Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note.

Warnings: Angst, MPREG.

Pairings: Raito/L

Summary: At L's death, he spoke of love. Raito believes it was to mess with his head and a new game begins, but Raito can't win. What will he do to win the game of love when L is dead?

Notes: Thanks for all the reviews, comments, favorites, and alerts for this story. Glad everyone enjoys it. Hope you like this chapter and please tell me what you think. Also thank you, Deathnotebliss for betaing the chapter for me.

L glanced back at the man and pulled his arm away with all his strength. He took a step back and muttered, "Stay away from me. Do not come near me."

"What is going on?" Aizawa asked. "What did you say to him, Raito?"

He never thought to see true fear in L's eyes. L was always an untouchable man. L was a man who showed no emotion whatsoever. He took a step forward and sighed, "L, I am in love with you. I haven't stop thinking about you." He had to explain everything to L. He had to get L to understand.

Yagami growled, "Yeah, he hasn't even after I told him to give up on you."

L stared at the young murderer. He could tell the others what Raito said but they wouldn't believe him. Raito found a way to win again. He hissed, "I do not care for your words, Yagami-kun. Leave me alone."

Ryuk snapped, "Oh there is no way I am going to let him leave again. I want some fun." He flew around the room, touching each member of the team with his death note. Matsuda screamed when he saw him. Aizawa took a step back. Mogi stood there silent. Misa acted well scared and hid behind Matsuda. Yagami looked on in fear. L hid his emotions behind a mask. Watari and Kats sighed when they saw him. He touched Raito to put on the act. Raito didn't do anything. He growled, "Ok, everyone can see me now. Good. I am so tired of Kira and I need more amusement." He floated to L and laughed, "You know I spike your drink. Hahahahaha. You can't die by the death note now. Kira lost that moment. Hahahahaha."

L asked, "What do you mean, shinigami?"

"Ryuk shut up." Rem hissed. She wasn't about to let Misa be harmed by a dumb shinigami.

Throwing his head back, Ryuk howled, "I do not care to protect anyone, Rem. I just want some fun."

Rem growled. She couldn't do anything. Even threatening Raito wouldn't stop Ryuk. Ryuk cared for no one and only wanted fun. Maybe she could blame everything on Raito. Maybe the others wouldn't go after Misa.

"I asked you a question, shinigami." L hissed, "What do you mean?"

Ryuk floated around the room and chuckled, "Do you really want me to explain the reason? I know your dark secret, L."

The color drained from L's face. That would mean Raito also knew. He turned his head to look at the teenager to see those honey eyes staring at him. He took a step back, hitting the wall. Raito knew the truth. What would happen now?

Raito stood there, frozen. Ryuk had made a terrible mistake. He revealed Kira was still around. His secret was about to be made known. He stared at L to see those dark eyes look so fearful. He wanted to take that fear away. He didn't understand it. From the start, he fought against the older man, hoping to kill the other. Now, he just wanted to protect the other. Yes, he feared for his life but the feeling of protecting L was stronger. He glanced to L's stomach. He also wanted to protect the child; his child.

Aizawa spoke, "If Kira is still alive, then why hasn't he attacked?"

Flying by the man, Ryuk howled, "He's given up. He's changed. It was amusing to see the change in him but now it just plain boring. I wish he would start killing again." He turned to look at L and chuckled, "What will the great detective do now? You can win against Kira with ease. You are protected from the death note."

L glanced at the shinigami and realized the creature was right. He could easily prove Raito was Kira and win against his enemy. He could be rid of the younger man and not have to worry about anything. Looking back at the teenager, he laughed bitterly. He couldn't do it. He couldn't end the one he love.

Raito stared at L fearfully. L could convince everyone that he was Kira. He didn't want to die. He didn't know what he was going to do. He should have continued to be Kira while the detective was away and should have kept Ryuk amused. Now, it was over. He didn't understand why L was laughing. He glanced around the room to see everyone's faces. He saw so many different emotions running across their faces. What would happen now? What could he do to stop it?

Aizawa asked, "What is L hiding from us?" He didn't care for this shinigami. He wanted to know why L would dare show his face once again.

Ryuk floated around the room and howled in laughter. He was having too much fun. He chuckled, "I spiked L's drink, a potion from my world. I never thought it would let him become pregnant."

L screamed, "Shut up!" He didn't want anyone to know. He didn't want their glances. He wanted to run away. He didn't want to look into the eyes of a murderer. He was tired of the game. He felt his body shake and he growled, "I will never bow down to Kira."

