Finally! It's here! Yey!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything! T.T

Recap of the previous chapter:

The door opened. "Jake."

"What?" I yelled in annoyance.

"Never mind." and there goes Embry.

Okay, maybe I am moody today. But I have a perfectly good explanation for it. It's because Bella's going away. She's going away! With her friends. To New York. With Edward!,

Can my life get anymore worst?


Chapter 19: He's Gone Wacko

Bella's POV

"Thank God he let you go, else I would've stood up to him." Rose was saying, looking through a stack of clothes that caught her eyes.

I rolled my eyes. "Just be grateful that he let me in on this trip."

"True." Alice chirped. "Hey Rose, you done setting up?" she turned to Rose who was sitting on her bag, trying to zip it up. I burst out laughing at her.

"Rose, 2 days and 2 nights only. You have enough packed for a month!" I said in between giggles. She scowled at me and placed both her hands at her waist as me and Alice cracked up laughing.

"Ugh! You guys! I need my choices of clothes. You're" Rose said, thinking of a word as she snapped her fingers repeatedly.

"Awesome? Pretty? Caring?" I offered with a shrug.

"So far from those things at the moment." she snapped. I shot her a kiss and grinned. "You love me Rose."

"Cocky bitch." she muttered.

"Right." I answered briefly.

"Alright guys. We only have 2 days so we'd better make it worth it cause apparently, we don't know when we could go back." Alice eyed me. "No whining." she added.

I rolled my eyes. Obviously, that comment was meant for me. "I'm not gonna. If I was, I wouldn't even come to this trip in the first place. Plus, I needa get Jake something and New York seems like a great idea for that since there's not much here in Forks."

In about 2 weeks, it's gonna be mine and Jake's monthly anniversary, so I thought that going to New York would be pretty cool to go and get him a present. That's the biggest reason why I wanna go so much. There are malls here but you pretty much see the same thing every time, so this trip would mean a lot. Alice and Rose knows that and they don't like it. A lot. I don't get why they don't like Jake so much. He's cool, in fact, he's this really cute guy who has a sensitive side to him. They'll learn to get over it. I was even thinking of having a get together with Alice, Rose, Jake and myself. I don't think that it's a good idea, but their my best friends, they have to get to know him before they judge.

A knock on the door came and all three of us turned up to look at the door. The door opened just when Alice said 'come in', and we came face to face with Edward. His eyes were on me and I looked away abruptly and busied myself with packing.

I was at their house, been over there for a week since my dad was out on a business trip for 2 and a half week. Meaning, 1/4 meeting, and the rest would be fishing and stuff that he calls fun. Which was definitely fine for me. I was cool with staying at home for the rest of the week, until Alice and Rose found out one eventful evening when we had dinner at our house, and all that lead to me sleeping over here. My dad was fine with me going to New York knowing that Esme and Carlisle are coming along, as long there's parental supervision, my dad's fine with that. I wasn't lying to Jake when I said that I wanted to get an outfit, there really was something that wanted to get.

Prom's coming in 2 weeks time, meaning, the date set is like 3 days after our monthsary and there was this really pretty dress that I saw online and thought that I should buy it for the sake of prom. And I do like pies and I'm pretty sure that I'd find a couple of bakery out there in New York. It's a girl's choice again this year, so I planned on asking Jake to be my date of course and for once, I wanna look pretty for him.

Finally putting in everything that I need in my bag, I stretched and looked over to Alice who was still conversing with Edward. Hmm. What's that all about? I looked over at Rose who was frowning at the bed where she laid out 3 different dresses. Even when frowning she looks attractive as hell. I got up and went to stand beside her.

"Bella, blue, red or purple?" Rose asked, her eyes focused on the dresses in front of her.

"Red." I answered. If anything, red looks definitely good on rose.

She had a finger on her chin, her expression looks that of one who is in doubt. "I think I wear red too much Bella." she turned towards me, with a hopeful look. "What about black? Purple? White?" she looked back at the dresses and made a sound of impatience. "Red it is." I rolled my eyes when sh got the dress and folded it neatly, stuffing it inside her suitcase.

"Rose, you wouldn't be able to wear all of that in New York. You're bringing more excess things-" I stopped and raised my arms at her glare. "Alright, alright, bring whatever you like then."

"Bella, you're a spoil sport. Honestly, we're talking New York here. You never know what might come up. It's a busy street." Rose said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Okay, okay. God Rose, were-" I got cut off by the sudden ringing of my phone. Fishing it out of my pocket, I looked at the caller ID and smile, pressing the call button and pressing it against my ear.

"Bells?" Jake's husky voice came through the phone.

"Hi." I breathed, more than happy to hear his voice. It's been 2 days since I've seen him and hearing his voice right now was like a relief. Wonder what he wants.

"Are you busy tonight?" he asked.

I shook my head, despite me talking to the phone. "No." I answered, resisting the urge to ask why.

"Great. You're at the Cullen's right? I'll pick you up at 6 and wear something nice." before I could reply, he hanged up. Happiness was clear on his voice. It was obvious that he's got something planned, but what? And why? I guess I'll find out later.

I tucked my phone on my pocket and stretched. "Hey guys, I'm going out with Jake tonight so don't wait up for me kay?" I said as I spun around to face Alice the Rose. I bit the inside of my cheek when Edward's eyes narrowed when he heard Jake's name. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"But we're gonna go out clubbing tonight." Alice whined, pouting at me and I shrugged my shoulders at her and smiled.

