare time. The matchstick given to you today will suffice for your practice sessions. If you have problems, feel free to ask an older student, your Head of House, or myself for assistance," here she paused giving everyone at the door a look.

After the instructions were given, McGonagall shooed them all out of the classroom for their break.

"So Hermione," Harry started while walking to the common room, "what did you think of the class?"

"Oh it was simply wonderful Harry! Professor McGonagall is a very good teacher. During break you just have to help me with the spell."

"Hermione calm down. I will help you, but you have all week to master the spell. However, if you really want to get it done, I'll help you tonight, but for now how about we go to the library."

Hermione agreed, and they went off in search of the renowned Hogwarts library. After a half an hour of walking around aimlessly, they finally decided to ask an older student for directions. The student was a Gryffindor and jumped when Harry spoke to him, loath Harry was to admit it.

"Oh the library; figures you Ravens want to go to the library on your first day of classes but whatever," the boy stated, slightly condescending because of his seniority, "You guys weren't that far off. The library is one floor down, then take a right and walk all the way down the hall then it's to your left."

Harry thanked the boy, and quickly ran after Hermione who had run off down the stairs after the boy gave the directions. When they arrived, Harry decided to have a look at the schedule to see what classes he had later in the day. When he turned to talk to Hermione about the Flying class after lunch- not the best place to put the lesson Harry pondered- only to find that she was talking animatedly with Madam Prince, the school librarian, who, according to the other older Ravenclaws, guarded her books like a mother bear to her cubs. Harry headed over to the table but before he sat down he saw two redheads out of the corner of his eye walk into the library surreptitiously.

Because he was right in their line of sight, they quickly walked over and one began to speak, "Harry,"

"The-Boy-Who-Lived," continued the other.

"Vanquisher of the Dark Lord."

"And the crush of our little sister."

"We," one twin indicated the both of them, "are Fred," he pointed to himself.

"And George, the better looking brother."

"I don't think so brother o'mine as it is I who is the bachelor to the princesses of the school," Fred grinned in triumph.

George decided to quit the tirade and continue with the conversation, "We, young firstie, have decided to grace you with our presence."

"Why? How did you know I was here? Were you stalking me? I never knew you two swung that way," Harry said with a grin.

The two brothers quickly began to shake their heads in the negative, exclaiming a loud, "NO!" Harry giggled at their response as there was no other way for a young boy to laugh.

The yell was loud enough the merit Madam Prince's infamous glare and "SHHhhh," to the twins.

"Why my dear brother," one twin said to another, "I believe that we have been pranked."


"We've been speckle-dorffed."

"I agree brother of mine and by a firstie no less. He may be of use after all," Fred agreed.

Harry was quickly becoming confused by their cryptic language and asked about it.

"We, young Harry, as you probably know, are the renown school pranksters. Every generation has one. Last generation was the Marauders and this one is us!" he explained.

"Pranking is an art and therefore must be judged as such," the other continued," Every year, pranksters must create a beginning of the year prank, Christmas prank (if they are here for the Holidays), and an End of the Year Prank. Smaller pranks must be apparent throughout the year, one at least every month," the twin said, in the picture of seriousness.

"The illustrious, dashingly good looking twins before you are here to research our beginning of the year prank."

"And we want you to help because you have proved to us that you are of pranking caliber by doing us up one."

Harry was surprised at their candid statement, and thought it over. 'If I do decide to join their pranking group I get to devise pranks all though the year and possible improve my magical skills through the pranks as well. At least it'll give me something to do; I can't read all the time.'

"Alright; I'll do it. Where do we start."

From there the ghastly trio, plotted and connived a basic outline of a plot worthy of the Marauders themselves. They decided to meet in the library for research purposes until Friday at dinner when the prank will be unleashed. The prank would take place in the Great Hall and affect all of the teachers and students, even the pranksters themselves, ideally anyway.

After the hour of plotting, Harry bid the twins goodbye and made his way to Hermione. The erudite girl had buried herself in piles of books on the upcoming class. She was currently reading, "Flying: Basic Tips and Tricks for Beginners." Harry had forgotten to comment about the class as she was conversing with Madam Prince and he got sidetracked by the Weasley Twins and marvelous mischievous minds for pranks. Seeing that they had a half an hour before lunch and an hour lunch Harry decided to catch up on his book on Metamorphmagi and do what he called Speed Reading. Harry defined "Speed Reading" as reading as fast as he can- it had to be pretty fast considering how fast he can run- over the pager over and over again until he memorized it word for word. Since the brain only needed information to be processed three times over and over, Harry had the book memorized in the time allowed. Tomorrow, Harry decided, he would research into something similar to his "Speed Reading," to allow him to have a faster recall of the information along with the prank research of course. Perhaps he could find something similar to the effects of Yoga on the mind: control of emotions, faster memory recall, etc.

