Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight. I own copies of the books though.
Full Summary
Bella's parents were James and Victoria (simply because I don't like it when Renee and/or Charlie are written as abusive people). They died when she was young. She has been in the care of the state since. Throughout her time in care she will meet people who will come to be friends and such. Will she be adopted? Who is this 'sister'? And who are the five boys she and her 'sister' meet one day? What about the Cullen's? Eventually, EmXB, EdXR, JasXA.
A/N: WARNING: This story has violence, abuse (no rape), swearing, mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, and some (in comparison) minor illegal things. Please, if you are sensitive to things of this nature don't read. Or at least, don't read the first few chapters (though the 'minor illegal things' is going to be a prominent part of the whole story, if you're too concerned to wait, ask).
I would like to say that I sincerely do not wish to offend anyone with this story or my handling of topics. Though, I would like it noted that I do not intend on having the abuse be a main theme. It will be mentioned on occasion but otherwise the story (and characters lives) will proceed without active mention.
That's all I can think that needs to be said, but please, remember I don't wish to offend anyone. If you see something wrong with my story please message me before flaming.
Sorry about the amazingly long AN but it needed to be done. Thanks for checking out my story.
Chapter One – Dreams and Hugs
The belt lands for the third time on my back. My legs shake and my body crumples to the floor. Tears are running down my face as the man who is supposed to love and care for me unconditionally begins shouting.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Get the fuck up you lazy, weak, pathetic, little bitch. I'm not through with you!" he sneers angrily.
I shakily stand, knowing that it will be worse if I don't obey. I turn to face him as he demands it. It'll definitely be worse now. There are two things that will always undoubtedly make things go from bad to worse. They are disobeying and crying, no matter how silent the latter may be.
"You little bitch. How many times do I have to fucking tell you? You. Do. Not. Cry. Ever" he punctuates each word with a hard slap while gripping my shirt. It's the only way I'm remaining upright with the force of his hits.
He abruptly turns me around to use the belt on me again. As the belt hits my back, the most peculiar thing happens. Instead of the usual 'crack' sound, a 'bang' sounds around me. The noise almost sounded like a knock but that's near impossible. No one ever comes here. No one will ever save me.
Tears continue streaming down my face, the belt lands yet again across my already rail form and the odd noise sounds again.
I sit up suddenly, realising I'm not in the kitchen of my first five years but my bed in the home. I rub my eyes and call out a hoarse 'who it it?' to the person knocking.
"It's Heidi, Bella" she says as she enters my room.
My room is fairly large. I'm supposed to share with someone but all the other kids either can't deal with the nights that I wake from my nightmares in varying conditions, are intimidated by me, or simply don't get along with me. The latter tends to result in fights, though I am never the first to begin the physical fights.
"Time to get up, Bella. Breakfast will be ready in half an hour and the bus for school will leave shortly after that." Heidi informs me, even though she doesn't need to. I know the routine.
I've been at this home for seven months now. Prior to this, the longest I had stayed in one place was six months at my third group home, or five months at my second foster home. This is my fifth group home.
I silently nod to Heidi and make my way to my dresser. After I complete my usual morning routine, I make my way downstairs to the large dining room where I grab two slices of toast with Vegemite, a glass of water, and eat quietly at the table.
I don't really have friends here at the home. Or at school. I'm not mean to the others, but I stand up for myself. I'm also, fortunately, naturally smart. Therefore, unless they want help with their homework or something, the other kids avoid me. I don't mind, but it can be lonely sometimes.
The school day passes as usual. Long, boring and without challenge. I may only be nine, but nothing in my classes challenges me in any way. I'm even a year ahead for my age group, and still, nothing.
An anxious Heidi greets me when I get back to the home. This is unusual as I don't normally see much of Heidi until dinner. Her anxiety, seemingly directed at something to do with me, becomes more pronounced as I talk with Heidi.
"Hello Bella! How was school today?"
"School was normal. Let's not beat around the bush, Heidi. Am I being moved or is something else making you all twitchy?" I question. My wording garners a small smile from her before she becomes serious and directs me into her office.
