The Cullen's decided to change Bella right after graduation. Well, her graduation day has come and now it is the day after and Bella is going to go on a graduation trip (as far as her parents know) with the Cullen's. Bella has said her goodbyes to everyone important to her and was waiting to be changed at the Cullen house. Charlie and Renee will get the news that she was in a plane accident on the way there. Bella was in the dinning room with all the Cullen's just like the night that they had all decided to vote on her fate just months before. Now they are all there for another reason.

Chapter One: Unbeautiful

My heart raced as I looked at Edward. He was yelling at Alice and Carlisle. "I am NOT damning her to this hell! She doesn't even know what she is asking for. I won't do it. I refuse!"

Esme put her hand over her mouth, her eyes showing her worry. I could tell that she didn't think any of this would end well. Carlisle wrapped his arm tightly around his wife's waist, pulling their hips together. Alice was getting ready to scream back at Edward.

I interrupted her. "You promised!" I yelled at him. I hadn't said a word that night and everyone looked at me shocked that I had spoken. I didn't care. I was sick and tired of getting lied to. "You said that you would change me Edward… So that way I could spend the rest of eternity with you! Why can't you see that all I want is to stay by your side?" I practically yelled in his face, my traitor tears welling up over the edge.

Edward glared at me and I felt taken aback by his behavior. He walked out the door, pushing Emmett aside from the door frame. "Come on Edward, won't you just-," Emmett began but Edward cut him off.

"No! No… I'm not ready for this. I don't know if I can do this right now." He said and started walking out of the house. I followed after him and he quickly turned around, leaving me dizzy for a moment. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead as he whispered, "I'm sorry Bella…"

"No…" I said slowly, realizing what he was going to do. "Please, don't Edward… Please?! I'm begging you! Please!" I started to scream, my tears flowing so hard that I thought that someone had turned on a faucet to my eyes. He was going to leave me again… I clenched onto his arm and saw him look at me with an emotionless expression as he pried my fingers off of him. Once he had me off of him he started into a full speed run towards the woods. I tried to run after him but Emmett had come up behind me, her arms around my waist to keep me back.

I continued to scream Edward's name and struggle against Emmett's hold as I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I felt broken. Dead. No more use for living. Finally I felt my body just quit as I accepted this new information. I let my body go limp in Emmett's arms as he held me bridal style. I kept my head on his chest, sobs escaping my chest as I fought not to cry.

Rosalie took her glaring gaze away from me and onto her husband and said, "What the hell do you think you are doing Emmett?! I don't want this girl in our family and neither should you if you truly loved me! She is a no good human! She's nothing to us except food." I flinched at her words, but Emmett looked as if someone had slapped him right across the face. Alice, Jasper, Carlisle, and Esme all hissed at Rose when she mentioned that I was food. Rosalie ran out of the house, chasing after Edward. At that particular moment, Jasper ran across the room to grab hold of his wife who was clenching his arm for dear life. She was having another vision.

When she opened her eyes, you could tell that she had shock written across her features as she kept looking back and forth between Emmett and I. "What did you see, love?" Jasper asked Alice, his hand rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand. I suddenly felt a sense of calm wash over me and Emmett looked like he felt the same thing. Yes, vampires cannot cry, but I could tell that Emmett was making dry sobs as he realized that Rosalie had walked out on him as well.

Alice looked at Emmett and then me once more and whispered, "I am so sorry..." I half guessed what she was talking about and I felt a new wave of pain hit me once again. I saw Jasper wince in pain and I could tell that he was trying his hardest to send a wave of clam over Emmett and I. Carlisle stood in the far corner and I could see the disappointment in his eyes and I could see the same in Esme's eyes. I was causing all of this...

Alice spoke, "I am sorry... They aren't coming back for good..." I noticed in the corner of my eye that Alice's lips were moving but in a voice too low for my human ears. Emmett looked hurt beyond belief. He looked down at me and tried to smile at me but I could tell that he was in too much pain to do so.

I looked up at Esme and she gave me a sad look I said the best I could, "I'm sorry I ruined your family..."

She gave me a small smile and said, "This isn't your fault sweetheart…" I nodded my head yes and tried to tell her that it was but I felt the tears spill over once more as I tried to hold them back but only in vain. Then everything went black and I went into a world of nightmares. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness through out the night, every time; I could hear the thunderous snapping of trees.

I woke with a start. My heart was racing and I clenched to it. Sweat was pouring off my face and I was absolutely a wreck. I looked around at the unfamiliar room and noticed the weeding picture broken in the corner. I stood up and looked over at it. It was a gorgeous painting of Emmett and Rosalie on their wedding day. Emmett looked like he really loved her but Rosalie looked like she had a different expression.

