99 snow

Blood. There was blood that was melting the thin dusting of snow that was on the ice. No sound. Just ears still hearing the echoes of gunfire.

Smoke rising up in tendrils from a cigarette left on the pavement in the blood, sizzling out.

The blood had frozen on the ice, perforating the cracks that looked like a spider web. Cracked, like a mirror someone had dared to try and slip through.

But this wasn't a fairy tale, and there was no fucking way out.

100 alone


That's what they always end up being.

Always alown, always fending for themselves. It's gotten deep down in their hearts, wrapped around them and it's icy, chilling them, making them weary of others.

But even though there's a distance between them, some linces that just can't be crossed, some walls that just can't be torn down, even strays need someone on nights that never grow warm. When frost covers the ground, sparkling under broken streetlights with the remaining glass in the light of dawn, giving a false gleam of diamond-like quality to the city.

And maybe one day the nights would be shorter.


A/N: So terribly sorry I took so long to get these last two up. DDD: I mean, they're not even long. But everything went a little haywire so... yeah. I'll probably add a few more at the end of this of some of the ones that didn't quite make it, or were just really random and had no place. I hope you enjoyed this! It was wonderful to write. A lot of fun, and different than writing my Kuroshitsuji fanfiction. XD Very different. Anyway... yeah. Thank you so much for reading, and to everyone who reviewed, THAAAANK YOUUUUUU!!! ILOVEYOU. SOMUCH.