After the thirty minutes were up, Harry and Hermione made their way to the Great Hall for lunch. Hermione was still frantically reading her book trying to prepare for the Flying Lesson to come. To Harry it looked like she was planning for a war, as she barely at anything, had diagrams and notes around her, and didn't stop until it was time to leave. Harry hoped that he could help her get over her fear of flying somehow. He, like Hermione, had too looked into the aspect of flying in the Wizarding world. He found it fascinating and exciting because as young child he always fanaticized about flying away from the Dursleys and finding a new home in America, France, Spain, or Bulgaria with a family that loved him. Now his dreams were slowly becoming a reality. He had friends- friends!- for the first time in his life and that was a close to family as it would get to Harry. He also, in a few short moments, will learn how to fly! He could hardly contain his excitement.

After lunch, Harry and Hermione made their way to their dorms to drop off their books because they wouldn't need them during the flying lesson. Afterwards, they headed out to the Flying pitch for the lesson. When they arrive, they spotted the Hufflepuffs in one group, their fellow Ravenclaws in another, and approximately thirty-five old, tattered brooms lying about in rows of sixteen. Ten minutes later, a woman with graying hair and yellow hawk-like eyes spoke to the class, "What are you all waiting around for? Stand next to a broom," she waves to the two rows of brooms beside her, "I am Madam Hooch, your flying instructor."

When everyone was standing next to their own broom- the muggleborns feeling particularly awkward- Madam Hooch commanded the students to raise their hands over their brooms and shout "Up!" After that small amount of instruction, dozens of students yelled, "Up!" in an odd chorus of sound which resounded around the grounds.

"Up!" Harry commanded and the broom shot straight into his waiting hand, seeming to want to be there. Harry smiled and looked over to Hermione who was giving the broom a frustrated look and slightly scowled in Harry's direction. The soon to be flying prodigy just smiled in spite of his friend's ire and tried to help her by giving what little advice that he could offer.

"I'm not sure how I did what I did, but I think you have to actually want the broom to be in your hand and to want to fly. You also seem to be a bit nervous so try to take a few deep breath and try again.

Hermione took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes, as Harry recommended and tried to grasp the "want" to fly. She reckoned that if flying was like a swinging on a swing at the playground, it couldn't be so bad. She imagined the wind in her hair and the feeling of hanging in midair at the height of the swing. Suddenly, she felt something smack into her hand and subconsciously grasped it. The girl opened her eyes to find that the broom was in her hand and she was not the last to do it! She turned to Harry and gave him a huge smile and "Thank you!" before she focused on Madam Hooch, who had begun to speak since the last person, Hannah Abbot, had gotten the broom to jump into her hand.

"Excellent students! Now mount you broom and adjust your hands so that you left hand is over your right and wait while I come around correcting any faulty grips," the flying instructor explained.

After everyone had their grips correct- some who have been flying for years had been corrected as well- Madam Hooch spoke up again to instruct them on their next exercise.

"Now, when I blow my whistle I want to all to jump, lean forward slightly, hover, then pull back slowly to float back down. On my sound; three, two, one…"

At the whistle everyone kicked off, but one student, who seemed to want to show off, shot off the ground into the sky but because the broom's control was so bad, combined with the slight wind, he was slammed into the wall of the castle from 100 feet in the air. He landed with a dull thud and a groan. Madam Hooch quickly ran over to check on the on the boy. The "Pureblooded" boy groaned again as he was levitated by hawk-eyed instructor to the Hospital Wing. She spoke to the congregated students around her," If anyone so much as get one inch off the ground, you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch,'" she left as her ominous words were ringing in the air.

After she left, Harry decided, in all of his wisdom, to fly as high as he dared and dive down. He figured since he was the so called "boy-who-lived," he would not get expelled because the school would risk its reputation just by expelling him. Besides, even if he did get expelled, slim that chance is, he could matriculate into another, possibly better school someplace else. Having nothing to lose, Harry mounted his broom and accelerated skyward enjoying the wind against his face and in his hair ignoring the mutters of the other students and Hermione's shout of "Harry! Get back down before you get expelled!"