Suddenly the realization of last night's events flooded back into my mind. It wasn't a dream… Edward left me… Again. Not even 3 days after he promised to never leave me again, he freaking leaves. This time, he dragged Rosalie along.

I stood back up, fighting back tears, and walked out of the room and out of the house. I noticed a letter on the refrigerator and read it.


Carlisle had to work, Esme and I need to go grocery shopping for you, and Emmett and Jasper are going hunting. I need to talk to you when we come home. Don't go far!



I walked away from the note and outside to the garage. I noticed that Edward's Volvo was missing but Rosalie's car wasn't. I saw that the Mercedes was gone and so was Alice's and Jasper's cars were as well. The only cars were Emmett's Jeep and Rosalie's shiny red convertible.

I walked into the yard where my old truck was still parked and I climbed inside. I drove and drove until I reached Seattle. I parked just in front of a liquor store. Yes, I was underage, but I saw a homeless man on the side of the street.

I gently nudged him, "Sir? Sir, wake up!"

He grumbled and looked up at me. "Hello, ma'am…"

"I'm sorry," I apologized but continued, "Do you think you could help me? I will give you a hot meal and $20 if you take this $50 and buy me some vodka out of this store."

"Sure ma'am… But… Do you mind if I have the $20 now?" He looked somewhat shy and embarrassed. I noticed the whiskey bottles next to him and I took pity on him. I nodded and gave him the money. Almost 15 minutes later the man who told her that his name was Steven came back with 4 brown paper bags of Whiskey, Jim Beam, and Vodka. He handed her the liquor and said, "Do I still get the meal…?"

I looked at him and gave him a small smile as I nodded. He looked grateful and she could tell that the man hadn't eaten in days. They walked down the street, him talking of nothing from his past life, always taking a drink from his bottle of whiskey every 5 minutes.

We finally came upon this old family restaurant and he told me that he wanted a cheese burger and fries with a coke and a slice of pie for desert. I nodded, not asking why he just didn't go inside with me because I half expected his answer. He didn't want anyone in there to see him like this. I felt so sorry for the man but really I want to do is get rid of the pain in my heart right now. It took almost 15 minutes for the food to get to me and I found him outside in the same spot I left him.

Images of Edward in my room, sitting on bed like a statue recoiled in my head and it felt like someone had just punched me in the heart. I handed him his food, and he looked at me with the most grateful expression. He thanked me and ate his food while we walked back to my truck and his 'home'.

I jumped back into my truck after thanking him and I drove as fast as my truck would let me all the way back to the Cullen's. I had no where else to go. Charlie thought I was off in another state! Once I got back to the Cullen house, I ran straight back into Edward's room with all of the alcohol and sat on his couch. I smelled the pillow and it smelled just like him. That sweet, sweet scent I was so accustom to. It brought tears to my eyes when I realized once again, he wasn't coming back.

The void in my heart came back but it was different. It wasn't quite as bad. It was like a scab. It had started healing so much that as soon as it got ripped off again, too much of the skin had grown back and the wound was smaller but it still hurt the same.

I noticed a cup on the nightstand but I didn't care about properness right now. I took out a bottle of Jim Beam and just started drinking. I soon enough felt the burning sensation in my stomach as the alcohol set in. I had drunk almost half a bottle of Jim Beam and ¼ of the Vodka before finally trying to stand up and look at Edward's CD case. I pulled out his Debussy CD with the song Clair de Lune on it and threw it on the ground. I picked up Edward's baseball bat in the corner of his room and picked the metal bat up high over my head and just kept swinging it on the carpet floor where the CD laid screaming the whole time.

I screamed as if my life depended on it, "EDWARD! EDWARD WHY!? WHY AM I SO UNBEAUTIFUL?! WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME LIKE THIS?!"

Before I could say anymore, I felt my arms go weak as I dropped the bat. It fell to the floor with a clunk new to the shattered CD. I felt the tears fall freely from my eyes. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what I could do. Edward was gone for good and I knew this time that there was no way he was coming back for good to love me. Apparently he didn't love me.

I suddenly felt the presence of another in the room with me. I turned around to look in the door way to find a blurry image before me. I wiped my eyes to find that it was Emmett. He looked me up and down and noticed the bottles of liquor on Edward's couch. His eyes showed sadness and worry and I felt ashamed.

"Bella…" Emmett breathed and tried to walk towards me but I stepped back and looked down.