"You'll be fine without me." I answered, going through her walk-in closet. "You still have that black dress right? I'm gonna have to wear that." I called from her closet.

"Yea, it's somewhere there, you'll find it." she answered, disapproval in her voice. I know it's not because of my choice of dress, but rather, it was because I'm ditching them to go out with Jake tonight. But hey, life's not all about clubbing isn't it? Besides, what am I gonna do in a club? I can't even dance and stand for more than 5 minutes without my feet hurting because of the heels their making me wear. I shuffling through her collection of black dresses, my mind wondered off to the two days stay at New York. I'm sure it'll be fun, what with Alice and Rose being there?

I grinned brightly when I found the black dress that Jake loved on me. It was a simple dress really. It's a halter black dress, crossing and closing around the back of your neck, a ruby colored stone, outlined by gold on the sides, it's shape, a simple square was found on the crossing of the closing on the neck. It went just a few inches above my knee. Alice usually makes me wear the dress during semi-formal occasions and I remember insisting on wearing black doll shoes, and thank God she let me.

I hate dressing up but I love dressing up for Jake. I like the teasing he does, weird but that's me. He knows I hate compliments so I think he compliments me by teasing. I smiled at the mere thought of being with Jake tonight. I love him. Just thinking about him makes me giddy and excited. I hugged the dress close to my chest and grinned.

"Bells, since you're not coming with us tonight, I'm going to have you wear these." I turned towards the doorway of Alice's closet to find her holding up gap air of black stiletoes. I walked towards her with a slight frown plastered on my face and took the shoes, inspecting it with my free hand while the other was holding the dress.

"At you least you had the sense to not make me wear a 3-inched heels for tonight." I muttered, as I walked pass her.

"Bells, we've been friends for years and you still hadn't gotten over those?" Rose said pointedly referring to the stiletoes in my hand though she was busy throwing some of her clothes over her arm. "Unbelievable."

I rolled my eyes and sat down on Alice's bed, setting the shoes down on the floor and turned to find Rose stuffing we we clothes in an empty bag. "I can't help it. I like simplicity."

"Simplicity is nice, but sometimes you have to work it. We need to do something with your self-confidence Hun."

I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the bed. Self-confidence huh?

"Want some help with your make-up for later?" Rose said after a moment of silence.

I rolled on my stomach and saw her in front of Alice's dresser.

"Please and thank you." I said. "Why though? I mean, you definitely don't like Jake." I went on after a moment.

She paused from brushing her hair smooth before getting busy with her hair again. "I don't like him." she stated with a passion. "But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop helping you. We're best friend and I'm not going to stop helping you because of that of him. Don't get the wrong idea though Bells, I haven't approved of him as your boyfriend." by now, her hair was up in a bun.

"Wonder when that'll happen, world war III was about to begin when you two were in the club that night." Alice mused, coming from the doorway and I grinned.

Rose turned to us and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't like who I don't like."

"Of course you don't. By the way, Katie and Irina is coming with us tonight. You don't mind right?"

"I don't mind, it's their cousin that I mind." she answered non-chalantly.

"About that.." Alice trailed off and Rose's eyes snapped at Alice.

"You did not just invite that skank." the venom and disgust in her voice was clear.

"I didn't. Edward did." Alice said and everyone was quiet.

My mind whirled. Why in God's name would Edward invite Tanya? I thought he didn't like her. He doesn't like her right? But why?

Suddenly, Rose stood up and stormed out. "Edward!" she yelled, outraged. "Edward how the hell could you invite that slut to go with us tonight?" I stared blankly at the open door. I didn't really know what to say or how to react to that.

It's not that I still have feelings left for Edward, I'm just surprised that he actually invited Tanya. I mean, he used to flinch back at the mere sound of her name and now, all of a sudden their best friends? Not that it was any of mu business but apparently, Tanya was also the one responsible for mine and Edward's break up, plus, I don't like her. I never did. If she was a whole lot less slutty and bitchy, I would of liked her. But sad to say that she is slutty and bitchy.

I turned to look at Alice who was frowning.

"Not that I care or anything but do you know anything about this?" I asked pointedly at Alice. She turned and sat beside me.

"He asked her out." she answered quietly.

"What?" I asked incredulously. My mind didn't seem to sink that information through.

"When we were talking a while ago. He told me about it. I nearly wanted to slap him for it. He knows how much we all don't like Tanya, but still he insisted on going out with her, you know how stubborn he is when he sets his mind on something."

"Why though?" I asked, confusion still clear on my mind. Alice shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

"What's gotten into him?" Alice murmured.

"I say he's gone wacko." a new voice answered. I looked up to see Emmett walking towards us.

"Hey Em." both me and Alice said at the same time.

"Hey." he said,sitting beside Alice. We looked over at him as he made himself comfortable on his sister's bed. "Bells, he's doing this to make you jealous."

My eyes widened. He's seriously gone mad.

Okay, please don't kill me. I've been having a serious writers block and I just got my inspiration back yesterday. I'm seriously sorry that I took so long to update this story and I swear I'm really trying my best to update and make things interesting for you guys. There would probably be a lot of changes but bear with me. And by the way, sorry for giving you this short chapter, but I just had to end the chapter at that part. I'll try my best to come up with something good and don't worry, I'll finish this story for sure. Comments? That'll be wonderful! 3