"You already did when you ran away." Ryuk remarked. He was having too much fun tormenting L. He was acting so different than before. He never thought to see true emotions on the man's face when before he never showed anything.

Everyone stood stunned with their mouths gaping. They fought to find words, but they just wouldn't form. Kats stood in front of L, trying to hide him from the world. She couldn't stand this shinigami. She didn't understand why the creature would reveal the truth. She looked at the teenager to see his hands balling into fists. She didn't know what he would do.

"What?" Yagami finally asked. It was impossible. It couldn't be true. He glanced between his son and L and silently wondered.

"He is pregnant." Ryuk groaned. "Didn't you hear me the first time?"

"That is impossible." Aizawa growled.

"I gave him a potion from my world. It is now possible." Ryuk commented as he bounced off the floor.

Raito took a step forward and whispered, "L." He had to protect L from the others. Kats stood in his way as L growled, "Leave us alone."

"I will not let a murderer near him." Kats hissed back. She swore to stand by L's side. She refused to back down. She had stayed by his side for years.

'You're L.' Kats replied. 'You are joking, right?'

'I do not joke.' L answered as he stared straight into Kats' eyes.

She sat down and took a deep breath. Now, she understood everything. Why he wanted to leave the scene so quickly? He didn't want to be notice. L was a great detective and was better hidden from the world than known. She glanced up and spoke, 'This is a huge decision on my part.'

'I will understand if Kats does not wish to be my private doctor. After all, I travel a lot and Kats will need to be close by.' L spoke as he crouched on his seat, his toes rubbing against the edge while keeping his eyes on the young woman.

'I accept the offer.' Kats answered without taking long to decide. She knew someone had to look after the man. She didn't know why but she felt they would get along great.

"How dare you say he is a murderer!" Yagami yelled. "My son is not KIRA!"

Ryuk chuckled at the poor fool. He could reveal the truth and see what would happen but he realized the game would be over too soon. He wanted to know what L would do and what Raito would do.

L couldn't take it anymore. Raito knew the truth about everything. The others were still being fools and believing in Raito's innocence. He touched Kats' shoulder, telling her to back down. He looked around the room. Mogi looked stunned, surprising him since Mogi hardly ever showed emotions. Matsuda was looking confused like always. Aizawa was looking pissed about the whole ordeal. Yagami was raging. The shinigami Rem was looking worried and anger. Misa was staring at him with a look of sadness. The other shinigami was looking happy about what he revealed. L took a step toward Raito and stared into those honey eyes that he always got lost into. He lifted his hand up and slammed a punch into Raito's face. As he watched the boy fall to the ground, he growled, "You are nothing but a horrible lair waiting for people's weakness to show. I do not believe I fell for someone like you." He threw a kick into Raito's stomach, hearing the other grasp. Everyone acted quickly, holding him back before he could do more damage. He struggled against Aizawa and Mogi while watching Yagami and Matsuda help Raito up.

As he got to his feet, Raito yelled, "Leave him alone!" Aizawa and Mogi looked at him like he was insane, but he couldn't let any harm fall on L because it could harm the baby. He took a step toward the raging man and said, "L, I'm not lying to you."

It just made things worse. All L could see was red. He threw another punch, hitting Aizawa who backed off of him. He stormed toward Raito and screamed, "Do not take me for a fool!" He had enough. He didn't want Raito near him. It hurt too much. Everything was spinning and he felt so light headed. Grabbing the nearest thing to him which turned out to be Raito's arm, he hissed before everything turned back, "I am no fool. I am no idiot. I will never believe your words."

Catching L before he hit the ground, Raito shook the detective and called, "L. L!" It was like the past, but L couldn't die. He checked the pulse anyways. He had to make sure the other was all right.

Rem glared at the teenager's back. She couldn't stand him. He was the worse human on the planet. She turned her eyes onto Misa when the young girl ran to Raito's side, asking if L was all right. How could Misa care for someone like Raito? She didn't understand at all.

Kats ran to L's side with Watari following her. Pushing the teenager away, she checked the detective over. She wasn't sure what to do. She looked up to stare at Raito. He seemed really concerned for L. She sighed, "We need to get him into bed. He needs some rest."

"I'll take him to his room." Raito answered as he picked the older man up bridal style. It took all his strength to carry the detective. L put on some pounds since the last time he saw him. He walked up the stairs, making sure not to drop the detective. Maybe once L woke up, he could talk some sense into the other.