"Bella, come with me." Emmett said, holding out his hand. I looked at it and nodded. As I grabbed it, he picked me up as if I were a child. My legs wouldn't wrap completely around his muscular waist completely so he had to keep one hand dangerously close to my bottom and the other on my lower back. I keep my arms around his neck and my head on his shoulder.

I looked at him from the side and noticed how truly hansom Emmett was. His hair looked somewhat like Edward's, just darker and a tad bit curlier. It was in a mess but I guess that's because he just got back from hunting. I couldn't help but laugh.

Emmett's eyes turned to face me and he pulled his head back slightly to see my face better and asked, "Are you okay?"

I nodded and smiled as I poked his cheek and said, "Yes, I just realized that you're a giant teddy bear." I started giggling again and nudged my head in Emmett's shoulder. I could tell that I was drunk and that I shouldn't be doing these things but at the moment, I could care less. As I rested in Emmett's arms as he walked me out of the room and down stairs to the living room, I noticed that he smelt completely different from Edward. His scent was sweet but a little muskier. It was really similar to that cologne, Black Suede. I turned my head to talk to him again and said, "You smell different."

He looked at me amused. "Do I smell bad?" he asked.

I shook my head and said, "Nope. You smell quite good really."

He laughed and I asked, "Emmett, are you sad?"

His playful expression faded as he looked at me and said, "Yes, Bells. I am sad."

"I am sorry that I ruined your marriage, Em." I said, tears starting to well up in my eyes. A few flooded over and hit his shoulder.

He wiped away the falling tear on my cheek and said, "Don't you be sorry, Bella. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I am just sorry that it had to end like this."

"What do you-" I started, but before I could finish, I hiccupped and that caused me to bounce a little in Emmett's arms. He chuckled at my human experience and said, "You are one of a kind Bells."

He smiled and sat down on the couch with me still on his lap. He lifted me up so that I wasn't straddling him anymore, and sat me next to him. He had me laid down with my legs over his lap. I threw my arm up over my eyes and tried to hold my breath to stop hiccupping.

Just then, I felt a gust of wind and the once singled out living room with just Emmett and I was now filled with the rest of the Cullen family excluding the obvious and Carlisle and Esme.

I peeked my eyes open and saw Alice right in my face. I yelped and jumped in shock. "Alice! What are you doing!?" I asked, placing my hand over my heart, thinking that maybe the rhythm of it would go back to normal.

I noticed Jasper leaning again the wall of the room with a shocked expression. "You're drunk!" Alice glared.

"Yeah… I know." I said, rubbing my temples. Now I was just wondering if getting drunk was worth the headache I am going to get from Alice about drinking to solve my problems.

"You're damn right it wasn't worth it!" she pointed at me.

"Damn future telling vampire…" I mumbled under my breath. I felt Emmett chuckle under my legs and Jasper smile behind Alice.

Alice shot a glare at Emmett and said, "You know we needed to talk to her!"

"It wasn't like I gave her alcohol! I found her drunk in Edward's room!" Emmett defended himself, his hands in the air.

"Traitor." I glared at him and he gave me a smirk and patted my leg.

"You know we are only looking out for you Bells." He said.

I nodded and sighed. "What do I need to know, Alice?"

All their smiles dropped and I could tell that it wasn't going to be good. "Bella... Rosalie was in love with Edward, you know this right?" Alice began.

"No…" I said, "He told me that it wasn't that at all. He told me that she hated me because she didn't have a choice to be changed and I do and I want to be changed."

Alice looked at Emmett and Emmett looked back at the wall with a blank expression. "Well… That is sort of true but that wasn't the reason she left last night. She was waiting for this to happen so she had an excuse to leave so she could be with Edward. I had a vision last night… And they were…" she paused.

I choked back tears as I said in the calmest voice I could muster, "They were what, Alice?"

She looked back at Emmett and he nodded, "They were having sex."

I felt the tears roll down my face but I tried to ignore them as I asked, "Is there any thing else I should know?"

Alice hesitantly said, "They are going to come back." At this Emmett and I both looked at her in shock.

Before Emmett could speak, she added, "But only to leave again. They are only coming back to 'properly' end things with everyone. After they leave, Bella will be changed soon after that. That is all I have seen so far."

"So it's over… Just like that…" I whispered mostly to myself but I felt Alice's cold lips kiss my cheek as she whispered sorry.

"Bella, you will be happy again, trust me." She added with a small smile.

"How?" I asked, shocked.

"You will soon be loved and loved in return for all eternity." Alice said with a bigger smile.

"Loved in return? With who?" I asked, wanting to desperately know who I was going to love.

