===Atemu pov===
I floated down a clear blue river, staring aimlessly at the gray faded skies…even in heaven it still rains…I closed my eyes and let my body float down the gentle river…How long has it been since I have seen my aibou…I have lost track of time…It's been too long…
I asked the gods many times to let me go back to the world of the living but, they all said no. Even Isis, goddess of magic who knows what it is like to lose a loved one won't let me go back. Anubis has threatened me, if I ever asked again to go back he would send me to the deepest depths of the underworld. My father has been making sure I am not bothering the gods any longer…he doesn't want to see me sent to the underworld…A place of cold death…but…without my aibou…even heaven feels colder than the underworld…I misses you so much my aibou…
I felt someone nudge my side, I looked who it was and it was a man with long brown hair and dark violet eyes. Underneath his eyes were black marking, he wore golden shoulder spikes with a white tank top underneath and a long white kilt. It is my friend Mahado.
"My prince, you can't keep doing this to yourself" he said
"Doing what" I said
"Sulking around with a depressed aura around you" he said
"…you don't understand what I am going through Mahado" I said
"Atemu…I may not understand your broken heart…but I do know that you will be reunited with the love of your life one day" he said
"And when will that be…Mahado I promised Yugi I would never leave him…I swore on the millennium puzzle…I...I don't know if he will ever forgive me again…for leaving him" I said
Mahado knelt down by the water's edge and gently placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked him straight in his eyes. He held so much confidence within them.
"He will forgive you my prince" he said
"…do you really think so Mahado" I asked
"Yes, if Yugi is the great person I have heard about then I am sure he will forgive you" he said
Just then I saw Mana run up to Mahado, she smiled brightly and jumped into the water which splashed us both.
"Mana, look what you have done we are all wet now" Mahado said
"Sorry Mahado" she giggled
"Why are you in such a happy mood" I asked
"I am always in a happy mood" she said
"You seem happier" I said
I stood up and walked over to the shore, the water quickly dripped from my body. Mana smiled brightly at me, I looked at her and raised my eyebrow.
"Mana is there something you need to tell us" Mahado asked
"Prince your father wants to see you" she said
"Is that why you are in such a good mood" I asked
"You will see, hurry up you shouldn't keep your father waiting" she said
"Where is in" I asked
"He is in the fields" she said
"My prince, should I come with you" Mahado asked
"No, thank you for asking" I said
They bowed then I made my way towards the fields, I haven't spoken much to my father because of him "protecting me". He knows what it is like to lose a loved one…how did he survive without the comfort of my mother…how did he go so long without hearing her voice…I arrived at the fields, my father was standing underneath a tree. I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes.
"You called for me" I asked
"Yes" he said
"…how did you do it" I asked
"Do what" he asked
"How did you survive without mother" I asked
"…it wasn't easy but, I lived in her memory" he said
"Weren't you sad…didn't you want to join her" I asked
"I did want to join her…but that would be mocking her" he said
"What do you mean" I asked
"She died giving birth to you Atemu. If I were to die and leave you alone, your mother would have been deeply upset. I lived so I could raise you" he said
I remained silent…A gently voice broke the silence, I turned the source of the voice. It is my mother, she has the beautiful hair I have ever seen. It flowed down her waist, her amethyst bangs gently framed her face. Her eyes shined with sun set red, she wore a white shoulder less dress which passed her ankles. A soft golden cloth wrapped around her shoulders gently. She smiled gently then kissed my forehead.
"Did I interrupt anything?" she asked
"No dear" my father said
"That is good to hear, Atemu I want you to meet someone" she said
"Who is it" I asked
"It's a surprise" she said
I raised my eye brow, she held my hand gently and lead the way. My father and I followed her until we came to the room with the stone door…the entrance to heaven…the door that forced me and Yugi apart for the first time…I saw a person draped in a white cloak was standing by the door.
"He is here, Yugi" she said
My eyes widen in shock, the person removed the cloak. The person had light peach colored skin. His eyes are an amazing velvet color. Gold bangs that framed his face chibbi perfectly, the roots of his hair are jet black hair with light velvet tips. He wore a white tank top, with leather white pants, a gold belt wrapped around his hips perfectly. What was most surprising was that he had wings, beautiful white feather wings…like an angel. Could this be…my aibou?
"Yugi…is that you" I asked
"It's really me Atemu" he said
We rushed into each other arms, tears of joy started to leave our eyes. I hugged my aibou close to me and he held me just as close. I looked at him in the eyes and wiped away one of his tears.
"How…you didn't…" I said
"I thought about…but…Anzu killed me" he said
"Killed you…that bitch…I swear" I growled
"Shhh calm down my dear pharaoh" he said gently
Yugi's wings folded behind his back, I looked at them curiously then looked back at him. His cheeks turn a soft pink color.
"You have wings now" I said
"I do…do you like them" he asked
"Yes but, how did you get them" I asked
"Letting go of revenge is one of the greatest challenges for anyone" my mother said
We looked at my mother, she had a gently smile on her face.
"For those who let go of revenge, they achieve an internal peace no else knows about" she said
"Do you mean this is how I got these wings" Yugi asked
"Yes" she said
"…what is going to happen to Anzu" he asked
"Someone witness the woman throwing Yugi's body into the river. The also made connections to why Atemu had a heart attack. Anzu will face her punishment soon" my father explained
"Well that is good to hear" I said
I placed a kiss on my abiou's forehead. His cheeks soon began to turn a darker shade of pink. My mother and father giggled lightly.
"I can see now you both love each very much" my mother said
"We do" Yugi said
"We will give you two some privacy" my father said
I looked at them, they left with smiles on their face. I turned back to the angel in my arms. I looked back, he stared into my eyes while I stared into his. I hugged him closer and kissed his pale lips softly, he wrapped his arms around my neck and he started to kiss me back. I let one arm go and I slowly brushed my hands against my aibou's wing, It felt so soft, softer then a cloud here in heaven. We broke the kiss and started to pant for breath.
"I love you my pharaoh" Yugi said
"I love you too my aibou" I said
I kissed him on the forehead and he blushed once more. I let go of him and held his hand. He looked at me with curious eyes.
"Where are you taking me" he asked
"To the gods, I must thank them for bringing you to heaven." I said
"I am happy to be in your arms once more my love." He said
"Now heaven is finally perfect" I said
We shared a kiss, a kiss that seemed to last years and years. Heaven was utter perfection, I came back with my love.
===the end===
Hikira: THAT'S IT!
Cat: what else were you expecting?
Hikira: a squeal?
Cat: sorry but no dice
Yami: *staring at Cat*
Cat: …
Yami: …
Cat: …
Yami: ...
Cat: what?
Yami: you are making a new series aren't you?
Cat: X3 maybe
Yugi: I swear if you make me a stripper again-
Cat: it's not that
Yugi: then what is it?
Cat: you will see X3
Yugi: *pouts* I better not be a stripper
Cat: *chuckles*