Yagami stared after his son and then checked on Aizawa, "Are you all right, Aizawa?"

"Damn that man has one mean punch." Aizawa commented as he rubbed his jaw. He never thought the older man would react the way he did. He glanced toward the shinigami and asked, "What do we call you?"

"Ryuk." He answered as he floated toward the computers, watching Raito carry L through the hallways. He was having too much fun here. He glanced back to see Rem not pleased at all. He wondered what she would do.

"Are you really telling us the truth about L being pregnant?" Aizawa asked as he sat down. He stared at the creature and tried to figure it out.

"It is impossible." Yagami remarked.

"I told you, I gave him a potion from my world." Ryuk growled. He hated when humans wouldn't believe him.

Yagami stood there frozen. It meant his son was the father. He glanced to the computer scenes to see his son disappear into the bedroom with L in his arms.

Kats lit up a cigarette and sighed. She should go upstairs and keep the boy away from L, but something told her not to. She looked over at Watari and saw he had the same thoughts as she did. She leaned against the wall and sighed, "This is really fucked up."

"Is it true?" Mogi asked as he turned to the young doctor.

"Yeah." Kats answered without giving any other response. Everyone became silent. What could they say? She glanced toward the stairs and wondered what will happen next.

Upstairs, in the bedroom, Raito laid L down on the bed and pulled a chair next to it. As he took L's hand into his own, he whispered, "Why do you do this to me? Before, I could care less about killing you, but now I can't even imagine it." He leaned his head against the pale hand. He wanted L and the baby safe. It was strange that he was willing to confess being Kira in front of everyone to protect L and their child. Did he seriously want to die? He sighed sadly. He didn't know what to do. He had no plans to work through. Ryuk revealed to everyone Kira was still alive. If the stupid shinigami didn't say that, the case could be closed and no one else would have to know.

The room was dark like always. He knew where he was. Once again, he was back in his old home, waiting for the abusive man to beat him again. He could hear his mother crying and his body pulled him toward her voice. As he entered the living room, he saw the table over turned. His mother was lying on her side. He stepped in front of her.


He knew that voice. It was heavenly and deadly. His child self looked over and saw the one person who has been haunting his dreams. He cried, 'Why do you torment me?'

Raito stepped forward, wrapping his arms around the thin child.

L could hear his father's voice yelling at him, but for some reason he didn't feel the pain like before. He looked into warm honey eyes and wondered what was going on.

He awoke, startled, and looked around the room to see he was in Japan, in the headquarters for the Kira Case. How did he get here? He glanced to his side and tensed up when he saw Raito sitting there, head bowed. He glanced down to see his hand being held by a tan one. He took in a breath. He remembered his dream. This time Raito saved him from his past. What could it mean? After taking calm breathe, he called out, "Raito-kun."

Raito snapped his head up and stared into dark eyes. He was getting lost in them again. He held onto L's hand tighter. He couldn't stop from feeling. He wasn't a god. He was human too. He had feelings. He sighed, "I'm glad you are awake."

"What does Raito-kun think he is doing?"

"Making sure you and the baby are all right."

"It does not concern Raito-kun."

"It is my child."

"How do you know that?"

"Who else could it be?"

L sat up in the bed, pulling his hand away from Raito's. He stared at the young man for a few moments before he commented, "I have been gone for three months. I could easily have slept with someone else." He wanted Raito to feel hurt. He wanted Raito to feel the pain he felt.

Raito frowned deeply. He couldn't see anything but red. He couldn't think of someone else holding onto L. L was his. He stood up anger and growled, "No. You couldn't have slept with someone else." He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to think about that. Yes, it is possible. L was gone for three months. As he calmed down, he realized it was impossible for L having a child to someone else. Ryuk told him right as L was leaving that L was pregnant. He hissed, "The child is mine."

"How do you know?"

"Cause Ryuk told me right as you were leaving that you were pregnant."

"Too bad I did not put cameras in this room. If I did, everyone would realize you are Kira."

"I do not care."

"Raito-kun wishes to die that badly?"

"Will that make you happy?"


Raito leaned forward, angry. He pulled L toward him and kissed those lying lips. As the kiss was returned, he pulled back, muttering, "Lair."

"We both are lairs." L responded as he pulled the other man close to him again, sealing those lips into another kiss. He felt a hand slide up his shirt, teasing his skin and nipples. He moaned into the kiss.

Yagami spoke up at the door way, "I suggest you both stop doing that."

