Rachel Berry stood at her locker. School had ended and she was gathering her things before she headed to Glee practice. She started thinking back to what had happened earlier. But before she got too far, she was slammed into the lockers next to her and her arms were wrenched behind her back. Her eyes widened as she began yelling and screaming, trying to break free from the assailants. Tape was slapped over her mouth and she felt more tape being wrapped around her hands. She kept screaming hoping someone would hear her. She felt herself being dragged away and she frantically looked around trying to find someone to help her. All she saw was lettermen jackets. They were jocks. Her heart sank. Was it… No. They were all hockey players, but that didn't do much to console her. She was being pulled towards the auditorium. She kept fighting and screaming as loud as she could. She wouldn't let herself think the worse. Then she felt rough hands grab at her butt, and the tears started to leak out. But still she fought. Even when they dragged her into the darkened auditorium to the back of the stage she fought. But then…

"We're going to have fun with you when he's done."

"You ever been with a real man before Berry? You're going to be with more than one today."

"You're getting what you got coming to you bitch."

Rachel Berry shot up in her bed, drenched in a cold sweat, tears rolling out of her eyes, and a scream stuck in the back of her throat. She desperately scrambled for her cell phone, punching in the number as fast as she could. Before his sleepy 'hello' was finished she was speaking.

"I need you. Please," she begged her voice cracking. She could tell he was immediately awake. He promised he'd be there in under 10 minutes and hung up. She pulled her knees to her chest and shook, the tears not stopping. And then he was there, enveloping her in his arms.

"Shhh. It's ok. It'll be ok," he promised. She clutched him desperately, her only lifeline since what had happened a few days ago.

"Please stay," she begged.

"I will," he swore and she could still hear the anger in the back of his voice at what had happened. "Nothing will happen to you Rachel I promise."

"Noah…" was all she said in reply.

Well its finally here. This idea's been beating my brain around for at least a week until I gave in and started writing it. This is my first Glee fic and I'm quite worried that I'm not going to get a lot of attention. This is the prologue but the next chapter will come soon if I get enough interest. Please if you like this story review. Or even just add it to your alerts. That in itself is enough motivation for me. I really hope you guys like this.