AN: Sorry for not updating lately my computer broke. So this is going to be the last chapterof this story. I am planning on writing a new one soon.

Ricky sat in the isle with John is his lap watching his girlfriend of almost 3 years graduate. Ricky had already graduate the year before and couldnt wait until Amy him and John could actually be a family that could spend the day together. Ricky couldnt wait until tonight. Amy was finally moving into his apartment with him and he was going to surprise her with something at her graduation party tonight.

When they got back to Amy's house she started to pack so she would be ready as soon as the party was over. Soon after Amy Ricky and her family got finished setting up for the party people started to show up. Jack and Grace were the first. (Yes they got back together shortly after they graduated) Then Lauren and Madison and their boyfriends. Adrain and Ben ( a surprisingly cute couple) showed up unexpectly. Nobody thought they would show up since they really havent talked at all since the whole break-up thing. Soon after Henry and Alice showed up and then everybody else they invited.

So after everybody ate Amy opened her graduation cards and presents. When Amy was done and thanked everybodyRicky told her to wait cause he had a gift for her.

"John will you come out here please." Ricky called. John came running out to his daddy. He was were the cutest little suit.

"John, do you have the present for mommy that I gave you to hold?"


"Remember when your supposed to give it to her?"


"Okay" So Ricky got down on one knee. "Amy will you marry me?"

Just then John pulled out a dimanond ring with a silver band. Inscribed inside were they were I will love you forever.

Amy was speechless and tears came to her eyes so all she could do was nod. Ricky then put the ring on Amy's finger, picked her up and kissed her.

After everybody got to congradulate Ricky and Amy they left.

"How long were you planning this?" Amy asked Ricky.

"Well..... several months actually. I wanted it to be perfect."

Amy's parents then walked in to help them clean up the room. "Did you guys know about this?" Amy asked them.

"Yes" they both said together.

"The whole time?"

"Well Ricky was a gentleman and asked us if he could marry you first." George said.

"And of course we said yes. You and Ricky are good together. And you already make a really good family with John, so why not make it official right?"

"Thank-you. All of you for everything."

"Your welcome." George Anne and Ricky all said.

"And you little boy." Amy said picking up John "How did you hide this from momma?"

John giggled and said "Daddy only told me today." while giving the smirk that he got from Ricky.

So after they were done cleaning Amy packed all her stuff into Ricky's car. Small tears started to form in her eyes. "I cant believe Im done with school, moving out, and getting married." Amy said.

"We will miss you" Anne told her.

"Im going to miss you Ames." George said

"I am going to miss you guys too." Amy said giving them a hug.

Just then Ashley came walking out the door. "Where were you at?" Amy asked her.

"Just hanging out in my room, I really did want to come to your party. Sorry."

"Thats okay but you missed Ricky asking me to marry him." Amy said with a smile on her face.

"No I didnt."

Amy became confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Ricky texted me right before he did it. I was just lying low in the back. Do you really think I would miss my sisters proposal?"

"No." Just then more tears started to form. "I know we fight all the time but I am going to miss you."

"I am going to miss you too." Ashley said as tears started to fall down her cheek.

6 months later

Ricky stood at the alter waiting for is wife to be. He was so happy, he had his son by his side and was getting ready to marry the girl of his dreams. So the bridesmaids made their way down the isle and the wedding march began. Ricky thought Amy looked so beautiful in her dress. She soon made her way down the isle where her dad gave her away and Amy and Ricky percided with the rest of the ceremony. Finally Ricky and Amy had their first as husband and wife. They then walked down the isle as husband and wife and started their long and happy life together.

AN: sorry if it seems alittle rushed but I needed someway to officially end the story. Thanks to everybody who supported me throughout the story.