Raito pulled away and whipped his head around to face his father. How long was his father standing there? Did his father hear the whole conversation? That could be very dangerous. His father would kill him if he found out he was Kira.

He didn't know what he was feeling. The detective hurt his son before and he didn't like them being together. But he couldn't stop it. L was pregnant, carrying Raito's child. He was going to be a grandfather. He stared at the two and sighed, "I do not approve of this relationship."

Raito stood up. It would seem his father didn't hear everything. That was good. He sighed sadly. The first time around, his father said he didn't care if they had a relationship. Why was it different this time?

"What relationship?" L asked. "I never said we had one." He threw his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. He looked Yagami straight in the eyes and spoke, "I will not be with a murderer. I will not bow down to Kira's demands."

Raito turned to stare at the older man. What would it take for him to show L that he changed? Yes, he thought of ways to prevent his death, but he stopped using the death note. He was different now. He just wanted to be with the detective. He had no idea what he could do to prove to L that is what he wanted.

Yagami glared and sneered, "My son is not Kira."

"Believe what you like." L replied as he glanced at both of them. He couldn't let himself fall anymore. He failed justice because of his emotions. He would no let him fall down completely. He walked to the door and sighed, "I will be leaving once I give up the death note."

"Wait! You are leaving with the baby, my child!" Raito yelled. He couldn't believe it. He had the right to be in the child's life.

"Do not worry about the child. I am sure someone will adopt the child and raise the baby well." L said.

Storming toward the door, Raito grabbed L's arm and hissed, "I have the right to decide about the child. You just can't make up your mind and not let me in."

Pulling his arm away, L punched the teenager, watching the other man fall to the ground once more. He stood up straight and stared down at the boy as he hissed, "I will not let a murderer near my child."

Raito pushed his father's hand away and stood up, walking toward the stubborn man. He let go all of his pride, looking for the other, ready to give everything up. He hissed, "I had it. I gave up my pride to try to be with you. I will not let you go on about me not being a good father. You can't decide this on your own."

"How will Yagami-kun stop me?" L asked. "Who would believe Yagami-kun about a man being pregnant? You will not stop me. I am leaving." He walked out the door.

Raito stood there shocked. It was true. He would be a laughing stock if he said anything about a man being pregnant. He couldn't stop L at all. He quickly left the room with his father following behind him. He had to stop L. He wasn't sure how but he would do anything to keep the other from leaving.

In the main room, L walked out to see everyone glancing at him wary. He knew they were all confused and wondering what would happen next. To his annoyance, Raito and his father walked out after him. He stared at the shinigami, Rem, and wondered what she would have done if he could have died by the death note. He knew right away; she wouldn't have hesitated to kill him. He got the feeling that she didn't like Raito at all. So, it made him confused why she would still keep him alive. He turned his head to look at Misa. Would a shinigami protect a human? He asked, "Shinigami, would you protect a human?"

"You talking to me?" Ryuk asked. When L nodded his head, he chuckled, "Hell no. It would destroy me."

He looked back at the other shinigami. Would she risk her own life to protect a human? He didn't understand at all. It made him want to continue with the case. Sadly, staying here would only lead him into trouble. He turned around and stared into honey eyes that he got lost into. He sighed, "Rem, who owns the death note?"

"I don't know. Once the person gives it up, I will know." Rem answered as she stared at the human who could end Misa's life. She wished she could kill the man off to protect Misa.

Misa sighed sadly. She could see that Raito wasn't happy. She noticed L was going to leave again. What would keep the older man to stay? She didn't have the answer. She couldn't reveal anything about her being the second Kira cause that would prove Raito was Kira. She glanced around the room, seeing the team wanting the case to be over with.

Raito walked to L and pulled him close. He sealed those lips in a heated kiss. He didn't know how to keep the other with him. He needed to find a way to convince L to stay. He heard everyone gasp. As he pulled back, he whispered, "I want to be with you. I don't care about anything else. This pride of mine that used to consume me; I give up. Will you give up yours?"

L stared into those warm honey eyes and sighed. He wanted to pull away and push closer. He didn't know what he wanted anymore.

Ryuk growled as he flew back against the wall. He muttered, "Don't scare me like that."

"Who the hell are you talking to?" Aizawa asked. He didn't see anything but Ryuk and Rem.

Rem gasped, "My King."

"What?" Matsuda asked and then said. "I don't see anyone."

"You wouldn't. He doesn't want to be seen." Ryuk replied as he stared at his king fearfully. The King didn't look too pleased.

