A/n: A story that popped into my head while listening to Wicked (for the millionth time). Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I'm not that Girl (for further information regarding whether or not I own it, see my other stories' disclaimers)

Elphaba stormed through Kiamo Ko in a horrible mood. She flew up the stairs into her room and let the door slam closed behind her. Chistery watched her nervously as she walked quickly across the room and looked out the window down upon Oz.

"The little farm brat kills poor, sweet Nessarose," she said, clenching her fists in anger, Her eyes narrowed as she gazed across the Winkie Country. "Now she is coming here TO KILL ME!", she shouted out the window.

Just as she had spun around to tell Chistrey something, her magic told her of an intruder inside the library. As quick as a flash and as quiet as a shadow, Elphaba hurried back down the stairs into the library. As she hid behind a bookshelf to avoid being seen, she murmered some words under her breath and a dagger magically appeared in her hands.

Elphaba peeked out from behind the bookshelf to see you had dared to enter the Wicked Witch's Castle. It was the no-good, brainless scarecrow from the farm girl's little group of ragtag friends. Probably sent ahead to spy on her.

She laughed a long cackle and stepped out from behind the bookcase to face him. Upon seeing her, the scarecrow didn't scream or run, or even beg for mercy as people usually did. No, the scarecrow just stared at her. Elphaba noticed the expression on his face was not one of fear and terror, but one of deep and complete sadness. It also looked strangely familiar.

"What are you doing here scarecrow? Sent to spy on me?" she laughed another one of her terrible laughs, "I'd like to see you try!"

The scarecrow didn't react in any way, he just continued to stare at her, "What?" she snapped, slightly frustrated, "Expected me to be less crazy? Well sorry to disappoint you!"

"No," he said. The voice was also familiar to The Witch, though she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Well, what did you expect?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"For you to be crazier," the scarecrow said, his eyes never leaving her face.

Slightly uncomfortable at the intensity of his gaze, Elphaba turned slightly to an angle before responding, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"If I had experienced half the things you have, I'd be twice as insane."

She stared back at him for a long time. Shaking her head as if to clear it, she hissed, "You have no idea what I've been through scarecrow!"

"Oh but I do know, Elphaba,"he responded. She froze at the mention of her real name but did not say anything, so he continued, "You are guilty about running away with your former best friend's fiance and you miss her friendship terribly so. You are also grieving the loss of your dear sister and mad that her death was a trap to capture you." Elphaba was slightly frightened. How did the scarecrow know all of this? But she still didn't say a word and let him continue. "Mostly however, you are distressed and extremely sad about the loss of-"

"Don't say his name!" Elphaba hissed, her eyes flashing, the mention of Fiyero had brought her back down to earth and remember her voice. "I don't know who you think you are or where you get this information, but don't EVER mention him. For if you do again, I will run you through with this dagger and will not feel sorry for it!" she spat, glaring fiercely at him.

Then a thought stuck her. Why had she let him live up until now? Was it the familiar voice and face? Or perhaps the fact that he seemed to know about her whole life?

Whatever it was, she wouldn't stand for it anymore, besides, he was just going to go back to his little group and tell them everything that happened and how the Wicked Witch of the West had a soft spot. No, that certainly couldn't happen. So, without even thinking it over, Elphaba lifted her dagger in front of her and charged at him.

Now, the scarecrow never doubted for one minute that Elphaba actually would run him through with that knife. So he quickly leaped out of the way as she took a swipe at him. He stood back up and quickly ran away as she lunged again. Unfortunately, she was much faster than the scarecrow and, after many ducks, dodges, and weaving through bookshelves, she had cornered him.

Elphaba was completely mad with anger at this point. She raised the dagger his throat and felt magic pulsing through her, "Any last words scarecrow?"

He nodded slightly, careful to not let the dagger slit his neck, "Yes, I do have some."

"Well, spit them out! I haven't got all day!" she snarled.

"I'm sorry Elphie."

The dagger fell with a clatter to the floor between them

Review and tell me: Leave it as a one-shot or continue it? Thanks for reading!