Though Harry's thinking was sound, there was one aspect that he had forgotten. Murphy's Law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Because he was Harry Potter and a celebrity in the Wizarding world, his generation grew up learning about him- some things true, some things not- and because of these factors, everyone wanted to be like him. The phenomenon was much like a high school student wanting to be like a football player or singer he saw on television. Therefore, everyone took off flying into the sky, however, many, mostly muggleborns, stayed low to the ground to prevent injury.

After flying for a minute, Harry noticed other people flying in the air with him. It was not something he had ever expected or planned to happen. Shrugging his shoulders, Harry continued to rise, forcing the broom up. For a few moments, he felt as though he was rising up instead of the broom, but simply chalked it up to his imagination. When he was high enough, he went into a dive, concentrating on a spot next to Hermione's bushy hair, who had landed shortly after taking off, as a focal point to land. Harry aimed the broom downward and leaned forward as far as he could go. The broom blasted down. The wind flapped around him and on his face, ruffling his clothes and hair. He landed right where he intended and startled Hermione who quickly began to scold him on his stupidity and how he "could have broken his neck" and "scared her half to death."

After he realized how much Hermione really cared for him, he quickly apologized and gave her a quick hug to reassure her he was okay. Suddenly, the doors blasted open and Professor McGonagall rushed out to the Pitch. Everyone was still in the air, but quickly dropped down after seeing the look on the Transfiguration professor's face. McGonagall was scowling at the lot of them and quickly began to berate them, "Of all the things I seen in my days that was one of the most imprudent stunts I've ever witnessed. You all could have broken your necks!" Hermione looked down here in embarrassment as Harry elbowed her in the shoulder jokingly.

McGonagall's tirade continued until Madam Hooch got back at the end of her speech, "…Fifty points from both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs for you sheer recklessness!"

"I can take it from here Minerva," Madam Hooch assured, "I can take it from here."

After the strict professor departed, Madam Hooch too gave her own lecture, which at the end the classes were sufficiently cowed and were not planning on any misadventures with a broom anytime soon. When the class was over, all of the students put their brooms away in the broom cupboard indicated by Madam Hooch, and headed off toward the castle. Since they were on break, Harry and Hermione headed towards the great lake to view more of the famous lake than they did when they arrived.

When they got there, they spotted a lone tree that had nice, cool atmosphere and seemed to be a perfect place to study outside. They walked around the lake once and witnessed various flora and fauna. In their trek around the lake they spotted a hut off towards the Forbidden forest. Deciding to see who lived there, they knocked on the large door. A second later, they hear loud, booming barks coming from behind and a gruff voice saying, "Back, Fang, back!"

The door opened to reveal a giant of a man. He wore a thick overcoat and had a long black beard. Harry, himself, only came up to the man's hip! He also remembered him from the station where he guided all of the first years to the boats that crossed the lake to Hogwarts. Though the man looked intimidating, Hagrid, the name he introduced himself with, really gave the saying "Gentle Giant" its meaning. He quickly ushered the duo into his hut, where the boarhound, Fang, like his master, greeted them kindly, although with more slobber. Wiping themselves with their robes, Harry and Hermione sat down at the large table offered to them.

"Now what can I do fer ya?" Hagrid asked.

"Nothing really Mr. Hagrid," Hermione began, "We just wanted to see who lived out here and decided to say 'Hello.'"

"Now, not of that Mis'r. Hagrid will do fine," he waved his hand dismissively.

"What do you do out here Hagrid?" Harry asked.

"Well, 'm the Keeper of the Keys and Grounds 'ere at 'ogwarts and take care of the animals that live in the forest. Been here since Dumbledore gave me the job in me third year af'er I was expelled," Hagrid told them bashfully.

Harry sensing that the topic was a sore one for Hagrid, decided to talk of other things, "What else do you do around here Hagrid?"

"Well I grow the pumpkins fer 'olloween and set up the Chris'mas trees in December."

"That sounds nice Hagrid. Do you think I could help you one day?"

"Sure, sure, 'arry. That sounds great. Knew ya, since you were just a littl' tyke. Yer mum and dad too, great folks, yer parents."

"You knew my Mum and Dad. What can you tell me about them!?" Harry exclaimed.