"You'll see all in good time Bella. Remember to never bet against me." She winked and continued, "Bella, Charlie and Renee think that you are dead as well. Carlisle and Esme took a trip to Paris to 'get away'. Carlisle picked Esme up at the grocery store. Everyone thinks that we are all dead. So basically we are just going to live here until they come back in a few months."

I nodded, taking in this new information. "Alice, why are you all still so kind to me after all of this was my fault?" I asked.

Alice had a shocked expression on her face and said, "Bella, what Edward and Rosalie have done is completely and utterly unforgivable. We love you Bella and you're apart of our family now and forever. No matter what."

Alice always knew exactly what to say to make me feel like part of the family. I smiled lovingly at my sister. "Jasper is going to go with me to hunt okay Bella?" She asked as if it mattered if I was alright with it. I nodded and smiled softly at her. She hugged me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek like she always does.

As Jasper and Alice left the house, I heard her faintly call over her shoulder, "Make sure she gets something to eat Emmett!"

I saw Emmett nod to no one in particular and I couldn't help but smile at him. "Emmett… Are you mad at me?" I asked my smile fading.

"Of course not Bells! Why would you think that I was mad at you?" he asked, his eyes held mixed emotions but out of them all I couldn't find any trace of anger.

"Because I just feel like it is my fault that Rosalie left. I pushed to be changed and that gave her exactly what she needed." I admitted.

"Bells, you can't blame yourself for this. Please I beg you, sweetheart." I felt a small blush coming onto my cheeks and tried to hide my face from showing it but Emmett leaned over close to me, my legs still in his lap. Slowly, his hand outstretched, the tip of his fingers gracefully glided across my heated cheek.

"You really are like he said." Emmett said barely above a whisper.

"Like what?" I asked, knowing that he was talking about Edward.

He tilted his head and said as if it were obvious, "Beautiful." This made me blush even more. I smiled softly and said, "I need a human moment."

He nodded and smiled, as I slowly stood up, still a little tipsy, and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and noticed my eyes had small purple rings around them. My hair was still pin straight but still had a little mess to it which made it look like I had just been on a rollercoaster. I brushed it out with my fingers and then did my human moment.

As I walked back into the room I noticed that Emmett was not where I had left him. I looked around until I heard a crash from the kitchen. I ran in there to find Emmett covered in flour. I couldn't help but laugh. He had a pouty face on and it just made him look so adorable.

"Emmy, what on earth are you trying to do?" I asked, sitting on a bar stool as I set my elbows on the island bar.

"I am trying to make you a rare delicacy for you humans." He said, smiling, so proud of himself.

"Oh, and what's that?"

He looked at me flabbergasted, "Pancakes!"

I laughed at him and said, "Oh, why thank you Emmett that's very sweet of you."

He smiled proudly and said, "Anything for you Bells."

I smiled and said, "You want some help?" I started to get up but I miscalculated my step off of the stool and started to fall.

I was caught by a pair of stone cold arms. I opened my eyes and saw Emmett looking down at me. I smiled thankfully and he smiled back. His bright topaz eyes stared straight into my own eyes. I started to blush and he smiled, as he picked me up and set me back up on the stool and said, "Don't worry, Bells. I have been watching this guy on TV. He has a show called Good Eats! I think he's a little fruity but he sounds smart…"

I couldn't help but laugh at Emmett's good spirit especially after everything that has happened. I started to think about Edward and how much he had hurt me. He's left me, twice. Once for my own good which turned out not to be. And now for his own selfish reasons. Alice said I will be happy with another. Does this mean I should just move on with my life? Well, I don't see how since I am known to be dead. If I am going to be happy with someone else, I don't think that it would be with anyone I don't know. Or someone human would it? I have gone through so much for Edward but now he's given it all up. He ruined my life. The one thing he told me he was afraid of doing and he did it anyway.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I heard a loud smack. Emmett had tried to flip the pancake and it was stuck to the ceiling. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing and he growled at the pancake on the ceiling and I took this moment to speak, "Emmett, I am going to go take a quick shower okay?"

He nodded and said, "I'm going to be here, cooking…" I smiled and left the room.

I walked into Alice's room where my duffle bag was and grabbed a pair of jeans and a purple t-shirt that she bought me. It is so cute! It had a juicer on one side with an orange in it, making a glass of orange juice and a few other oranges on the other side screaming, 'monster!'. I grabbed that along with a paid of matching orange flats and a random thin black jacket. I started to walk away until I remembered that I needed to get my panties and bra. I ran back to get those along with my toiletries.

As I stripped and got into the shower, I started to think once again about the events that have been happening. Why am I calmer this time that Edward left me? Why I can actually say his name without wanting to jump off a cliff?