"Bella, we've got a new girl staying here now. As you know, the only space in the girls rooms left is-"
"Mine" I interrupt.
"Yes" Heidi responds.
"Okay. Well, as long as she doesn't touch my stuff or annoy me, it's not a problem. You know that. I never started any of those fights." I say, almost defensive in the end.
Heidi sighs. She's heard my arguments about the fights before. She also knows it's true, knows that I'm never the first to violence.
"I know, Bella. Now, c'mon, I'll introduce you to your roommate."
I get up and silently follow Heidi up the stairs to my room.
The first thing I notice when Heidi opens the door is the fortunate lack of pink. My last roommate thought the room wasn't 'girly' enough and took it upon herself to decorate it in my absence. Surprisingly, she lasted three days with me. Even after I tore every pink thing that was on what I determined to be 'my half' down and threw them in a personally ceremonial fire in the living room fireplace.
The second thing I notice is a tall blonde girl, who appears to be around my age, putting clothes in the spare dresser. She turns when she hears us. The blonde is very pretty and has striking blue eyes.
"Bella, this is Rosalie. Rosalie, this is Bella." Heidi introduces.
Rosalie and I look each other up and down before our gazes meet. In that look, we share a silent understanding, you leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone. For Heidi's sake we give each other a curt nod and Rosalie turns back to her task of filling her dresser. I look at Heidi, she looks fearful. Probably wondering if there are going to be any problems.
I shrug and walk over to my desk. I spend the rest of the evening doing my homework before having dinner, showering and going to sleep early at eight-thirty.
"Where the fuck have you been?" his angry voice demands.
"We had to get groceries. There was no food", my mother states. Her voice is emotionless. She doesn't care whether I eat, or my father, just that she does.
"I don't fucking care. And, did I say that either you or that brat could leave the house?" he yells as he advances on us.
"You're not in charge of me, James."
"The hell I'm not, Victoria", he retorts and backhands my mother. Her body slams into the wall next to her and she falls to the floor. It's as I see the blood trailing the side of her face that I make a mistake. I remind him of my presence. I whimper.
His furious eyes look to me. His top lip curls as he sneers angrily.
"This is your entire fault, you know? We were fine before you were born."
I stand perfectly still, knowing one wrong move will anger him. He abruptly turns and walks to the kitchen, still I don't move. I look around what I can see of the living room. More needles than usual are on various surfaces and more alcohol bottles lay empty. This is bad, I think.
He returns from the kitchen with a large knife in hand. My eyes widen as he takes a long pull from the bottle in his other hand.
"I know how to make this better", he states to himself. I cringe.
Instead of stalking towards me, as I had expected, he kneels next to my mother's unconscious body. Then, looking directly into my eyes he plunges the knife into her chest. He slowly pulls it out before thrusting it into her chest again. And again.
I want to scream. I want to run. Every fibre of my being is telling me to do both of these things but my body simply won't move.
Still looking at me, he says; "Remember this, Isabella", I shudder, he has never used my name, "Remember. You are what killed Victoria. And now", he points the knife to his own heart, "you are what has killed me."
With that, he shoves the blade into himself and falls backward beside my mother.
For several long seconds there is no noise. Then, I hear screaming. I search frantically for the source before realising it's me.
I wake up to someone shaking me and saying my name. I also hear screaming.
"Bella, you're awake now. Stop screaming."
At this, I stop and look to my left in search of the voice. Rosalie is sitting on my bed next to me as I cry.
She looks at me, her eyes oddly soft compared to when I would see them throughout the evening.
I expect her to tell me to shut up, or something equally as asinine like previous roommates and foster parents. Instead, she lays herself next to me, wrapping her arms around my still shaking body.
It's odd, but comforting. Eventually, I fall asleep while I try desperately not to wonder if she's planning to try to use this against me tomorrow.
A/N: I know, another AN! What could she possibly have to say now? Well, obviously, this is the first chapter. I'm unsure if I'll continue with the story. Please review or something with your opinion.
Thanks for reading. =)