"Well let's see, yer mum had a right fire in 'er, stood up fer eve'rythin' she believed in. Yer dad was a right good man. Always joking and laughing. Drove yer mum wild, he did. Who's your friend 'arry? I don' think I've met 'er."

"Oh, sorry, this is Hermione. I met her on the train coming to Hogwarts. She's really smart and nice," Hermione blushed at the praise and said a polite, "Hello Hagrid."

"A'right then. Good ter see you two but I 'ave to get back to work. Come visit anytime you want," Hagrid told them amiably.

Realizing that they spent so much time walking around and talking with Hagrid, Hermione and Harry made their way to dinner to eat after an exhausting first day.

After the scrumptious dinner of roast beef, potatoes, green beans, corn, and treacle tart, Harry was sated and decided to explore the castle with Hermione. They headed up the stairs, deciding if they got lost, they would head down to the first floor to start again from the Great Hall. They explored the first, second, third- avoiding the "corridor on the right hand side" that promised death to any that wandered there-, and fourth floors until Hermione finally got tired of walking and headed to the Ravenclaw common room, two hours until curfew.

"Alright Hermione, I meet up with you in the common room in an hour to work over the spell okay?"

"Okay Harry. See you in an hour. Don't be late."

Harry laughed and walked down the hall while Hermione walked down the other with a slight smile on her face.

The young superhuman explorer, wandered around for a half an hour before he stumbled upon someone he never wanted to meet again: Mr. Filch and his sidekick Mrs. Norris. Upon meeting the man, Mr. Filch immediately began to question him, "What are you doing wandering in the halls boy? Planning on causing trouble for me I recon. Why aren't you with the other little snots you call friends eh?"

Mr. Filch continued to ask all sorts of questions, until he ended with, "If I catch you doing trouble boy, I'll hang you up by your ankles in the dungeons. Always, keep 'em oiled just in case.." With that ominous, and slightly disturbing note, Filch walked away calling after his cat, "Come my Precious. Continue to search the halls for the troublemaking slime. Keep a lookout for Peeves as well my sweet."

They odd duo parted ways at the end of the hallway, and Harry left standing there staring in shock at what just happened with his mouth agape. Looking down at his watch for the time, he gave a start and realized that caretaker had taken up his time and it was nearly time to meet Hermione. Looking around for anything that could spot him- including any portraits- Harry sped to the Ravenclaw Common Room entrance and gave the answer to the riddle, "The man cheated in a card game," and quickly walked inside and met Hermione who was waiting anxiously for him.

"Harry! Come on. We have to get started. We only have until nine before we need to get ready for bed!" the girl urged restlessly.

"Okay! Okay! Just pull out your wand and matchstick. I'll be right there."

After Hermione pulled what the aforementioned items, Harry started to instruct her from what he read in his book and from his first experience with Transfiguration.

"Alright," Harry began, "I don't know if it'll work every time but from what I've done and read you have to convince whatever you are transfiguring that it is actually something else. This is where your magic comes in. It communicates for you, you just have to have the will and want for the item to change. Take the matchstick for example. It has straight line that a needle has, but just not the composition. You have to convince it that it is a needle by picturing its new form in your mind as hard as you can. Then let that image "flow" into your magic to influence the change."

Hermione had a look of concentration on her face for a moment, then waved her wand and the matchstick transfigures into a blunted silver needle.

At her look of disappointment, Harry explained further, "I guess you have to picture more than its look but it characteristics as well. The needle is pointy, so you have to implant that into the picture in your mind, that way it's not blunt like a matchstick."

Again, Hermione had an intense look on her face and waved her wand again and quickly squealed in joy and hugged Harry tight.

"You're welcome Hermione, but I'd rather make it to tomorrow if you don't mind," he said in a joking manner.

Hermione quickly released him and blushed. She gathered up her things, and wished him goodnight with another hug and a "thank you."

Harry, seeing that a half an hour had passed, wandered up to his assigned room and got ready for bed. He changed into his pajamas and hopped into bed after getting all of things ready for the next morning.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter; I can't really say that I like how it turned out. It seemed a bit fast to me. Perhaps more detail is in order. The flight lesson didn't make me too happy either; I just didn't like the way it turned out. Anyway, check my profile to vote in the poll to help decide Dumbledore's personality. Votes must be in before the 5th chapter. Also, I need recommendations for a Prank as I have no comedic sense at all. Please help! Review if you feel you want to as the prank will be mediocre if you don't.

-Michael :D