As I thought more and more about it, some answers started to come to mind. Well, this is the second time he's left. I know for a fact that he isn't coming back to love me like last time. He's hurt me and for that I should be angry with him. Hell, I should hate him even but I don't. Edward was my first love and he will always have a place in my heart no matter how much he has hurt me. He most likely knows that I will always love him.

I need to move on like in Alice's vision. I need to be more carefree. I need to start anew. But why did he leave? Why couldn't he love me? It was him and I against the world and I thought that he was with me in it. We were in it together. I can only think that it must have been because I kept pushing to be changed. But I only wanted to be changed for him. I wanted to be equal with him. How can I be equal with him if I will eventually wither away and die?

I need to get over Edward. I am going to. Starting now.

I smiled to myself and started to shave my legs. As I started going over my legs, to finish shaving, I felt the slightest pain. I looked down at my leg and noticed that I had accidently nicked my leg. A small stream of blood started flowing down my leg, mixing in with the water. I quickly took a wash cloth and tried to get it to stop bleeding as fast as I could before Emmett could smell it. I kept the washcloth tied to my leg as I continued to wash my hair.

I quickly finished and brushed my hair out straight, knowing it was going to continue being straight whether or not I had brushed it or not. I looked at my hair and then looked in the drawer for a pair of scissors. I combed out the amount for the bangs and evened them out and completely cut them. I did my best to cut them evenly and I believe that I did a successful job at it. I parted them to the side and I could tell a complete difference in my appearance. I smiled and finished getting dressed. I cleaned up the bathroom as well, taking care of everything.

By the time I got down stairs, Emmett was completely covered in flour, eggs, batter, and butter. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He turned around, stunned. Apparently he had been too concentrated on his cooking that he didn't notice I had come back. I smiled and I noticed that his eyes became a shade darker.

"Emmett, are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled, "Love the hair cut, Bells." He winked at me and I couldn't help but blush.

I used my fingers to push the untamed hair back in its place as I stuck my thumbs in my back pockets.

"Thank you Emmy. How is the cooking going?" I smiled and he shot me a playful glare. He handed me a plate with perfect pancakes with strawberries and whip cream on it. I looked at it in shock.

I eyed him and then took a bite. It was delicious! I didn't realize how hungry I was until I continued to eat.

"How is the leg?" He asked.

I looked up from my plate in shock. Swallowing, I asked, "You could smell it? How did you restrain?"

Emmett chuckled and said, "You don't give me enough credit. I only fell off the bandwagon once and that was about 30 years ago. I have a lot more self control than some of the other family members."

"Really?" I asked, stuffing another piece in my mouth.

"Yeah… Jasper is new and naturally fed off humans, Alice didn't even know that there was such a thing as drinking from animals since she didn't even know he created her, Edward did it because he wanted to rebel, and I started drinking animal blood. 30 years ago was the only human blood I'd ever had."

I nodded as I took in this information. As I looked up, I noticed that the kitchen was completely clean except himself.

"Well, I am going to go take a shower, Bells." He said, looking at himself. He smiled playfully at me and then ran up stairs for his shower.

I had a few minutes to myself as I finished my pancakes. Once I became full, I scrapped the plate into the trash but I caught myself once I saw a bag in the trash. At that moment I saw Emmett come down the stairs. My eyes were glued to him as I saw that he only had his slightly baggy ripped blue jeans on and a brown cloth belt. No shirt. I could see the drops of water roll down his chest as he used the towel to dry his messy hair.

My mouth was agape but I quickly looked away and blushed as I tried to make sure he did notice me gawking at him. He smiled at me and said, "Did you enjoy your breakfast Bells?"

I laughed and pulled up the bag from the trash can, "I-Hop?"

He smiled sheepishly. I laughed and said, "Yes, Emmy I enjoyed breakfast. Thank you very much. I went up to him and gave him a hug.

He hugged me back and started to laugh when he felt me shiver. He was really cold and I was still a little bit chilly from my hair being damp. I started to let go but Emmett held me tighter. I looked up to question him but he put his finger to my lips and said, "You deserve better. He doesn't deserve you and what he did is unforgivable. I swear to you Bella that I don't blame you for anything that has happened. I know that he has hurt you, but I want to help you through this. I think that together, we can get through this. I will always be here for you Bells. Just remember that okay?"

I nodded and he slowly took his hand away from my lips. I blushed and he smiled softly at me as I smiled back. He slowly let me go from his grip and then said, "Let's go set you up a room, eh?"

I looked at him with curiosity, knowing that this was most likely going to end in a mess.

A/N: The title of this chapter was influenced by the song Unbeautiful by Lesley Roy.

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