King of Mu growled, "You, my dear young foolish shinigami have done something wrong."

"I did not." Ryuk argued.

"You turned back time." The King of Mu replied.

"So what?" Ryuk responded. "I didn't break any of the rules by turning back time."

"What do you mean turning back time?" L asked, interested in what Ryuk was saying to an invisible creature.

Chuckling, Ryuk pointed to L and answered, "I turned back time and brought you back to life. Kira wanted it that way." Ryuk stopped and thought, cursing out loud, "Shit."

"I see you figured it out my dear young one." The King of Mu spoke. "You brought back a human who was dead."

"Why would Kira want L back to life?" Aizawa asked.

"Because L confessed something before his death." Ryuk answered as he stared at Raito. He muttered, "I can't believe I was so stupid about the whole thing. I wanted more fun. It seemed like a good idea."

The King of Mu ignored Ryuk and turned to Rem and growled, "And you were the one who killed the detective, saving a human. You both are fools."

"What the hell did L confess?" Aizawa growled.

"That he was in love with Kira." Ryuk answered and howled. "It was funny as hell. I would never have thought that."

L stood there frozen. This shinigami was revealing everything. He pulled away from Raito and backed up as he spoke, "You knew."

Raito took a step forward and muttered, "L, please understand I am telling the truth about my feelings."

"You lair! You were playing me the whole time! I bet you never forgot your memories!" L screamed.

"Wrong. He did forget everything. That was the price." Ryuk remarked.

"No." Yagami whispered. "It can't be true."

"You're Kira." Aizawa spoke shocked.

The King decided others needed to see him. When everyone in the room gasped, he turned to the young human who owns a death note. He hissed, "So you are the human Ryuk finds amusing."

Raito didn't look at the other creature. His eyes were on L and only L. He needed the other to understand that he was telling the truth. He knew the others would arrest him soon and send him to his death. He was scared, but he stood his ground. He had to make sure L knew the truth. He mumbled, "You said that you loved me with your dying breath. At first I thought you were messing with my head and played a new game. I had to have time turn back to play it."

"Raito." Yagami cried. He couldn't believe to hear his son say this. He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to believe his son was a murderer.

"But when I lost my memories, I was falling for you. I figured it out. I was in love with you and refused to admit it to myself. I am in love with you, L." Raito spoke, ignoring everyone in the room. He took a step forward, hoping the detective would believe his words.

L took a step back, "Stay away from me." He didn't know what he was feeling. He felt pain in his heart. It was crashing. Raito was playing him the entire time. But the teenager's words are ringing in his head. Was Raito telling the truth now?

"Damn you! You are Kira! How could you!" Aizawa screamed.

The King got tired of the human conversation and sighed annoyed, "I came to put everything back to place." He turned to the young detective and growled, "You should be dead."

"No!" Raito pushed himself between the creature and L. He had to protect the detective and their unborn child. He stared into bright crimson eyes. He growled, "You won't do anything to him."

The King chuckled, "How does a human plan to stop me?"

Aizawa stared surprised at Raito. He was sure Raito would want L dead. Was the boy telling the truth about his feelings? Was it possible for two enemies to fall in love with each other?

He saw Watari and Kats step closer to him but his eyes were glued to the boy. He didn't believe what he heard. Raito was standing up against a creature for him. L wondered again. Were the teenager's words true?

Yagami mumbled, "Raito." He couldn't move. He was heart broken to hear his son pretty much confess being Kira.

"You cannot stop me. I came here to correct my shinigamis' mistakes." The King finally spoke.

"If you need a life, then take mine!" Raito screamed. "It was me who messed everything up! It is my fault not L's! Take me!" He didn't know what he was doing. All he could think about was protecting L and their child. He didn't care if he died right now. His heart was breaking because L didn't believe him. He would be better off dead right away then waiting for a trail that would drag his family through disgrace.

"Very well. It seems only fair to end the one who destroyed the balance between life and death." The King coldly spoke as he raised a hand and touched Raito's head with his boney finger.

The moment the boney finger touched his skin, pain rose through his body. It felt like he was on fire and it was painful. He screamed as his vision started to fade. He fell backwards, screaming out his pain. Everything was blurring. He heard people call out his name but he only gave a bitter smile. He only hoped L would believe his words. He choked out, "L… L, I love… love you." He heard his father scream out his name but he fell backwards, feeling warmth around him and his eyes closed. Everything went black.